The first hour or so is usually really busy. But depending on interest there are sometimes places still left hours after that
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 13:55
by Gaz
You should all have noticed that PR has now adopted PR Time (prt)! It's a proven asset to the tournament for timings, so you may see future PR releases making use of PR Time
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 15:33
by GrayeKnight
Signups open at 20.00 PRT, which is in T-Minus 4 hours and 27 minutes at time of this post.
Get ready lads!
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 16:59
by Jigsaw
3 hours gentlemen
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 17:05
by Scot
3 hours.
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 18:12
by Cptkanito
1 Hour 47 Minutes!! ...... and counting
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 18:43
by Poi_Medic
I might consider.... but it I dont know about schedules.... I work weekends.
To all who didn't get in, bad luck. Nato were full within 5 minutes. There will be constant sign ups if people leave so please continue checking the forums regularly.
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 22:39
by gmt2001
All teams are full. Took a while to fill up CATA. Remember people, there is no "Good Guys" and "Bad Guys" and you should not base your decision on which team to join on "well nato is da good guyz so if i cant join them i refuse to play"
As jigsaw said above, if you didn't get in keep on eye on the forums, especially in the next week or 2. As people get kicked for inactivity signups automatically open to let someone take their spot
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-22 23:12
by VoXiNaTiOn
That's the advantage of automated signups (nice wrk GMT btw,) you don't need to wait for a new round of sign-ups before you can join a team, as soon a someone resigns/gets the boot, you can fill their spot.
Also, wow, gmt posting on the main forums? That's unheard of!
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-23 10:16
by UKrealplayER666
Getting a place was a blood bath, i got my aplication in within the first minute though
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-23 10:20
by Levesly
Signups are back open!
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-23 10:46
by 0rpheus
UKrealplayER666 wrote:Getting a place was a blood bath, i got my aplication in within the first minute though
Same here I was even the first one to report in in the recruitment thread
Re: Campaign 8 Signups
Posted: 2009-08-24 11:47
by Herbiie
I underestimated how many people would be signing up
Guessing there's no chance now