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Re: [Top 100] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-02-04 19:43
by SocketMan
[R-CON]Outlawz wrote:Damn uber high gfx, if it was a screenie from my PC you would find all of them in 1 second :p

Anyway, theres 3 by the destroyed walls and 2 in the house that didn't get destroyed next to the compound.

Was also an RP inside the "house",can't hide from Outlawz :razz:

Re: [Top 100] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-03-15 20:28
by Duckmeister|
The best one I did would have to be on Basrah.

My whole squad had tried to "cage in" the "village" (read the story "chillin in the village on basrah) but the whole squad except for myself had been knocked out in one of the fields after a long chase.

The insurgents were partying around the wreck of the landy, jumping ontop of it, beside it, everything, yelling and all kinds of stuff.

I was bleeding terribly, but prone in the fields I was invisible, and the noise of their yelling drowned out my coughing. I had C4, so I decided I should just go for it and do a suicide kill.

I crawled to the wreck of the landy, put my C4 on it, and crawled away just a little bit, even though it wouldn't do any good.

BOOM! Took out two whole insurgent squads (and myself) with a lone C4 while they were celebrating their kill over the landy.

Much surprise and "lol"s are typed over the chat, I claimed the responsibility of the bodies littered in quite a radius.

One of my favorite memories. Be sure to read the whole story at ... asrah.html and comment!

Re: [Top 100] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-03-15 21:11
by Cheditor
OM fallujah West in the bomb car just skulking round side streets when i hear on the main road a Humvee. I charged straight for it, the driver sees me reverses, mucks up the turning goes into the road ditch, into the side of a building stuck. I just drive right into the side of it and boom. Only thing i love about insurgents BOMB cars :D

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-19 19:15
by jshuler110
Hmmmmm, I have 2, the first one is when I was a civilian on Al Basrah, a friend who stole a british sniper kit and I climbed to the tallest building to snipe off UK Infantry, as he was sniping, I notice the helicopter flying by, and saw me but not the sniper. The heli went back to base and got a squad and came back to have one of the troops arrest me. My friend popped out at the last second and killed the pilot, and the whole squad died in the Heli crash.......... Awsome...........

The Second one is also on Al Basrah where me and my friend were out in the open, but behind a ditch. an APC rolled up on the other side and just sat there shooting a village. I had an RPG and my friend was a Militant with a molotov. He threw the molotov and they panicked, and started speeding forward, when I popped up and shot the APC right it the back, killing the driver and gunner. Good Times.... Good Times :-o

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-22 04:32
by freeway
YouTube - Best of Generation Kill
this looks like what we r talking about :mrgreen: , love the night park

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-22 05:14
by Hellbrawler
Well in my case I wasn't the Ambusher but rather the Ambush"ee".

It was Operation Archer and we had two humvees and a logistics truck. The humvees were in the front and in the back while the truck was in the middle. As we were driving to set up a FoB somewhere, we came upon a road that was surrounded by cliffs on both sides. Of course I had a feeling we were going to get ambushed..but I doubted it. So we were driving along the road and then all of a sudden, you hear a RPG go off and the first HUMVEE gets obliterated. The truck came to a stopping halt and we didn't have time to react and crashed into the back end of the truck. Then all hell broke loose when we got fired on by small arms fire from both sides. My gunner was firing his .50 cal like a mad man but was eventually shot and killed. The truck driver, who was getting lit up typed in call caps.

"BACK THE FUCK UP!!" (Honking horn madly)

We eventually reversed the best we could, and it was slow and we could not turn because the road was so narrow. As we backed up, another RPG fired and the truck went up in flames. The shock set my HUMVEE's hood on fire so I ordered my squad to bail out quick. And as we bailed out, my first two guys were shot down immediately. The rest of us ran to the sides of the cliffs and started firing on the Taliban positions. My squaddy next to me was shot up instantly because he chose to stand from cover. My other two guys on the other side of the road were blown to pieces by a RPG, and I was quickly gunned down by the Taliban as soon as they saw me.

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-22 07:03
by Welshboy
On basrah, we were defending the island and i had a IED and a few nade traps on the bridge, a few minutes later, a Lynx comes swooping in and lands on the bridge, it must have hit the nade traps because it suddenly tried to take off so i blew the ied's and there goes the lynx with 7 brits.

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-23 13:11
by ozliam41
Me and a couple of buddies where in a map i forgot we all were in bmb cars we were chasing a apc for 5 mins so we made the apc trapped againsted a wall we all ran into him blowing him up and all of us.

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-23 13:16
by HybridX
Basrah main bridge connecting VCP to Brit main.

Placed an arty IED on the centre of the bridge above the water camping for the Tank to return for ammo and repairs like it had done on the last 2 previous instances.

Tank goes into the city via a different bridge and sits around the building between vcp and the city firing away.

