[Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by StealthBanana »

for those who haven't heard it yet
the Tactical Gamer server will run the 0.874d version until 0.9 is released.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Robbi »

[R-CON]Rudd wrote: I loved the beta, I cannot play without it anymore having tasted such gameplay

Maps like fools road, barracuda, muttrah etc seriously benefited as you constantly faught over things that matterred rather than random pieces of ground (unless ofc a flag was on some random piece of ground :D ) (since hteir rally was nearby and your rally was nearby) and transport had something to do rather than 'deliver to shore....wait....wait....wait...get bored...fly around in boredom...get shot down and anger your teammates'

now its 'deliver to shore, need a firebase, need a firebase, squad overrun, need a lift, need a firebase' more interesting, more strategic, more teamwork orientated, more realistic in the gameplay itself.

Loved it, and well done DEVs.
This pretty much, didnt play it as much as Rudd obviously, but the times i did brought completely new experiences everytime, this + new/improved game modes? = :mrgreen:

Good luck with .9 lads, glad I could of been of some help.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by DankE_SPB »

i hope the B version will win :33_love:
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Arnoldio »

I hope there wont be rallies...

But PR is good in any way :D

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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Himalde »

I hope the best of each beta win.

No rallies.
More FOBS (why stop at 6?).
1 crate = firebase.

I really liked the no rallies, best. It's most realistic and it simplifies Squad Leading, it's one less resource you have to think about. "Do I save the rally until we need it more or will I set it for only one man?"
I don't care about the spawn times.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended


So it seems to boil down to:

The experienced players prefer no rallies or expiring rallies

So the DEVs have a choice higher quality gameplay, with less players (perhaps) or rallies and easier gameplay keeping the new players happier.

Past performance would indicate the DEV's will opt for better gameplay - a rare approach in these commercial times.

For me whatever swings and roundabouts...I will adapt coz MW2, ARMA2 and EVE don't appeal to me.

Was very imformative watching the feedback threads, but ofc lots of less 'community' minded players don't read or post here.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Nobodie »

Well i was plaing on one server with 30 sec rally ... Gotta say it killed the fun in game , becuase if squad leader dies your F*** and you will 99% have to walk again from your closest Firebase .Wich is gay....
I played 2 maps with that beta ... dont like it i hope the old one stays
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by gazzthompson »

Nobodie wrote:Well i was plaing on one server with 30 sec rally ... Gotta say it killed the fun in game , becuase if squad leader dies your F*** and you will 99% have to walk again from your closest Firebase .Wich is gay....
I played 2 maps with that beta ... dont like it i hope the old one stays
depends , but normally if SL dies get medic to get him up. hold position and wait for him or fall back and regroup with him. its not rocket science.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by doggreen »

009783232 wrote:I was playing on the bigd community server exclusively since the beta's release and I have found the complete opposite. Some maps are completely broken by the loss of rally points, namely the previously high quality korengal and Ramiel.

This breaks the boat layer of barracuda as well due to the lack of any supply crate vehicles.

The only maps that worked with the beta are ones which both allowed both unhindered fob construction for both sides, and had quick transport relative to the size of the map. This basically leaves Muttrah, some layers of barracuda, and maybe west fallujah. Infantry focused maps don't work without rally points.

Insurgency, once the strength of project reality, is now the glaring weakness, with blufor struggling to approach their objectives by attempting to produce weak and exposed fobs against hordes of well equipped insurgents. As a result of the beta, numbers on bigd, the only Australian pr community have suffered significiantly (down about half), with a large percentage of players opting to avoid PR until the beta blows over.

If any of these changes become permanent, project reality will die in Australia.
I agree with you on maps as Koregal is really very difficult.

As a suggestion perhaps the DEV's not turn the out-post in the eastern spawn fixed forces blufor!

In RAMIEL strongly disagree, no point in having a team of only RAMBO who just want to attack there must be balance between attacking and defending if not done this, the round is lost.

For the allied forces at least 1 squad has to stay to defend the FB as it is single point of spawn around the time you only need to define the roles of the squad.

It was the time of the squad "BOB THE BUILDER" that were FB anywhere to earn points and be the best squad of the round!

In real life the check points not all squads to carry out their missions, where some remain for the defense.

Ending the PR in Australia do not believe that this occurs in my opinion the changes proposed by the DEV's is to improve the game even more and give more balance matches

Last edited by doggreen on 2009-12-17 00:06, edited 1 time in total.
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This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning

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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by theflidgeface »

StealthBanana wrote:for those who haven't heard it yet
the Tactical Gamer server will run the 0.874d version until 0.9 is released.
i think the d version is best, same reasons reedible(503) liked it

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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Jarryd_455495 »

lol, bob the builder :lol:

I was only in for the last beta on BigD but i had a great time. i saw groups of infantry walking together, assualting in sqauds working with other sqauds.
I was thinking 'is this for real, or just a really really good dream'

hope last one gets put in .9

ps: the walking was fine when ur with other ppl even if it is a 1K walk, but a pick up by a friendly APC is even better
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by General_J0k3r »

there are times/servers where the bob the builder award would go to a squad that builds only 1 fob... and that's sad. better with the new version :)

i really liked the idea of having massive public playtesting. way to go dev's! that's the spirit.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by TheLean »

I liked Beta D best and no rallies have really transformed PR into something better. Of course there is alot of work tweaking the maps to be done.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Zegel »

It's obvious to see how Korengal and Fools Road maps would be hurt: terrain really restricts where you can plop a FOB, no matter how easy and many you can plop. Those maps rely primarily on rally vs. rally, infantry vs. infantry head-butting, with high casualties on each side. Tug of war style. Especially with the caves. Its a pain even WITH eternal rally points.

