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Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-02 18:08
by Gracler
PFunk wrote:^
Absolutely true. Another good reason to have 2 medics is redundancy. Should one medic go down, especially since .85, its nice to have another one. Your squad's survival is leaning on that medic, having two can have a hugely significant effect on things.
The guy covering the medic should be able to fight down the threat as well as telling the others that he needs help and then he gets the kit within 30 sec.

if you should lose your only medic by some shitty luck thats where rally points come in handy.... if the medic has been down for more than 30 sec he would be able to give up and almost instantly spawn on the SL.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-02 19:43
by PFunk
Gracler wrote:The guy covering the medic should be able to fight down the threat as well as telling the others that he needs help and then he gets the kit within 30 sec.

if you should lose your only medic by some shitty luck thats where rally points come in handy.... if the medic has been down for more than 30 sec he would be able to give up and almost instantly spawn on the SL.
The idea behind the medic is that you DON'T need to use your rally point.

Who says theres always someone covering the medic? What if 2 guys are down including a medic?

Again though, whats wrong with 2 medics? I mean if you're on Muttrah you're gonna take a rifleman specialist anyway. So if you're on a jungle map that doesn't need a grapple then what practical difference is it anyways since you'd basically be working with that those two iron sights?

Riflemen first! Kit role second. Ideally you only need one medic, but practically no plan survives the enemy so don't expect all this 'well this and that should be enough'. A SAW gunner is great for suppression but don't expect that you shouldn't need to try and suppress without one. Same with a medic. One can do the job nicely, but a second one can save your butt when your rally has been overrun. Thats 2 minutes without localized spawns. Those two things can happen at the same time; lose your medic kit and lose your rally.

And as has been said, for two fireteams, if thats your bag, 2 medics is kind of necessary for independent operation.

Oh, and at USA-Forever932, smoke DOES take quite a while to billow. If you act right away, yea it'll work, but smoke plus a few seconds on delay can actually take more than 30 seconds to get proper protection.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-02 21:09
by USA-Forever932
I guess that's true, I suppose the only way to preserve kits is by cycling them out and in again. I tried this once in my days as a medic before I was SL all the time. I tried to cycle someone's kit and I got a nasty response as the SL thought I was just taking his kit and running off.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-03 08:12
by PFunk
Cycling does work if its crucial. Saving that HAT if theres a tank around is a game changer.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-03 13:53
by LudacrisKill
I think people should stop looking at tactics in so much detail. This game is still more about skill in inf, not tactics.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-03 14:35
by gazzthompson
LudacrisKill wrote:I think people should stop looking at tactics in so much detail. This game is still more about skill in inf, not tactics.
id say the majority of fights are won by skill, but there still is a percentage of tactics needed. and if you are to come up against a another squad or near same skill level then tactics will win it.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-03 16:12
by Gracler
gazzthompson wrote:id say the majority of fights are won by skill, but there still is a percentage of tactics needed. and if you are to come up against a another squad or near same skill level then tactics will win it.
Agree... Tactics can only help you give so much so that you come out alive if your opponent is equal in skill and numbers.
Facing an inferior enemy you could probably kill him head on without even worrien about flanking :wink:

Facing a significantly better skilled squad 2 medics...saw and what have you can't save you since they would be spread out and by the time your team starts firein followed up by the saw you would be shot 1 by one by crossfire from a well hidden enemy squad with a good spread.

The more you spread your squad the more dependant you are on the individual skills of the players, hence why i prefer to keep all 5 or 6 players within sight but still with atleast the distance of a grenade damage radius so maximum 1 would take a fatal hit or 2 would get wounded. If i want a flank id use another squad for that purpose...(thats where Teamspeak/mumble ect comes in handy).

since my tactic mostly only include 1 medic and if im alone with no support than my own squad id send in a scout on a flank (granadier possibly) and thereby not wasting the whole squad in case of an ambush or concealed defence position.

Crossing rivers or open fields the Officer and 2 Riflemen would cross first in full sprint and the grenadier and saw and medic stay back. Medic is using binoculars to direct the fire of the saw. In case that the runners take fire the saw suppress...the Grenadier launch smoke close to the enemy, in line with the wounded, while the medic run to get them up and healed, when the smoke screen is thick and the enemy fire stopped.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-03 18:54
by Danger_6
I really don’t think that the squad leader should be with the suppression team. Of course if you are assaulting a position i prefer to have the squad leader or 2ic to go with the assault fire team (usually Charlie FT) as he can adapt situations which might arise while assaulting a position. Secondly the Squad Leader knows what there is to be done so if he moves off without the assaulting section they probably might miss out important objectives to carry out.

