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Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 07:55
by CrashNemesisII
I was in that round too, eventually i decided to have my Squad spawn on the firebase and for some km dashes cause I didn't know which pilot to trust anymore.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 14:26
by Welshboy
SJT wrote:
Funny thing is the server I was playing on was called is Tatics and teamwork. I think they need a name change. At least they kick for TK. Just had to find that out for myself.
(Sorry if anyone is a clan member there or loves it to pieces but I really don't care)
I was in that match of Ejod and the US side was a mess. It doesn't mean that the server is shit. All servers have their bad days.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 21:05
by MrSh@vid
Just to clarify, if you make the First "Chopper Trans//etc. Sqd" Then the Choppers are for your squad, you can Lock and kick people from the squad if you wish to , However we won't appreciate 1 man locked Chopper squads on a map with half a dozen choppers etc.
Unfortuanlly i think the time in question was when our admins where in bed (Need my beauty Sleep :) ), However please report any incidents by typing !r in Global chat and Reporting incidents, and we will try and deal with it if we are on. As we are a UK clan in the wee hours their is not always someone on so i apologise for this, However Generally between 7am-1am their will be admins around.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 21:13
by "SJT"
That's nice. No idea who your are representing though.

Oh nvm. Checked out profile. UKWF.

If i'm correct. We cannot kick and lock squads on UKWF server. Or has it been changed?

It's understandable when on late hours but during normal hours there never seems to be someone on with admin powers. Many UKWF people on, no admin.

Nothing personal to UKWF or any clan really. Just heli trans squads, need admins to listen(read) what people are saying about faggots taking the chopper and wasting it, need actions from admins. Ideally before the heli gets airborne and wasted. Only a kick, they can rejoin no harm done.

See so many times on PR and other games. Such as my clan on BF2142. Warning just doesn't cut it.

And what is with that !r thing. What does it do? Seen people do it but didn't take any notice. Can't you just tell the admins or must you type !r?

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 21:23
by MrSh@vid
SJT wrote:That's nice. No idea who your are representing though.

Oh nvm. Checked out profile. UKWF.

It's understandable when on late hours but during normal hours there never seems to be someone on with admin powers. Many UKWF people on, no admin.

And what is with that !r thing. What does it do? Seen people do it but didn't take any notice. Can't you just tell the admins or must you type !r?

Sure can tell us, !R is designed just so we no specifically your reporting someone, a lot of the time people will go, "KICK HIM"-without informing us what's going on, Then as soon as we switch to see whats going on get accused of cheating, so anyway you can help us by reporting Incidents is appreciated.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 21:29
by MrSh@vid
SJT wrote:That's nice. No idea who your are representing though.

Oh nvm. Checked out profile. UKWF.

If i'm correct. We cannot kick and lock squads on UKWF server. Or has it been changed?

It's understandable when on late hours but during normal hours there never seems to be someone on with admin powers. Many UKWF people on, no admin.

Nothing personal to UKWF or any clan really. Just heli trans squads, need admins to listen(read) what people are saying about faggots taking the chopper and wasting it, need actions from admins. Ideally before the heli gets airborne and wasted. Only a kick, they can rejoin no harm done.

See so many times on PR and other games. Such as my clan on BF2142. Warning just doesn't cut it.

Admins are not marked out from the rest. However all players should be able to contact an admin through Ventrilo, We will read what your're you saying, just specificy whats going on in global chat and it will be dealt with Asap, if not please send me a pm here or post on our site (UK Warfare [UKWF] Clan website) we have a list of players that will be insta-banned on their next server returned that where reported by the public. If a player is kicked, then comes back and repeats the offence (if its serious enough) then he will be banned.
Regarding Locked Squads, we have never had a rule Against Locked Squads, however theirs a few exceptions where you will be asked to open, If their is 8 apc squads on Kashan Desert, and it would be pref' to merge them, or if on a map like Muttrah City, The Transport Chopper Squad is a 1man locked Squad.
Kicking Players from Squads is down to the Squad leader's Discretion.
Players from the evening your referring to have had their names noted after being reported by a Public player, Unfortuanlly several griefers had decided it was a good evening to rally the troops and enter our server.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 21:47
by MrSh@vid
FuzzySquirrel =US= wrote:. And tbh (sorry UKWF) It seems the UKWF Server attracts alot of Smacktards without alot of admins.
Our server is only a few months old so we have yet to fill up our ban list.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 22:30
by "SJT"
Sorry MrSh@vid I seem to have miss wrote a few things.

