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Posted: 2008-01-08 18:31
by LeadMagnet
This was back in .4 or .5 as I was with the 3-5 at the time. I had just taken off piloting a blackhawk on Jabal when I see "You have been kicked to make room for a supporting member" and simultaneously hear 5 voices on TS "Oh shiiiiiiiiii". Good times

Posted: 2008-01-08 18:38
by ralfidude
My scarries moment was on the Hills of.. whatever map, and we got the first northern flag, I had a sniper kit so i went into the bunker and layed down. Now i knew there were 3 squads there supporting. I look down the hill to just check out what was happening and then i look back to find somebody climbing up the ladder, looked US... "Hey... ur not US..." Managed to pistol him before he knew what happened. so i lay down in the bunker looking out and instead of seeing the three US squads i saw before running about, i saw about 4 Chinese squads all wondering what happened to their buddy who went up the bunker ladder... Lets just say i had some company i didnt necessarrily like.

Posted: 2008-01-08 18:41
by Alex6714
Has happened to me as well. Just bringing the chopper to the helipad on qinling over main with a couple of people inside and more near the helipad. Then I hear, "oh no, Alex!" Next thing I knew "you have been kicked by punkbuster".

As for scary moments. Every now and then when an explosion goes off when I am not expecting it or flying around all engrossed in the game communicating with my gunner, only to see my chopper turn to charcoal and fall to the ground. Random complete silence tank shots!

Or pressing the console button by accident flying the cobra, and diving straight into the sea desperately pressing every button on the keyboard to finally be able to regain control. Did with about half a second left, yanked my joystick back but it was too late. :lol:

Posted: 2008-01-08 18:44
by Rico11b
BloodBane611 wrote:I recommend headphones, for the record. That way you can just toss them across the room instead of moving yourself. Oh, and if you're going to do that, buy in bulk.
I did. I use the big cup ones that go over your ears. Had the volume turned way up and when I darted out of the room they ripped off my head. Didn't slow me down one bit. You could still hear the game sounds from the other room from the headset lying on the floor :) Oops


Posted: 2008-01-08 19:04
by Rico11b
Wolfe wrote:Scariest moment was when Rico11b dropped to a knee and TK'd our squad leader, then shifted his sights towards me...
[R-DEV]M.J.Patterson wrote:scariest moment last night:

"Alright let's get it on.. I got the grenadier kit."
-Rico11b on Teamspeak

What can I say, I play it like it's real :) If you scare me I shoot.

Kinda like the other night when I thought I was all alone on the hill side facing fishing village. Had just cleared out about 4 or 5 infantry, so I was all alone again, while my squad mates were moving in on fishing village, or so I thought. I was turning to my right at the same time I started hearing this loud knifing sound. AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! There he was coming toward me from about 10 to 15 feet away. That was my fastest kill of the round. As I read the words "rico11b teamkills ReaperMAC", Reaper just started laughing in viop, and said that he was trying to scare me... It worked.


Posted: 2008-01-08 19:14
by LeadMagnet
*makes a mental note to crack off a 120mm round over Rico's head when he's not expecting it*.

Talking about real life scares; After coming back from a deployment we were participating in a nighttime exercise. This MCpl next to me decided to fire off a parachute flare to illuminate the target. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! Sounded just like an RPG firing. I nearly spun and opened fire on him I was so freaked out.

Posted: 2008-01-08 19:20
by VipersGhost
Rico11b wrote:What can I say, I play it like it's real :) If you scare me I shoot.

Kinda like the other night when I thought I was all alone on the hill side facing fishing village. Had just cleared out about 4 or 5 infantry, so I was all alone again, while my squad mates were moving in on fishing village, or so I thought. I was turning to my right at the same time I started hearing this loud knifing sound. AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! There he was coming toward me from about 10 to 15 feet away. That was my fastest kill of the round. As I read the words "rico11b teamkills ReaperMAC", Reaper just started laughing in viop, and said that he was trying to scare me... It worked.

Lol ahahah...oh man, you shouldn't be telling us this. We will be messing with you to no end. Nice work Reaper!

Posted: 2008-01-08 21:48
by BabaGurGur
Basra.. the ins team is to lazy to organize a assault on the VCP so I go lone wolfing and kill 9 brits in the base, i then directly beside a APC that is on the dirt platforms that has a overview of the north exit, killing brits as they walk by.. then, when all is good, my team mate brings the 500lb bomb truck and explodes on the APC im beside... rofl, you had no idea how much i yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" over voip, but, he was in a different squad


Posted: 2008-01-08 21:51
by LtSoucy
Playing on Basrah and was changing headset sounds when my SAW gunner stood above me next me my guys head and fired a huge burst when I had the sound on MAX. I couldnt hear for like 3 minutes out of my ears.

