The battle of river Qwai

Share your in-game experiences playing PR:BF2.
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Post by dbzao »

It's fine sadist, I'm reading it ;)
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Post by hurts »

"Anyone who does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it back is a fool."

Vladmir Putin
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Post by Sadist_Cain »


We place our rally in a hidden spot within some buildings after hearing some frantic shouting on voip I notice the rest of the squad at processing facility are dead, with an apc to the north pinning squad 2 it seems the roles have been reversed. Luckily the second SL had his RP down, he promptly fell back to processing, meanwhile my men had a better angle on this troublesome APC...

"Crisis buddy L-AT, Varmint C4. I want that APC dead"


"C4ed the apc"


The tearing sound of a rocket motor roars through the air...


"APC Down..."

"Nice one good work Squad"

Ruthlessly efficient as always in their orders

The processing facility flag had turned red a while back. We hadn't noticed , we we're just doing a job which was foreward defense, Squad 2 focused on the flag.
Other squads were doing their jobs too. The mine had fast gone neutral and I was soon getting messages over the radio from the CO to tell me

"Mine is pretty much ours, we just need processing then we can move to government offices"

I knew this was commander code for... "We're all waiting for you, hurry up and secure that ******* flag!"

"keep it up the base is safe, you have nearly all of them there"

Filling the twelve of us with the confidence that we have an APC (well had...), L'bird, tank and twenty plus soldiers bearing down on us... great.

A distant rumble approached and sent shivers down my spine I put it to the back of my mind as it went quiet and soon forgot about it.. big mistake.

The enemy was aware of our presence now and 5.56 rounds began peppering the ground at my feet. "FALL BACK, ON THE FLAG, FALL BACK!!!"
Squad 2 we're holding back the main force as we returned to the flag from north. It felt a bit like a duckhunt as badly trained soldiers popped out of cover one after another.
Medics, support gunners and so on were all dropped running with burst fire to help counter the deviation as we moved in slow crouched.
One assault squad was soon dispatched following another inside the hanger being crushed between me and Squad 2.

We started to have a giggle at the enemy in complete disarray. We shot at them from our dug in positions picking off essential enemy personel.
Squad 2 moved out and we swapped positions again.
This was tiresome now, we just wanted to get this done. so we did...

Armour appeared around the corner.
"Is that a tank?
Thats a fegging tank isn't it?
Oh fegbeggering christ theres a tank!!!!!"

"Well put SL... We have a tank at the north entrance!"
Popped up a squaddie on the radio

That tank now had its gun barrel facing me...

*bang... BOOOOM!!!*
The round smacked straight into the red storage container everything went silent and blurry and I felt like I'd been hit.
Coming to my senses rather quickly I kept moving, I was several containers behind... lucky me "DAM RIGHT THERES A TANK AAAARGH!!!"

I kept running as I heard another distant explosion "not anymore" nicely done squad 2, "tank down".

We finished off capping the flag it was reletively quiet for us as Squad 2 raised hell in the woods up north, soon the flag was ours.

"great job guys we're all over the offices."

We took this oppurtunity to grab some food and drink. We we're tired, wounded and badly beat up and had been sitting down for a long time so had numb arses too.

Soon after we moved out, no more vehicles, where was that support truck? We went north and noticed how squad 2 had used it to build a firebase now this was a team :D The gov flag was a neutral colour, "Excellent" I thought.
We got some intense Deja Vous as we began holding back the enemy in the Southern Suberbs of ther offices.

Lambs to the slaughter the Chinese moved across the southern bridge to reclaim the offices and attempt to restore order to their government. The south bridge was destroyed in the blink of an eye.
The enemy was left with a TacTeam operated squad and another deadly effective regular combat unit. We all know how that scenario turns out :) now with two RPs and a Firebase they didn't stand a chance.

"GIVE THEM HELL!!!" That was an order that was easy to follow

"Littlebird incoming!!!!" The Squad wasn't talking as individuals anymore, it was one.


One weapon lit up with precise accuracy, the chopper swooped low to try and avoid the shots but it was too late...

"EAT IT *****!!!" As the supporting fire blasted the last remains into the ground.

"Cover us in the buildings!!"

Hell was swiftly braught as it had been so many times before and then all of a sudden, "Hellooooo there we've got fishing..." I informed the squad

"Jesus christ that was fast..."
Replied the medic

"lets move" I ordered

We approached the river bank but were promptly cut down by a, now alert, attacking enemy across the water.
The supporting weapons and marksman fire hit into our hides with grim thuds as if they were making sure we wouldnt come back.

The CO had managed to wiggle a couple of squads away to give trouble at the temple and estate, luckily one of them dropped the temple to neutral, which drew the enemy away from fishing and onto the temple.

We regrouped back at base, grabbed hold of a truck.

"Help us out at estate Squad 2, they've had to fall back and soon the chinese will have it back"

"Roger that CO, I'm in a building mood..."
I informed the commander

"What've you got in mind?"
Said the CO

"get me some shovels ready at the fishing village"
I told him

The fully loaded support truck rolled over the northern bridge, the tires screeched as it tilted going full speed around the bend. Soon the truck was entering fishing along the dusty dirt road with the horn blaring.