I didn't mean your admins don't allow locked squads or kicking, but I was on a server in a heli squad with my squad leader unable to lock and kick people. Haven't tired it out myself yet but thats what he was saying.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-16 10:07
by MrSh@vid
Best course of action in this case would be to kick said members from the squad, then report them in global chat, and if that had no affect to note down their names and report them on our website (or pm'ing me here).

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-16 18:47
by Narco
Haha, SJT, you remember me?

We played on Jabal this morning, you joined when there were only about 5 of us on the server.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-17 07:40
by "SJT"
Yeah man.

Thought it would be easy just 5 v 5 ish. Then it turned out to be a 32 v 32 in about 10 mins. Crazy.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-21 07:37
by Gracler
Hopefully some day in Project Reality we could have some sort of "Squad Creator" system. Like with the commander in bf2 people sign up with there role and then they get options of which Squads they are alloved to join into with there role.

As it is today with VOIP in bf2/PR i don't always agree that Pure pilot squads...pure armor squads is a good idea.

For example the Little Bird transport has 5 seats (6 with the pilot) ofcourse. This means that this helicopter is useless if any full infantry squad asks for a pickup since all can't fit in.

Now for my latest expirence on a USA server i was in a squad with a very energetic squadleader that had a good sence of tactical awareness. He had a very detailed plan about how to place his squadmembers for defence of Muttrah city and made it clear that we had to all get into position really quick, so i got a pilot kit and a Littlebird.

The squadleader talked all the time on VOIP guiding me where to land ect, and told me to put the sniper on the mountainside for oversight, so i did.

Meanwhile i was getting alot of hasstle from a admin telling me to get my *** into the HEUY/Supply squad since i was a pilot, so i had to explain him over and over that im in a little bird NOT able to supply and that i was following orders from the squadleader.

Imagine this if i was in the HEUY/SUPPLY squad then i would'nt have voice contact with the SL on the ground that guided me to exact locations ( not just Grid markers) and warned me when enemys where near, and i was able to move his Sniper and talk to the sniper if i had to abort my aproch. Ofcourse you could say that Mumble/teamspeak/ventrilo should have been used.....but it wasnt and it rarely is used by all on public servers so it would never work properly untill mumble is integrated 100% into PR wich i hope will happen eventualy.

Besides that map has 4 heuy's (if im not mistaken) so since im giving 1 squad most of my attention instead of sitting and waiting on the carrier for the hueys to be shot down, then i would doubt that the last hueys coudnt take care of 1 or 2 other squads in the city that may need transport. Its not like i coudnt transport anyone else... i did transport another blue sniper since sniper transport seems to be the only purpose for a LB that can't store a full squad.

You could also say that since im a pilot in a "firebase" squad im stealing an inf spot......well since im in direct contact with a SL and know whats going on on the ground Realtime then im feeling more safe than i would be with 6 people with high pitched rotor engine sound in there ears proberly waiting on a carrier.

the way i see it.... Littlebirds belong with the infantry not with the Air train since it cannot carry a full squad anyway and there is nearly always bigger helicopters to carry full squads + Supply. Its like a Humwee that can fly.....nobody makes a specific squad to drive a humwee either!!!.

Squad Exampels.

Recon squad.
Little-bird Pilot

2xArmour squad ( 2 armored Vehicels should be Maximum per squad of 6)

Officer-50cal gunner1 + Spotter
Combat Engineer-50cal gunner2 + Supply truck driver

Pilot squad

Heuy Pilot 1 or Officer that can spot for Apache!
Heuy Pilot 2
Heuy Pilot 3
Heuy Pilot 4
Apache Pilot
Apache Gunner

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-21 20:17
by "SJT"
I do agree with you there when you say LB belong with the infantry.

I was flying a LB for a sniper team, getting them in the areas unavaible to ground forces and by being in there squad I could insert and extract them easy without any hassle to keep up with the action.

The only problem is not the distribution of helicopters within the game. It's random people thinking they can just take a heli a fly off not doing anything with it and dieing costing tickets and whining that the heli squad is full so that is why they are taking the chopper.