Posted: 2008-01-08 21:55
by ReaperMAC
VipersGhost wrote:Lol ahahah...oh man, you shouldn't be telling us this. We will be messing with you to no end. Nice work Reaper!
Haha, so much for playing around. :lol:
Wolfe wrote:Scariest moment was when Rico11b dropped to a knee and TK'd our squad leader, then shifted his sights towards me...
I think we can all relate to that one ;) :lol:

[quote=""'[R-DEV"]M.J.Patterson;575755']scariest moment last night:

"Alright let's get it on.. I got the grenadier kit."
-Rico11b on Teamspeak[/quote]
Whats worse is that the kit has a scope on it too (Chinese atleast)

[quote="DenniZ-NL""]That Rico11b must be some scary dude :mrgreen: [/quote]
You have *NO* idea :razz:

Probably the scariest moment for me is seeing a grenade land right next to you, knowing you probably can't do anything about it.

Posted: 2008-01-08 21:59
by Dunehunter
Grenade bounces right in front of you, you jump up, start to turn a...boom.

Posted: 2008-01-08 22:00
by LtSoucy
Probably the scariest moment for me is seeing a grenade land right next to you, knowing you probably can't do anything about it.
Its even better when you look down and say to your squad"I love you guys." the blow up and they all laugh.

Posted: 2008-01-08 22:45
by Sgt_Canadian_Floss
Defending some mountain on Jabal Alburj, after a heavy assault that completely whiped out my squad.
I'm waiting for them to come over (takes a while), when I see smoke popping in front of me... holy ****, i see guys coming out of it guys, I start shooting, get 2 guys down and realize its my squad and another.
everything happened in a radius of 15 meters around me (i didnt had time to think)

Posted: 2008-01-08 22:54
by Cp
Me and my bro was testing the 500 lb JADMs on qinling and I desided that we should test the bombs ability to chase a moving target, So I take a dirtbike, point my soflam at it and fires, jumps on it and takes off in to the mountains telling him to drop the bomb, 3 seconds later he says "bomb released", Time frooze when I heared the bomb close in, 0.5 seconds later I was no more.

Posted: 2008-01-08 23:49
by ayjazz
When I first heard the air raid siren. Damn, its so realistic, I jumped in my seat.

Posted: 2008-01-09 00:03
by Crusader09
Taking a right turn down one of EJOD Desert streets within the city inside a M1A2 being fully crewed. Was leading a convoy, turned the corner to find BOTH T-90 TANKS STARING AT US! So I yelled over VOIP "Back up! NOW!" so we popped smoke, backed up and stayed away for a while. I thought I was going to have a heart attack...and I'm only 16...


Posted: 2008-01-09 00:08
by Chudnies
Scary moments? Oh jeez. Uh, where do I begin? I know!

The cantina music.

Actually, I think I was playing Kashan on Tcombat's server, USMC side, and we're in about 30 minutes or so. Had a Nub SL, so he leaves and I'm up to bat. I'm also micless mind you. So, we're sitting in the bunker complex, running back and forth between the bunkers, shooting MEC's that happened to scurry around in the open. Sittin' at south bunker with my squad, and I'm hitting the 'thanks' button to compliment the teamwork. Had a new guy, and we're all helping him out, helping eachother out, coverin' eachothers backsides.

We cap it, and have no action, but hear the 'pop pop popopopopopopop eeeerrgggh BOOM' of our tanks and the baddies rifles. We also had the A10 up and strafing the open. I've never heard the A10 before, up close or distant, but I was in awe. Anyways, I have one guy run out before us to check out the perimeter of the next bunker, and then we start running. It was another guy, me, and then the rest of my squad. Typed in move out and started running, and about half way, I hear this:

EEEEEeeeee(A10 engines) BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRMMM. I hit the prone key so hard I probably cracked it. I'm sitting in my chair shaking and VOIP is crackling with laughter. apparently our A10 mistook us as MEC and dive bombed us, which consequently took out the guy infront of me.

Posted: 2008-01-09 01:11
by pureperversions
i was sitting there quietly minding my own business on the street corner fiddling with my g3 as you do, then the next thing i know a black hawk shoots past at about 2m off the ground mini guns blazing and troops on board firing off before it disappears down the street

one of those moments i was glad i hadn't stopped for a quick drink

Posted: 2008-01-09 05:31
by Guardian[]B()b
Early 0.6 days - As an Engi sneaking up on a hull down tank only to see infantry spawning off a RP between me and it and rushing off 90 deg from my position. Every 15 seconds the turret swings around for a check.

Do I kill the RP then move to the tank ? what if the tanker is on voip and is told I'm on to him OR pass the RP, get the tank then the RP. I go for the latter and rush past the RP and under the tank. drop a mine + C4 and about to double back to the RP only to look up and see the turret has swung right over my head.
BAH! prone beside the tank, watching the RP, watching the turret, 5 seconds felt like 5 minutes, it swings away - mad dash at the rally, knife it, keep running trying to get the right key for C4 - hope I'm far enough away and press the button, tank gone, I'm still standing YES!