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Re: We were noobs

Posted: 2009-07-08 14:08
by mikethebear
haha i remember ages ago back in .75 i had this pilot that got killed by a .50 cal. we hit the ground and to our whole squads surprise, were perfectly ok. just hopped out and kept going
good times

Re: [AAR] We were noobs

Posted: 2009-07-15 06:39
by Trooper909
I stoped reading when you said you read manual :lol:

Re: [AAR] We were noobs

Posted: 2009-08-04 15:16
by robbie3211
lol i still remember how they treated me when i first played...

Offcourse i went straight to 'deployment' and picked out a nice full server...
I get into a squad and I'm a little unaccustomed with all the controls and so on.
Then I had a LAT kit and shot it to soon so one of my teammates got killed. Some guy said 'Are you new?!'
'That's great! Now go to a freakin training server dude!!!'

Re: [AAR] We were noobs

Posted: 2009-08-08 10:32
by =]H[= JakCurse
The best thing about my first mission was the guy that was with me. It was on... I can't remember the name of the map, the US base is in the top right and it's basically a city with a river running around the outside. Insurgency. I hopped in his squad, greets, you know. So he tells me to grab the sniper kit, this doesn't seem too odd to me 'cause the squad was called Recon. (but i was expecting less of a warm welcome :P ) Me and him hop up this big Mosque tower and he starts picking out enemies for me. Bearings coming in all the time, And i was hitting a lot of them as well! We must have been looking right at a cache, cause all these Insurgents kept flowing out from either side of a compound, his M21 doing just as much damage as my M40. That still rings clear in my memory :)

Re: [AAR] We were noobs

Posted: 2009-08-09 06:15
by Sgt.MADHat
I remember a while back I booted up PR for the first time with a close friend of mine.
I Believe it was on falujah West we were up in the very top corner of the map making a huge firebase in a small walled town. Little did we know the importance of this job, but we surely followed the orders of our (intense) squad leader. Me and my friend were just cracking up because we asked when we are going to fight and he replied KEEP DIGGING! or something of that nature. Man that was alot of fun, and alot of laughs, jsut me and my bud digging with shovels laughing and wondering what is it all for.

Good times.

Re: [AAR] We were noobs

Posted: 2009-08-13 12:56
by Dannii
The first time I played was on a full deployment server in Kashan Desert. So yes, the screen comes up with squad and weapons and I picked Medic because i THOUGHT it was a good kit back in the traning servers with the Iron Sight (lol). Than I was looking for a squad (at this time I had no idea what a Asset was) so I join a squad called Apache. Greetings came up etc and than it started. First someone took a truck and the SL took a hummer, I got into the hummer and we started driving towards the huge base in the middle of Kashan Desert. So we got there and I started to get confused, the SL said that he is going to put up a Firebase which I had no idea what it was. After he spawned it, I died since I did not know that you have to move away when it spawns (We Were Noobs) so I respawned at the rally. Than I saw other squad members digging with a shovel (No shovel for me since I was a medic) for a few minutes.

All the digging was done and we drove back to the base where the squad was heading for two apaches, I was like: What? and they got into them. The pilot of the second Apache told me to enter it as gunner and i did. So we got up to the air and he told me to get ready to take out some targets in South Village. Now when we were hovering over the village and the other apache is shooting at the targets, I was all quiet and stood still like a question mark until the Pilot told me to fire on the targets down the village. I switched to gunner mode and started shooting at targets I didn't even know about. The pilot told me to hold fire and asked me if I really know how to be a gunner in a Apache (It was until now I knew what a Asset was) and I said: ''Eh no, this is my first time..''. Than he quickly, like QUICKLY turned around *serious business* and did fly back to the base. He told me to exit the Apache after that I got kicked from the squad.

We Were Noobs and we are becoming better everyday :p