Of course other people might have different opinions; i think this is the optimum thing to do:

Charlie Fire Team

1) Squad Leader Kit
2) Grenadier
3) Medic

Delta Fire Team

4) Light Machine Gun
5) Scout (2ic[second in command]) or Medic
6) Rifleman (in Project Reality Terms with Optics is the best choice as they are firing from a distance)

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-04 15:22
by Gracler
The idea of letting 3 pass first (including the SL) is so that you can place a rally point on the other side so you don't need to keep trying to cross open grounds with no cover.

A fire base should have been made on the safe side to provide spawnpoint if the crossing fails in case the rally is quickly overrun.

Not saying that this is the only way... the SL got the scope and better binoculars for spotting very distant enemys, but for the sake of the rally point id let him go first. If the saw gets taken out by a sniper then he can respawn on the enemy side and start advancing.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-15 09:01
by CrashNemesisII
Since i'm gonna hold on to my SEAL strategy from now on here's the layup for the most effective seal team.

Medic given he holds back and isn't a rambo

Rifleman specialist as we discovered some area's aren't easily climbed and the grappling hook just lets us get nicely behind those nasty X-rays

Light At leave the HAT kits for the grunts in the field, a LAT kit just just right for a jeep, otherwise we'll call in air support

Rifleman Since we do not really rely on supply crates we need all the extra ammo we can get.

Grenadier Little extra firepower, but you gotta love that smoke

Medic never hurts to have a spare (allthough this position could be filled by a qualified marksman)

I do not approve of rambo tactics, but this team, if well oiled and working together nicely cuts through enemy defences like a hot knife through butter.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-04-18 03:15
by NoxNoctum
I like the OP a lot. Definitely implementing this.

Question though, how would this work on a map like Tad Sae, with hardly any definable "frontlines" and shit visibility (I love the map just for that)?

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-12 23:48
by GrimSoldier
Good guide

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-16 07:31
by USA-Forever932
For Tad Sae, I would go for the light infantry layout and take a humvee. Travel either down roads or through clearings. Take your awesomevee wherever you go! It's portable ammo, cover and even heavy weaponry. It works great as a hospital when combined with a medic and can drop ammo. This layout is perfect for weird maps like Tad. I never go with anything different on Archer.
I really don’t think that the squad leader should be with the suppression team. Of course if you are assaulting a position i prefer to have the squad leader or 2ic to go with the assault fire team (usually Charlie FT) as he can adapt situations which might arise while assaulting a position. Secondly the Squad Leader knows what there is to be done so if he moves off without the assaulting section they probably might miss out important objectives to carry out.

Of course other people might have different opinions; i think this is the optimum thing to do:

Charlie Fire Team

1) Squad Leader Kit
2) Grenadier
3) Medic

Delta Fire Team

4) Light Machine Gun
5) Scout (2ic[second in command]) or Medic
6) Rifleman (in Project Reality Terms with Optics is the best choice as they are firing from a distance)
Interesting. But the point of this team is that the SL can provide effective overwatch when combined with the AR. The AR combined with a GLTD and attack markers makes for an effective barrier or bullet wall. It doesn't just put heads down, it keeps them there forever. Also, with the separate attacking team, the SL can usually warn them of danger from his backed up position. For example "Badguys on the roof", APC down the road, HIDE!" "Sniper on the mountain! By this marker! Suppress him quickly AR!" AR suppress the roof! "Grenadier, put nades in that building!" "Humvee gunner, put some heavy fire on this marker and shred that building!"

Also crash, the problem with that is you really have no effective long range option unless your grenadier is incredibly skilled with placing lots of accurate rounds downrange quickly, you're going to have a problem. That layout also fails to use humvees quickly as it has 6 members. You're going to have to rely on vehicles for long range fire, may be trouble. I also don't like this for SEALS. IMO seals are meant to be a sneaky flanking attack while another squad distracts the enemy. Otherwise, a heavily defended position can just be moved while the seals are still swimming!