Well the heli squad is full for a reason. We have enough pilots.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-22 02:22
by Gracler
Everyone should have equal oportunity to become a pilot though in the beginning.

I often see that 1 guy quickly create a locked squad and start inviting his closests friends, and then afterwards he starts whining about others creating pilot squads and capping assests. to me thats a childish behavior that you don't want to share with others. Playing on a public server you should't try to prevent the public but you could instead ask if they would let you use it with your friends if thats what you wanna do.

Should be fair game joining the first pilot squad made, so people can join in and withing the squad people take numbers or wait for there own air asset to spawn. Depending on the map there should only be 1 designated transport squad though.If there is too few helis then you can be set off somewhere and monitor the area for AA emplacements and tell the other pilots directly.

Even a Apache squad should never be locked at 2 people....most important thing for the gunship is to have a spotter on the ground who can give you fresh intel! so id say a gunship squad should be 3 minimum.... when the chopper blow up the roles could switch....the guy on the ground become the pilot next time. Also little birds could come in handy here to be decoys deploying flares and then the apache have the overwatch looking for AA rockets directions to engage!! Littlebird can evade AA rockets quite easily if they are expected so it woudnt be a waste with the right pilot!

The server rule to forbid locked squads is good since it makes it abit easier for others to join in and if the pilot is not qualified he should be told to leave the squad.......and if he is wasting assets on purpose he should be kicked ofc.

Too often the US forces lose because 3-4 pilots demand to be the only pilots the entire round and they keep making the same mistakes when aproching the hot zones getting shot down and then they wait for the next chopper to spawn and threatining others that may try to steal it from them.....

If there is 2 helicopters and 6 people in the squad that has to share the helicopter then the chance that one of those pilots are good and will make a good effort to keep his helicopter in one piece better since he know that when he crash...someone else will get it untill he crash.

So instead of having 2 pilots crash 3 helicopter each 6 people have there chance to crash 1 helicopter each.

When passangers tell the pilot............please land me in the middle of that minefield with 6 AA guns ........... then perhaps the pilot would reconsider and thereby saving his heli and the team tickets.
On the other hand (in a locked pilot squad) he wouldnt have to worrie 1 secounds about beeing blown up 10 times since he was in a locked pilot squad and had the "admins" permission to fly forever and could go make some coffee every time he crashed.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-22 06:55
by Welshboy
Gracler wrote:
Pilot squad

Heuy Pilot 1 or Officer that can spot for Apache!
Heuy Pilot 2
Heuy Pilot 3
Heuy Pilot 4
Apache Pilot
Apache Gunner
You don't want to have the attack helo with the transport choppers, the voice coms turns to clusterf*ck and the gunner and pilot can't hear each other

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-22 18:15
by Gracler
Shor0999 wrote:You don't want to have the attack helo with the transport choppers, the voice coms turns to clusterf*ck and the gunner and pilot can't hear each other
Good point... proberly a bad idea having the regular pilots with the combat pilots, if the players in the squad don't keep chatter to a minimum.

When im piloting a transport i don't use voice much unless if its absolutly nessasery like telling where i got attacked by AA from ect. and that would also be useful for the Gunship to listen to, but i guess on public servers it can often end up in an endless chatter going that way..your going that way ect.

The ingame commands are often enough for that though if people would pay attention to it.

Requesting supply drop!!
affermative a vehicle is on its way!

and troop would use text to tell where they want to be dropped off!

Still its very useful having a man on the ground to tell whats going on realtime.

The man on the ground using a sniper kit or officer and telling where it would be safe to attack and the gunner telling his pilot if he spots something.

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-24 23:50
by .:iGi.M.Regan
Gracler wrote:Good point... proberly a bad idea having the regular pilots with the combat pilots,
whoa whoa whoa a sec... "A bad idea haveing regular pilots with combat pilots," theres a differance O.o? They are all in a war zone, and always have somekind of fire power weather it be the BH with the door guns or a LB with the squad being transported with there rifles... ALL aircraft have somekind of firepower and thus... Combat aircraft with Combat Pilots :)

(I <3 spliting hairs, sorry but i felt the need to speak up)

Re: [AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-25 10:45
by Cheditor
Hate when people make a second assest squad when there arent any left. Just wastes assets and squad spaces.