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Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-06 02:12
by Rudd
we should steer te convo away from growing drugs methinks....

I was just on with a squad on UK warfare, my mic is broken, but they did really well...even without mics. then I got kicked I think my ping must have gone insane.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-06 07:23
by HeXeY
Tartantyco wrote: -That's not a bad squad.
Never said it was a bad squad, we actually did pretty good :p
It's just that some of the voices reminded me of it ;)

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 01:07
by gazzthompson
metalslug||| is my hero

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 02:18
by mp5punk
lol this was pretty funny nothing wrong with a bit of flat meat, lol you guys sound like kids lol.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 02:38
by Vege
All i saw was poor apc work IMHO.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 03:33
by DkMick
Whew, I was crossing my fingers that I was not in the vid.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 05:53
by MadSquirts
lol. nice video. pretty funny

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 09:01
by STORM-Mama
I've seen worse squads, but probably never "seen" a worse insurgent team. WTF where they doing while you where moving around, taking out their caches? Couldn't have been hard to ambush that APC since the gunner was busy zooming in on the squad member rather than checking possible ambush points ^^

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-07 09:04
by Rudd
DkMick wrote:Whew, I was crossing my fingers that I was not in the vid.
haha, it must be horrible to come to the PR forums and find there's a thread saying how bad you are :D

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-08 02:45
by Flunox
this guy stiffmagnum who talk the OVER! stuff...
played with him in hog insurgency..
he keps saying: " I have a rpg for a hmvee OVER!" "soldier down OVER!"
very funny !!

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-08 03:21
by Truism

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-08 08:38
by Cobhris
Ghost1800 wrote:Eh, I could show you much worse but the videos themselves would be boring as hell. No one would talk, there would likely be only one squad member near me at a time, the squad leader would have some sort of specialist kit... this is far from the worst.
Worst? No. Funniest? Possibly.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-09 01:33
by Sandvich
Fail Squad Fails. :x

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-24 10:44
by Remoted-Bomb
I was actually playing with the "over"-guy on a Training Server, i think.

Something like:

He:"Do you hear me, over"
He:"Say again, over"
Me:"Yes, i do hear you"
He: Again, over
Me: *writing*: I hear you.
He: Roger, over

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-25 01:41
by Arnoldio
OMG I laughed so hard I cried.

Fkin limp dck *******... -Don't call me limp dck u snob :D

Oh i took a hit! I'm I'm not...

I just shot a guy wearing our uniform and I didn't get a TK

We need an engineer... - It's called a specialist u kno - W-w-wait! come here, COME HERE!

Then lol a the humvee jump fail.

Grenade out! Cache going down, over! Over! Grenade out! Cachicus downicus, Cachicus downicus overcus! <<-- Started crying at this one.

If I was a gamer, i'd put one right over here.

No man, record dude, I'm allready world famous!

You know what, even if I fkin find a cache, I don't have any incendiary grades to take owit. <--Wtf hax.

Make sure you shoot the chain, make sure you right click and you look directly into the chain... -No, no,dude, ok, no, you gotta THROW your grappling hook, GO OVER to the other side and just shoot the lock. <--Genius.

Man in real life I would fkin bitchslap these doors man.

Don't back up! - I don't knowI think I wanna back up... - Don't baCK UP DUDE OH GOD NO, NO, NO, NO...haha, I'm just kidding, I lived.

Right here baby, right here, I found a tunnel...wooohooo, a tunnel.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-25 07:10
by Froztbyte
lol good video

can i just ask what is your render options when rendering for HD
and what do you use ?

like vegas or something?

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-25 08:50
by flamingpotato-J
Metalslug is my Hero, teaching nubs how to breach doors, lol.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-25 09:06
by MetalslugIII
i have been playing PR since around .4 and in all that time i have only met a few squad leaders as "Talented" as this SL.

Cheers to Lamark for getting this on youtube and on the forums, it was a fun round to say the least.

I wish i had the battle recorder footage to see how the insurgents reacted to our Special oops lol

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-25 09:53
by X1 Spriggan
Dude that guy was trying. What's so bad about that? Many of those members were just heedless of the orders of the SL, inattentive and mostly immature. And the recorder's little SM chat was very annoying and actually made it harder for the SL to receive any control over his squad.

I know the video was made in light of humorous taste and nature, but something really ticks me off about squad leaders unfortunate enough to obtain undisciplined disorderly members and mute/ mic-less members snickering to themselves about those misfortunes.

Re: [Video] Worst Squad of 0.85

Posted: 2009-02-25 16:08
by Zrix
Epic. :D