OMG I laughed so hard I cried.
Fkin limp dck *******... -Don't call me limp dck u snob
Oh i took a hit! I'm I'm not...
I just shot a guy wearing our uniform and I didn't get a TK
We need an engineer... - It's called a specialist u kno - W-w-wait! come here, COME HERE!
Then lol a the humvee jump fail.
Grenade out! Cache going down, over! Over! Grenade out! Cachicus downicus, Cachicus downicus overcus! <<-- Started crying at this one.
If I was a gamer, i'd put one right over here.
No man, record dude, I'm allready world famous!
You know what, even if I fkin find a cache, I don't have any incendiary grades to take owit. <--Wtf hax.
Make sure you shoot the chain, make sure you right click and you look directly into the chain... -No, no,dude, ok, no, you gotta THROW your grappling hook, GO OVER to the other side and just shoot the lock. <--Genius.
Man in real life I would fkin bitchslap these doors man.
Don't back up! - I don't knowI think I wanna back up... - Don't baCK UP DUDE OH GOD NO, NO, NO, NO...haha, I'm just kidding, I lived.
Right here baby, right here, I found a tunnel...wooohooo, a tunnel.