I order my squad to make the tank waste as much ammo as possible so get them dirving around it on motorbikes which get blown up. Another squad member jumps in a technical and starts doing rings around the tank while its firing wildly trying to kill him.

The tank im assuming low due to ammo starts to retreat towards my ied'd bridge. Tank roles over the middle of the bridge and i blow my arty ied. I see a huge plume fo smoke, the bridge fall from underneath the tank, the tank JUMPS about 1-2 feet in the air then falls through the hole in the bridge into the water and blows up.

I get man wood!

Epic moment!

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-26 11:06
by Georgerulz111
lol a rock to the head - thats awsome!

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-27 11:56
by killonsight95
we were defending a cashe and i had placed IEDs in a couple of feilds next to it like corn etc.
the americans enevitbly came in a apc and unloaded a squad into the feild where my IED's were placed the apc then roled up to some mines that were in plain veiw and drove over them(they were set up by another in our squad the squad inedtly relised they couldn't take the cashe with no apc so they tried to retreat but to late i blow my ieds destroying the intire squad many swear words were passed over the world chat

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-28 12:04
by Kruder
Hellbrawler wrote:Well in my case I wasn't the Ambusher but rather the Ambush"ee".

It was Operation Archer and we had two humvees and a logistics truck. The humvees were in the front and in the back while the truck was in the middle. As we were driving to set up a FoB somewhere, we came upon a road that was surrounded by cliffs on both sides. Of course I had a feeling we were going to get ambushed..but I doubted it. So we were driving along the road and then all of a sudden, you hear a RPG go off and the first HUMVEE gets obliterated. The truck came to a stopping halt and we didn't have time to react and crashed into the back end of the truck. Then all hell broke loose when we got fired on by small arms fire from both sides. My gunner was firing his .50 cal like a mad man but was eventually shot and killed. The truck driver, who was getting lit up typed in call caps.

"BACK THE FUCK UP!!" (Honking horn madly)

We eventually reversed the best we could, and it was slow and we could not turn because the road was so narrow. As we backed up, another RPG fired and the truck went up in flames. The shock set my HUMVEE's hood on fire so I ordered my squad to bail out quick. And as we bailed out, my first two guys were shot down immediately. The rest of us ran to the sides of the cliffs and started firing on the Taliban positions. My squaddy next to me was shot up instantly because he chose to stand from cover. My other two guys on the other side of the road were blown to pieces by a RPG, and I was quickly gunned down by the Taliban as soon as they saw me.
Sounds like the real one :)

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-05-30 23:11
by glowjack177
In my case i was playing on Al Basra as insurgent, I took a technical (soloed unfortunatly, its hard to find good drivers and i doesnt help when i drive as good gunners are hard to come by) and by waiting at blind spots (right behind a bridge, right before a ramp, beside pipelines) or waiting in unusual locations I managed to take down 22 Brits (25% of my 32 man team's kills) 9 lorries (6 combat), 3 log trucks, loaded lynx(3 passengers? i saw 3 rag dolls), 2 firebases, and 2 scimitars with mines totaling 64tickets for 3 deaths.
I had 3 close calls when i came upon an APC/scimitar that i had to outrun.
1 close call when an armed lorry caught me soloing, i managed to drive around the edge of the VCP and got into the 50 cal, it was close as the lorry showed up before i could shoot for around 2-3 secs but missed with all his shots. I managed to waste the gunner and then the driver as he tried to escape.
I managed to ambush a firebase in the desert by a bridge by first scout ahead, then driving my tech up to the pipeline, shot at where i knew they were and leave, all of this was under 10seconds so they couldn't shoot back. I managed to do this multiple times before they called a APC on me.
There was also a time when i entered village hoping to destroy abandoned lorries as the fighting shifted into the city, the blue guy with me on the .50 got shot so no gunner and the close range nature of the village made it impossible to solo a tech and survive. So i hid the tech, the guy got his own armed lorry but abandoned it for the smae reason as I did. and i managed to play hide and seek for 2 minutes as I even attracted an APC into the village (i wished i had some explosives left for my sapper kit). Anyways I assesed my sitiuation; there was no way for me to kill him head on so i had to stay stationary for a better aim, and i heard a brit LMG going off nearby so there was atleast 2 guys here i decided to wait and hope he loses interest or runs into my sights. Luckily the APC got bored and left and the brit eventually found the tech and shot a few shots at it giving away his location (no idea where the machine gunner went) so i managed to make him atleast bleed. Waited in a shack facing the firebase he probably go to to get patches, i was about to leave when i heard "i need a medic now" right outside my hut, shot him , picked up his kit, destroyed his lorry and the firebase

Re: [List] Insurgent ambushes

Posted: 2009-07-18 16:29
by Taliban-IED
Roborob wrote:Allright I want to hear about your best ambushes as insurgent! go!
YouTube - Driving Skills in Iraq ( Project Reality )