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Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 11:29
by Durkie
looks great hope to see them ingame soon

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 11:55
by Ricardo-SC
Very good job, we can say: "Welcome to the jungle!" :mrgreen:

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 12:01
by Tonnie
oh very nice work mate

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 12:05
by driver-ch-driver
they look great, nice work :-D

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 13:49
by Madhouse
Wow that is fricken awesome! Exactly what i needed for my map!

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 13:56
by Viper5
For a moment I thought this was about bringing back the hideous jungle fever map :P

Looks great.

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 13:58
by =(DK)=stoffen_tacticalsup
Best sort of contribution!
Something that can be used to give us even more PR maps!

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 14:19
by DeadSmile187
OMG so nice that vegetation wow i cant handle it :D

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 14:31
by IronTaxi
yeah...should give us a nice additional theater of war..

Just have to work out how not to kill peoples computers with it all...hehehe..

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 14:41
by Gosu-Rizzle
Looks awesome, PR really needed some more variation. (It gets a bit anoying when u feel u know every single bush/tree inside out.) As long as they draw at long distances, this is really great!

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 15:02
by McBumLuv
Now, the question is... Will players start tripping on the roots or tripping on the shrooms first ? :D

Awesome work, quite impressed myself.

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 15:21
by Spec

Looks really cool. Though a few REAL big trees, maybe as statics, here and there would also be awesome and add to the exotic feeling.

Really good work!

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 17:23
by Wilkinson
Can you say Hueys :O

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 17:26
by Psyko
yay! nice mate real nice!

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 17:32
by crazy11
Nice work man, now we just need a map for them :(

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 17:35
by Smegburt_funkledink
McLuv wrote:Now, the question is... Will players start tripping on the roots or tripping on the shrooms first ? :D
:-| :-? :-) :o :D :smile: :? ??: :neutral: :-( :tired:

GhostDance101 for [R-Dev]!!!

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 17:43
by Qaiex
Looks fantastic, could you show us how it would look if the jungle was really dense?
And I mean how-the-hell-do-I-get-through-this dense.

Like this. =D

Or would that not be executable on the BF2 engine?

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 19:32
by martov
outstanding, great. 8)
Looks fantastic, could you show us how it would look if the jungle was really dense?
And I mean how-the-hell-do-I-get-through-this dense.

Like this. =D

Or would that not be executable on the BF2 engine?
it will be a pain in the *** for most video cards IMO, this is not far cry engine :P

Re: [Vegetation] Jungle Fever!

Posted: 2009-08-04 19:36
by casiNo
Nice work can't wait to see them ingame