Finally, on the subject of skill. Skill can't really be debated and discussed on a text forum. You can't say, I have a faster trigger finger, or I'm better at dolphin diving. You can discuss tactics like this but you're still discussing tactics. When the skill element is removed, all the forum can be left to do is to discuss tactics to improve skills, or tactics to improve cohesion but these are still tactics. All elements of gameplay that are pure skill can only be displayed on the field. Tactics, is all that is relevant in forum discussions.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-16 13:24
by lucky14
USA-Forever932 wrote:. . .
Also crash, the problem with that is you really have no effective long range option unless your grenadier is incredibly skilled with placing lots of accurate rounds downrange quickly, you're going to have a problem. That layout also fails to use humvees quickly as it has 6 members. You're going to have to rely on vehicles for long range fire, may be trouble. I also don't like this for SEALS. IMO seals are meant to be a sneaky flanking attack while another squad distracts the enemy. Otherwise, a heavily defended position can just be moved while the seals are still swimming!

. . .
I found the best way is to transport in 2 Humvees. However, don't take it for your squad. Try to find a HUMVEE squad that will transport you guys...(2 humvees with gunners and drivers will transport 1 squad. I think that is what the DEVs intended).

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-16 16:37
by RHYS4190
i don't see saw gunners used very much on the Australian servers it might be useful but the over all attitude is if it does not have a scope don‘t use it, except of course the medic kit.

The Saw's and LMG's may be excellent for suppression but they do have there draw backs, One there loud and attract too much attention they stick out like dog's bulls on the battle field, And they also require you too stay stationary for a long time while your fighting which usually leads too the saw gunners getting sniped.

Also not having optic's means you are not going too be able too locate targets very effectively because you can't see them very clearly this is not very good for saw gunners and is one of there major flaws that they are very poor in identifying targets or locating them. I used too just pull out my binoculars too try and locate targets but switching back too your saw takes too long for it too be effective.

And some one was saying medic's kit are good for close quarters better then optical rifles, thats true the cross hairs are good for close it fighting no doubt, but no scopping is even better. because it allows you too move quickly and very effectively while shooting and can be done with any gun.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-16 21:46
by UncleSmek
Hey, When I mostly go Squad Leading for an Infantry group I go with this setup:
Officer Kit
- Standard

- Standard
- Heals.

Rifleman Specialist
- Standard
- Getting over obstacles, Room/House Clearing.

Light AT/Grenadier
- Depends what the designated person likes to do.
- LAT stay deployed all time in a "Hotzone" if a enemy veichle appears.
- The squad suppresses the enemy from a long range and makes them fall back onto a position where the grenadier has a aim ready to fire.

Rifleman(Iron- or red dot sight)/LMG
- Depends what the designated person likes to do.
- Teaming with Rifleman Specialist to clear houses.
- Covering Fire at close range.
- Suppression on enemies.

Rifleman Scope/Marksman
- Depends what the designated person likes to do.
- Spotting far enemies and covering squad while they move up a long road.
- Marksman are only to fire when the rest of the squad cannot get a good shot on the enemy(too far away) and if not needed, in the mean time the marksman looks for any more enemies. Long range cover.
If we have a HMW by our side I place the Specialist on the 50. Cal, LMG deployes gun and uses the HMW as cover, LAT/Grenadier and marksman moves into good covered positions while the rest of the squad puts covering fire.

Thats mostly how I do it.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-17 03:33
by USA-Forever932
lucky14 wrote:I found the best way is to transport in 2 Humvees. However, don't take it for your squad. Try to find a HUMVEE squad that will transport you guys...(2 humvees with gunners and drivers will transport 1 squad. I think that is what the DEVs intended).
That's really interesting! I could see something like that working well on ARCHER especially. Also working sort of well on Fallujah West if the APCs aren't working. Say probably having the humvee squad setup like this
  • Humvee 1
    1. Officer (For Rallies)
    2. Medic
  • Humvee 2
    1. Engineer
    2. Medic
This would be good to have as the engineers can repair, remove things and generally cause havoc when supporting another infantry group or a large blob of infantry. Also, the humvees can be used as a hospital when stationary. Have the meds as drivers switch out to an F3 seat to heal en masse.

Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-17 04:21
by Tartantyco
-My most successful Infantry squad layout:



Re: My most sucessful Infantry squad layouts.

Posted: 2009-05-17 12:54
by SkaterCrush
[R-COM]Tartantyco wrote:-My most successful Infantry squad layout:



Mine goes like this

Automatic Rifleman
Rifleman AT/Heavy AT (depends if I'm doing insurgency or ***)

If I'm on an Insurgency map, I'd be prepared for almost anything. I might substitute the Rifleman for a Marksman if the map has lots of open spaces.