In my opinion, 10 FOB's on the 4km maps, and 8 on 2km maps, with a 100-150m distance between each. If PR is reduced to dying and hiking, I'll play, but **** I won't be happy. And I like the travel times, usually. Just not each time I catch a stray bullet.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by scaleo3 »

I didint take part of this beta. But doesnt this preaty much break the whole squad thing? Since the squad members would get vastly spread out incase 2 or 3 squad members actually dies. Am I right about that?

Since the RP seems to be going away, how would the squads keep staying togeather if half the squad dies and spawns on for example a firebase in a corner of the map, while the rest of the squad is on a rooftop in the other side of the map.

This could be taking a step for the worse. Removing the RP might make it more realistic, but without squad gameplay the mod would suffer even more. :(

Ah well I dont know much about this rally point beta test so correct me if I am wrong, I might exaggerate.
Last edited by scaleo3 on 2009-12-20 15:10, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Tartantyco »

Vanquish the rally points!
Make Norway OPFOR! NAO!
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by LionRock »

At first I was sceptical about the no rallys thing but the more I've played 0.874D the more I love it. You actually value your virtual life more now and that's seriously one of the most important gameplay affecting things there is.

I remember one firefight in muttrah that was about taking potshots and staying in cover mostly. The goal there was to win suppressing game to allow flanking. Usually I would have just emptied my rounds standing out in the open and counting on the suppression but now I really didn't want to die and because of that I always had to think about better position & better tactical movement. And now falling back is really needed when you lose say third or half of your fighting force you don't wanna rambo the enemy thinking "oh lets try I can always spawn 200m away".

Anyway, good job for devs on staying true to your own vision and if someone doesn't like it just play something else.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by 009783232 »

doggreen wrote:I agree with you on maps as Koregal is really very difficult.

As a suggestion perhaps the DEV's not turn the out-post in the eastern spawn fixed forces blufor!

In RAMIEL strongly disagree, no point in having a team of only RAMBO who just want to attack there must be balance between attacking and defending if not done this, the round is lost.

For the allied forces at least 1 squad has to stay to defend the FB as it is single point of spawn around the time you only need to define the roles of the squad.

It was the time of the squad "BOB THE BUILDER" that were FB anywhere to earn points and be the best squad of the round!

In real life the check points not all squads to carry out their missions, where some remain for the defense.

Ending the PR in Australia do not believe that this occurs in my opinion the changes proposed by the DEV's is to improve the game even more and give more balance matches
With a team limited to 32 players, the number of players defending firebases can significantly inhibit the team's capability to achieve it's objectives. If a squad is defending a fob on insurgency, the cache hunting capacity of the blufor is instantly limited to 80% of their previous capability. If the other 26 players find themselves in an engagement, they will be outnumbered by 20%.

The insurgents reinforcement routes are much shorter, and are therefore able to replenish their forces far quicker than the US. Any rare instance where the insurgents don't win in this situation is generally due to incredibly poor insurgent play, like firing off of unknown caches.

Anyway, you're correct on one aspect; the still ongoing project reality beta (in Australia at least), is purely a game of firebase acquisition and destruction, combat is only the decider in stalemates.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Human_001 »

The more harsh and boring it gets better for me. As long as that harsh and boring is coming from depicting real life and not some arcade penalty.

Afterall, the reason I googled for BF2 mod was to get somekind of mod that is trying to depict reality to limit using BF2 engine. Because I was tired of game called BF2 that plays like arcade. And I paid some $50 for it.

Frankly I don't like respawn either. Harsher the game more serious it become. Firefight will be much more thrilling for mere PC FPS.
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Re: [Public Testing] Official rally point beta test has ended

Post by Psyrus »

009783232 wrote:Anyway, you're correct on one aspect; the still ongoing project reality beta (in Australia at least), is purely a game of firebase acquisition and destruction, combat is only the decider in stalemates.
We [I can't remember who else was there] figured it out the other night. Especially relevent to bluforce on insurgency, the tactic of a firebase builder squad (combat engie + maybe a medic & autogunner) tailed by the armour worked very well. So for ramiel, if the cache is in A2, you can stick the firebase quite openly in A3/4ish (with the fallback in A5/6 of course) and the strikers make excellent defence, especially if positioned intelligently. This of course hinges on the total disregard of behavioural patterns attributed to armour whores, whom as you know are generally more interested in a blind charge than personnel carriage.

But anyway, I know you're right numbers, and that's all that matters :P

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