Does anybody know how to use the zipline yet,i have no clue.
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-11 00:48
by Hans Martin Slayer
good stuff, yea! i like it.
just one point (not vid related) - try the 32p version of ramiel, it's basically the same size but the cp layout is different and it plays a lot better imho, especially when you go infantry.. (could have told you that before.. ops
anyways, that's some cool footage there, nice to see you enjoy our stuff.
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-11 00:57
by Hans Martin Slayer
And chatting for ten minutes arguing over the best way to fix the navmesh or col3 ****!!!!
location: up my own arse
- stay there for a while you twat!
@ Marc-5ife: just shoot the zipline down from some rooftop or something and press E to use it.
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-16 06:11
by Rambo Hunter
Rambo Hunter wrote:I'll try record a full match this weekend and upload it
ok, I've recorded 28 minutes of Korengal gameplay
Now I'm saving it as a 720p video at 4.8 mb/s and I don't know where I'm going to upload it to since Vimeo doesn't allow game videos anymore.
Any suggestions?
Some parts of the video is choppy because I got an average of 10 FPS with fraps running...
And wegame ruined the quality
And in Part 2 you can see my horrible asset building skills
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-17 19:07
by Tartantyco
-Disobeying CO orders? Why you little....
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-17 19:14
by Rambo Hunter
It's not my fault he doesn't listen the the AAS orders! (Although he usualyl send me to the right flag)
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-17 20:05
by sakils2
Rambo Hunter where did you get all the other maps?
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-17 20:08
by Hans Martin Slayer
enemy mortar strike?
- so i set up a rally right here, that's the best time and place!
nice footage.
Re: PR_SP Video Thread
Posted: 2008-12-17 20:17
by Rambo Hunter
There was a mortar strike in the first part? I couldn't tell, there was a constant rain of RPGs coming at us once we moved into the mountains.
Some of those are really old betas from .6 that I never deleted. Most of them aren't even playable or fit for public use and need a whole new navmesh and tweaking.