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Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-17 04:11
by HughJass
i was there, and saw it from north bunker. got kicked later for getting pissed off at the pilots D:

also rofl at wrec and his super convoy of death.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-17 13:39
by VanDansk^
Its epic, but still a little risky with the choppers on the roof ;D

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-17 17:44
by Water_Is_Poison18
'[R-DEV wrote:dbzao;802622']It's always up to the squad leaders. If you have good SLs that want to do this kind of operation and have patience, it can work pretty well, no matter the game actually.
While this is true to an extent, it seems like all the squad leaders were in a teamspeak server. This allowed much easier communication then having to relay orders via a commander or just typing them. From my experience, not many people in pub games are in TS during any given match, which makes it quite difficult to organize similar to this operation.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-17 18:29
by CareBear
bunch of noobs imo....


Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-17 19:42
by Scot

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-18 19:08
by maverick551
X1 Spriggan wrote:big thank you to my squad members : super cobra and submit7

GOT HIS ***!
Spriggan with all his wisdom with his flight plans :mrgreen: What a game that was.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-18 20:54
by airdrop
was by far the most fun i ever had in pr..i was in katarn's squad
and the landings on the bunker then rush into the vents was hardcore.
the first video shown was great cuzz i had a sniper kit cuzz we i was keeping the hilltops around south vil clear and when we rushed the bunker i was the first one inside...would love to see the mec's guy face who saw a sniper rush in with 11 guys behind him.

good times

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-20 11:55
by stozzcheese
Polden wrote:Possibly me or my clanmate Damo13579.

Or electricalmoose.

theres a few of us convicts getting round.
haha sweet ill have a look out for you cons later.

playing on stolen computers no doubt.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-20 12:53
by Mongolian_dude
If I was on OPFOR and was my first time at PR, I would have unistalled it.


Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-23 09:57
by Tte.oteo
yesss....nice operation. this is the real way to play project reality. i love it :)

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-25 08:46
by davetboy_19
That round by the looks of the video must have contained more win than win itsself. A Perfect example of pure teamwork...everything PR should be on every round.

But I mean look who was playing and directing the squads/leading the squads...would of been win even with brand new players. If you have ever been in a squad with dbzao, Fuzzhead or wreckingcrew you will know exactly whats I'm talking about.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-27 13:31
by =]H[=TangFiend
Dunno why when I clicked on this I thought it said Operation Horny Badger. heh heh heh. :)

Great video tho, that is my fav music of all of the soundtrack.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-09-30 03:45
by WildBill1337
wow! that crossfire from wreckingcrew was ridiculous!

and the loading times for the maps should be increased so we have time to listen to that awesome music.

Re: Operation Honey Badger

Posted: 2008-10-06 15:22
by nicoX
Pretty nice, I expect more like this!