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Re: Battle Planer (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2009-02-03 19:52
by oTact
McLuv wrote:hrmm, I can't actually seem to start my own map plan after creating a group, anyone else have this problem?
Polka wrote:Same .
Sorry guys!

We've added something to make sure the session time never ends and it broke something else. Please try again, it should work now.

Re: Battle Planer (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2009-02-03 19:56
by Pariel
Polka wrote:Same .
Just seeing the screen with instructions on it? That's what I get. At least if I'm retarded, I'm not the only one.

Re: Battle Planer (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2009-02-03 21:32
by oTact
Pariel wrote:Just seeing the screen with instructions on it? That's what I get. At least if I'm retarded, I'm not the only one.
On the left side there's a dropdown list - "Select a group..."
Select your group and than new options would show: "Upload / Delete maps", "Create / Edit tactics " and "View Tactics".

Re: Battle Planer (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2009-02-03 22:14
by McBumLuv
oTact wrote:On the left side there's a dropdown list - "Select a group..."
Select your group and than new options would show: "Upload / Delete maps", "Create / Edit tactics " and "View Tactics".
Yup, i's working now, it's just I wasn't able to "select a group" before hand, because even though I created my own, "McLuvs testing", the select a group didn't provide any drop down. Thanks for the fix, it's looking good so far :p

Re: Battle Planner (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2009-02-04 00:41
by SocketMan
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:Keep it english please. If you have to talk in another language, ALWAYS provide the translation in english along with it.

"I said we have to start developing this plan :) "

Re: Battle Planner (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2010-07-13 17:21
by geminiatack27
someone know where is the chinesse command post in seven gates ? pls help the citadel is so big and i need to be fast....

Re: Battle Planner (Unfinished Project)

Posted: 2017-10-15 11:21
by nicoX
Just what I have been looking for:

PR Tactics
Squad Tacticts