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Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-03 02:49
by Guardian[]B()b
Nice - and still managed to rickroll us at the end, ugh ;)

Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-03 02:56
by Mongolian_dude
Very well done.
Superb at not being detected and some high priority targets were taken out.

Bad ping for me on CLICK21 :(



Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-03 03:04
by WallyJas
One of the best PR vids I have seen ..... really well done guys.

Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-03 13:25
by =Romagnolo=
HeXeY wrote:Nice video :)

And BTW, Brazil/Brasil is written with an S in Norwegian (Just had to tell you :P )
Yay !

Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-04 05:25
by victor_phx
Gaven wrote:Very nice.

I could only pick up on a few words though, I speak Spanish, not Portuguese.

Which is what I'm assuming you were speaking.
The video has Youtube english subtitles, did you see it? The small triangle on the bottom of the video.
HeXeY wrote:Nice video :)

And BTW, Brazil/Brasil is written with an S in Norwegian (Just had to tell you :P )
Nice! Is it written exactly like this? Brasil?

Oh, and great video, by the way...

Just a little bit of history, if you'd allow me, Romagnolo. Brazil is spelled with Z in English because, in the past, it was also spelled with Z in Portuguese... the country was called "United States of Brazil"; but then it became "Federative Republic of Brasil".

And that was just more useless information you didn't want to know about.

Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:57
by HeXeY
victor_phx wrote:Nice! Is it written exactly like this? Brasil?

Oh, and great video, by the way...

Just a little bit of history, if you'd allow me, Romagnolo. Brazil is spelled with Z in English because, in the past, it was also spelled with Z in Portuguese... the country was called "United States of Brazil"; but then it became "Federative Republic of Brasil".

And that was just more useless information you didn't want to know about.
Yeah, just like that :) And nothing is like some useless information, how do you think I've survived 10 years of school, this and another 8 to go :P (Not absolutely sure about the last 6, might be just 5, or maybe none (University))

Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-04 10:46
by Blackie
Great video one of the best ..!!!
had a round like that really late one night with this canadian dude on korengal............... good fun. till some araab crawled up and IED both of us to the moon :D

Re: [Video] British sniper team in Al Basrah

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:25
by victor_phx
HeXeY wrote:Yeah, just like that :) And nothing is like some useless information, how do you think I've survived 10 years of school, this and another 8 to go :P (Not absolutely sure about the last 6, might be just 5, or maybe none (University))
Haha, same here... still at least 5 years to go; University.