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Posted: 2007-08-11 23:37
The Great Danton wrote:Taking a hovering, full Merlin down with a VBIED.
Same, jihad biked up a slope, took off and hit a full low flying merlin.

Posted: 2007-08-12 00:52
by Outlawz7
Taking the Frogfoot on tournament practise and evaporating about 8 tanks and couple of Linebackers and APCs

Seing teammates screaming "Laser guided missiles ftw!!" and tons of yellow armor blowing up in my sights = pure orgasm :D

Posted: 2007-08-12 01:37
by DeePsix
Just five minutes ago was playing Gulf of Oman WAC and the enemy had a rally east of the hotel nestled behind a small ridge. While my squad held the pool and hotel area, I, being the marksman, circled south past the road and train tracks to a small ridge. I crawled slowly over the crest as not to give a large silhouette. When I crested I saw the enemy rally point and picked off soldiers already advancing. I dropped about 4 and waited for them to spawn and keep sniping them. After I figured I timed it right, I moved down the hill slowly covering the rally bags to knife the spawn. As I approached within 3 meters I pulled out my knife to have an enemy spawn directly in front of me . I quickly stabbed him in the face and dove on the rally and broke it. It was a pretty hectic approach, lol.

Posted: 2007-08-12 01:41
by Crusader09
Al Basrah. I was with my squad on the Insurgents team protecting one of our weapons caches to the South. A little bit east of where the South VCP used to be near the bridge. I picked up and RPG kit while we were moving from the west village to the south end of the city. Here we defended.

Then one of my mates spotted an enemy commander truck. I look in the direction to find it traveling under the bridge and parking next to the wall. I had the perfect shot at it as I was on top of a roof. The enemy commander parked it and a few others spawned. I readied the RPG and waited for them to start getting comfy. They were pretty close to that truck. When most of them were very close to the truck, I fired the RPG and scored a direct vehicle kill plus five more infantry kills.

Made my squad proud that moment.

Posted: 2007-08-12 02:22
by Mongolian_dude
Mine was definately strafing a WHOLE tournament team, in a cobra, before a match...Thats about 29 odd kills lol.


Posted: 2007-08-12 02:49
by Guerra norte
I once stabbed a dude in the face, it was epic I tell you. Later I went home to play PR.Image

Posted: 2007-08-12 02:56
by Zrix
Probably a kill I got as a MEC marksman on Kashan.

I was in the bunker area scanning the surrounding mountains for any US infantry activity when I saw a single soldier running accross the hills. The guy is no more then a few pixels high, but I pull up my SVD, aim ahead and above and fire a single shot - and down he goes.

Due to a move order marker on the ground between us I know it was well over 400m.

Posted: 2007-08-12 03:12
by MrDow123
I have trouble making shots past 300 m with sniper rifles because the bullet falls flat before it reaches the target

I try aiming high a bit and it still doesnt work

Posted: 2007-08-12 08:44
by OldSchoolSoldier
You should be able to hit a target at 300m. Try aiming an inch or two above the target. You made need to make a slight adjustment. No worries, you'll soon get the hang of it :)

Had fun racking up the kills on Sunset City last night.

I was walking up the stairs to Temple as a Chinese Rifleman. I found four guys lying down in front of me needing urgent medical attention. Emptied a whole magazine into 'em :) They never saw it coming!

A couple of minutes later I am assaulting Construction as a lone wolf. Took out five guys in totally exposed positions. People really need to watch where they camp :P

Posted: 2007-08-12 18:10
by CaRL858
Sniping the doorgunner out of a Chinese transport heli.

Posted: 2007-08-12 18:15
by Outlawz7
MrDow123 wrote:I have trouble making shots past 300 m with sniper rifles because the bullet falls flat before it reaches the target

I try aiming high a bit and it still doesnt work

Adjust your mouse sensitivity, so you can aim more precise.

I found out, that you move the crosshair pixel by pixel and if the target is in between, you won't be able to hit it, but with lower mouse sensitivity, you still move pixel by pixel, only those pixels are smaller for more precision :D

Posted: 2007-08-12 18:22
by mrmong
theres no mouse acceleration in BF2

Posted: 2007-08-12 18:39
by Outlawz7

Posted: 2007-08-12 19:17
by Bowskill
My favourite kills are on Al Basarah, running around the rooftops with an RPG and then popping out to destroy a jeep, APC or helicopter. I love the RPG. :D

Posted: 2007-08-13 16:55
by Eyre
Jabal Al Burj as MEC rifleman kit. I become separated from my squad when we meet a US APC on the road near West Beach and I am the sole survivor (because I was the only one with sense enough to hide and not open fire on an armored vehicle with just a G3). So my squad is wiped out with no rally point near by - they all respawn at main and take a Vodnick on to do their business. Not wanting to suicide, and thinking I can scout the dam on my way past (heading from West Beach back towards Factory, over the mountains) I am jogging along the top of the dam when an enemy Little Bird buzzes over my head. I see that the pilot is carrying a full infantry load. I keep running for the far side of the dam, hoping they didn't notice me. The LB circles back, and a SAW gunner on the front of one of the skids opens up at me. I take a few hits and begin bleeding before the LB overshoots and turns to come back for another pass. I make it into the mountains on the east side of the dam, apply a field dressing, and wait for the LB to come back looking for me. He comes in, flying low, maybe 20m off the ground. I flip my G3 to full auto and spray an entire clip into the pilot side as it passes on my right. The SAW gunner drops off the skid, dead, and the chopper immediately stalls. Evidently, my wild burst got the pilot as well. I see one of the other troops in the helo frantically switch to the pilot seat, but the bird just plummets into the hill side because he doesn't have a pilot kit and would have technically had to spin the rotors up for 30 seconds. One of the infantry on the skids even tried to jump off before the chopper hit the ground - of course he died from the fall. Most satisfying 6 'kills' I have ever gotten, and I laughed my *** off the entire rest of the walk back to Factory.

Posted: 2007-08-13 17:29
by KP
MrDow123 wrote:I have trouble making shots past 300 m with sniper rifles because the bullet falls flat before it reaches the target

I try aiming high a bit and it still doesnt work
The sniper rifles are zeroed to 600 metres. Anything up to that, aim where you want to hit, as there's no bullet rise/drop before 600 m.

Posted: 2007-08-13 18:40
by NikovK
Every damn time I do some whacky bank shot off a doorframe to bounce a 40mm grenade around a corner, I laugh like I'm 14 years old playing Tribes again.

Posted: 2007-08-13 20:00
by Long Bow
0.6 beta on Al Basrah as an insurgent. I found an SVD kit and set up overwatch from a roof top. It was the first time I had tried out the SVD with the new view distances. A whole squad of Brits were on another roof several hundred meters away up to no good. I picked one off, then hide, take another one down, hide again. I took out all of them including the SL finally only to leave one behind. I waited a good 5 minutes letting him get his confidince up to finally move out from the one little corner I couldn't hit him from, BOOM, one more down. The best part was someone from their squad climbed all the way up the ladder to try and heal the one lone man left only to die like the rest.

Another Basrah moment, me on the back of a Jihad bike, we fly into facility (right full of americans) and launch the bike off a burm. Mid flight I look down to see we are over top of a fully manned tank, click, boom. Straight hollywood that was. :lol:

Posted: 2007-08-13 20:24
by GeZe
Most satisfying kill?

All 53 of them:


Posted: 2007-08-16 00:39
by ExOps_Mercenary
i was on operation ghost train had the grenade launcher was on the British side of the bridge shoot the thing in the air toward the Chinese side fucking killed almost a whole squad i got banned because they thought i hacked when i was just shooting grenades everywhere