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Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-18 05:21
by LeOverlord
Wow the UAV looks good... and it does look like a way to pique interest towards playing a commander role... Maybe try and tweak it though so the commander picks a spot to have it circle and he just controls where the camera looks as it circles, of course he can have it re-directed through the commander screen though, but that's just a thought

Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-18 13:02
by Nagard
jbgeezer wrote:Nisse! Nice cant wait for this, need now, or I WILL DIE
Great... I can wait another few days, so probably my downloadspeed will be around 0.001 B/sec faster then
You are doing so freaking much improvements... That's just awesome!
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-18 15:23
by Thrilkiller
Great improvements!!
Will the UAV make any noise? I assume it'll be visible. Can it be shot down?
The 'informants' concept is a great idea, too.
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-19 08:25
pretty awesome i don't think the uavs in vanilla were shoot able so i don't know how that will work but looking awesome. who gets credit for arty kills the squad leader or the commander?
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-20 08:44
by DesmoLocke
JDAMUSA wrote:i don't think the uavs in vanilla were shoot able so i don't know how that will work
Yes they are. They can be brought down with small arms in vBF2.
I am interested in seeing how the informant system will work now with the news of limited map markers as commander. With the changed times from the to-be-released patch 1.5, it will take 7 minutes to place all 7 way markers, no?
I am also interested in seeing Irontaxi's progress on that Chinese city and I hope it is part of Qwai River v2 or Qwai River Redux!

Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-20 10:14
by soldier106343
its look good.
Bhut when is it comming :S
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-20 22:19
by FunkyMonk
yeah that commander uav looks like a small step towards a playable GUNSHIP on pr... much props developers...
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-21 08:44
by Kegand
I want to play ^^
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-21 15:40
by sharpshootertrig
does the uav automaticaly spot enemy or does the commander manualy do it?
Re: Hightlights Reel #1
Posted: 2009-08-21 15:59
by Gaz
the commander calls what he sees.