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Re: Fail Knife

Posted: 2009-12-11 15:33
by Zeno
the master of knifing and sneaking: Erik





Re: Fail Knife

Posted: 2009-12-11 15:49
by Claymore
I only use knife when in really desperate situations = without ammo or without time to reload. It's a fail 90% of the time.

Re: Fail Knife

Posted: 2009-12-11 16:16
If Zeno is your enemy watch your backs guys.

Re: Fail Knife

Posted: 2009-12-11 17:03
by Sgt.BountyOrig
I swear that C4 video has been redone in a later version on muttrah, its almost exactly the same

Re: Fail Knife

Posted: 2009-12-11 19:18
by Oskarious
A knife win story. I see a guy laying on a hilltop, and i notice him when I'm behind him, about 10m away. I walk up to him and knife him. Fin

Re: Fail Knife

Posted: 2009-12-11 23:07
by Joeziah
mine involves a bayonet on a SKS but whatever.

Operation Archer, the US decides to come to my castle. I was shot once and bleeding out with no dressings.
US squad took up residence in the tower and was camping the ladders. I tried grenading them to no avail.

Just then their chopper decides to come in an approach to land on the tower, using the cover of their gunfire I toss a rope up on the roof, climb up right the chopper lands. Run up and knifed the lone soldier on top, then knife the 2 that load off including a saw whos weapon was still getting ready, Knife the pilot who stupidly stayed on the deck. Then sprint downstairs and kill the 2 soldiers who were focused intently on that ladder. stabbing one and sprinting to the other....

The fail, when I ran over my own nade trap placed earlier during my occupancy of the tower. The surviving soldier that was saved from me by me took off in the huey to RTB it.

Moral of the story is...I hate nade traps.

Re: [AAR] Fail Knife

Posted: 2010-03-03 06:08
by kanonator
My ping is always triple digits. So whenever I melee someone, very often only smoke appears off his chest. Then he'll turn around and blow me to bits

Re: [AAR] Fail Knife

Posted: 2010-03-03 07:32
by General_Kalle
had a funny thing happyning

i was standing in a tall building on the new russian vs new Militia faction map looking out the window. i had just turned around to get back down when i ran by someone who didnt look frindly... i stopped and looked around and saw that he had done the same, i drew my knife to try to get him and the same did he but after running around trying to hit each other for a while i got scared that i was gonna loose it and decided to bugger off. i sprinted further into the bulding untril i ended in a blind end room. i sat down beside the door with my knife ready..soon after my foe came in but before i could do anything he blasted me with his AK47