5.56 rounds were pinging off the side of the truck, the other squad was holding back a storm of enemies as we put the build order down. The dust started building as soldiers set to work entrenching and building the sandbag bunker.

I had the engine running in the truck and shouted at the soldiers to get in. I didn't want any heros getting themselves shot by stray rounds. The bunker finished the squad loaded up and soon all the seats were full with the MIA from the temple assault.

TacTeam Contract Builders we're now rolling over the bridge towards temple, the truck veered off the road to the left in the field. The assault joined their squad and started up on temple again, I placed the build order and the shovels set to work again.

With the newfound energy of our attacking response we now had another firebase up at the temple. It was now that we heard what every army wants to hear.. "We have JDAM support available"

My first thought is wait and leave it till we attack their main. however Oddsodz Squad Is in the perfect position at the estate...

"JDAM Has been called in, fall back from the estate"

We heard that most of the enemy was being drawn to the roof to snipe off the "retreating" USMC. The rest had themselves dug in beneath countless layers of concrete.
The JDAM bomb being called in was HE and not a Ground penetrating bunker buster varient...

The distinct sound cuts through the air like the sky itself is falling. The Warhead detonates atop the estate killing everything in radius on the top floor and injuring those on the higher levels.

Oddsodz now has a chance to regroup and you can heaar the excitement and energy as they charge into the estate before the dust has even settled.

Public communications reveal a defiant adversary.. "bah they were like fireworks!" they were soon taken by surprise while they still cowered in the lower levels of the ruined estate.

Simultaniously the Estate and the temple dropped. The enemy had no more to give and it showed. They managed to fend off the enemy from their main base but they'd lost too much ground, Most of their forces began to disband.
Just for good measure we destroyed the old FB and placed a new one in the barn so we'd have a better chance on the main.

My soldiers were tired and beat up, some requested early leave as they felt confident of the USMC superiority, they were granted it and soon left the battlefield to return to thier families

A small group of us stick behind and give recon on the last enemy movements, they seem defeated at last. The PLA Commander says they gave their best, that wasn't enough
The USMC unit is informed in the debrief that the PLA was annihilated with the tickets at 295-0 at the end of the battle.

Some troops went on leave after this battle, however the T&T unit stayed on combat duty using the short period in time to catch some quick R&R.
The SLs attended the briefing for the next attack and began the gather their troops...

New Recruits

Old Veterans

Foriegn Conscripts

All Deadly and efficient with the very best Tactics & Teamwork

YouTube - Tactics And Teamwork Training Teaser

***THE END***

:D Finally finished, this is more of a novel than a quick story. I did the ending in a single sitting lemme know of any erorrs so I can edit them later, if you've read this far and you're sitll interested THANKS FOR READING!!! it means a lot :D

Please do check the links if you like the story. apologies for the crappy quality of the video. Bear in mind the video is NOT of the Qwai round featured in the story but it was a very good one ;)

(Check out the AA going for the chopper at the start Nice flying Vannman ;P and you can see crisis working the L-AT :P )

Tactics & Teamwork :: "Like Minded Gaming"
Last edited by Sadist_Cain on 2008-01-14 15:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Masaq »

On the whole I enjoyed this book, but I'm disappointed that the love interest never showed her head. It seems tragic that the hereo appears not to love or feel the impact of his actions; there is no tender-hearted contrast for the stark brutality of his words.
I found the fact that the obstactles the protagonist faced all seemed to be spectacularly insurmountable - no "oh, I can't find my car keys" for the hero, only "arrrgh, tank!" - somewhat unrealisitic. Just once, I would have liked the hero to struggle with the zip on his DPMs.

The structure and narrative style were both fluid though, and although 789437892 pages long, I did feel that it felt shorter. I would have liked more context and meaning behind the story, I felt the author didn't take the time to clearly set out a world behind this conflict - why were they there? What the hell did the USMC want with a Mine? What, exactly, is the strategic value of a pile of pig sh-t in a field?

Maybe that was the point, that the author was outlining the futility of human conflict in the style of Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" and the films "Apocalypse Now" and "Jarhead"; examining the dark human bleakness of the soul that leads us to revel in destruction and impressive explosions made from vapoured petrol and soap suds.

On balance I would recomend this book, but I'd like next month's novel to be a romantic comedy, I think. Something with an extra human touch, and less shouting.

</Masaq's Forum Bookclub>

*grin* Joking aside chap, bloody impressive. Only it should have been the round that my squad decimated you all in the Processing Facility and Mine ;) :P

"That's how it starts, Mas, with that warm happy feeling inside. Pretty soon you're rocking in the corner, a full grown dog addict, wondering where your next St Bernand is coming from..." - IAJTHOMAS
"Did they say what he's angry about?" asked Annette Mitchell, 77, of the district, stranded after seeing a double feature of "Piranha 3D" and "The Last Exorcism." - Washington Post
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Post by dbzao »

Nice Sadist... looking forward for the next one ;)
Posts: 1208
Joined: 2007-08-22 14:47

Post by Sadist_Cain »

Cheers guys :D , this round Masaq?

That was the final moment of that battle where you shot me, SL shot the other SL after about a 20 minute battle, that was a moment :P
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