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Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-04 02:52
by atlantisfonn
On Al Basrah, i asked someone in my squad to be a civi, then told him to go stand on the middle of one of the intersections. I then put an arty IED under him :mrgreen: and went on one of the room tops, hoping for the Warrior or the Scimitar to come across and try to arrest him. Instead, i got the logistics truck that tried to run the civi over, and someone else on the insurgent team was standing next to the civi. So i blew the IED up got the truck and brit driving it and got 2 Tk's. :smile: Everyone in the Squad lol'ed and the guy i tk'ed (not the civi) told me to wait for something more important like the Warrior or Scimitar (which was what i was hoping for but i didn't get :( )

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-04 11:59
by myles
A very intresting round about me and a civi. What acutally happend was me and the civi met in a place where the civi could not escape i was on my own as my squad told me to chase the civi and restrain him. I was about to restrain him but then i stopped and typed in global chat 'Civi play with me'. The civi stoped throwing stones at me and said okay we didnt harm each other just messed around the place. Then the civi threw a rope on to a building (the bulding i restrined him on) i climed up the rope then he followed. We stayed up on the bulding for a while until my squad that i and then i saw my squad which i forget about. They saw me on the roof with the civi They shouted over the mic 'myles395 kill that civi'. I replied 'No'. sQUD LEADER QUSITUNED me 'why' in disblief' i did not reply back. Then all my squad sreaming for me to kill him. Then i did what i didnt want to do i restrained him. I stood still after i killed him to say 'civi im so so so sorry my squad were screming at me to kill you im so so so so so sorry please forgive me'.

That was probaly the longest time i have been that close to the enemy not killing them. The whole thing lasted for about 5minutes with the civi. It was pretty cool thanks civi for playing with me lol I know other ppl would not do the same it was good while it lasted.

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-04 13:34
by fuzzhead
hehe some good stories :)

civilian/collaborator can be prety entertaining if both sides are willing to roleplay a bit ;)

I remember a while ago a round on Fallujah West, where some civs were just walking by on their cell phones and we had a firebase setup in the south with max wire/foxholes... we had been attacked earlier but was quiet, and these civs walked by, we didnt go after them or anything and they were just hanging out, was prety funny but same time, immersive cause they werent running around like lunatics or throwing rocks at everything..

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-04 19:04
by Herbiie
[R-DEV]fuzzhead wrote: I remember a while ago a round on Fallujah West, where some civs were just walking by on their cell phones and we had a firebase setup in the south with max wire/foxholes... we had been attacked earlier but was quiet, and these civs walked by, we didnt go after them or anything and they were just hanging out, was prety funny but same time, immersive cause they werent running around like lunatics or throwing rocks at everything..
That kind of thing is best with mumble :)

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-04 19:57
by rampo
My favourite tactic whit the civi is to have the collaborator to stand in the middle of an open are whit his hands up waiting for any blufor to show up. Then when they do arrive, you lure them at the bomb placed on the civi's feet preferably trying to run away from the blast.

Blowed up a few APC's whit this :)

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-04 23:58
by Rissien
Matrox joined our server once playing civi bait on Fallujah, twice during the same round he was standing outside the US main with an ied at his feet. Twice I managed to knife him before being blown skyhigh.

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-09 22:04
by =]H[= JakCurse
Was stood on the shack outside US main west entrance on Fallujah, =]H[= server, US officer comes up underneath me and we stare each other down, he gets out a patch out, I rock him on the head and kill him. Epic win.

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-09 22:22
by Pronck
getting into ramiel as American, with a lot of civi's on rooftops and not more than 10sec later we got ambushed, the civli's probably reported us when we got into ramiel. And getting 3 Americans killed by jumping of a rooftop, they tried to restrain me and I jumped off the building and they were so noobish to follow me :mrgreen: .

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-11 00:53
by Wh33lman
I was leading a US squad on Ramiel back in .8 or something. we drive up into the northern end of the city after checking the docks in the south for unmarked caches. I drop a rally in the construction site when one of my squad members spots a civi on a roof not to far away. we walk and stop at the base of the building. right as the specialist is about to throw the hook, a technical come by and mows us all. we spawned back on the rally and take the humvee this time incase the techy decided to make another appearance. the specialist gets us up onto the roof, but the civi heard us before i could get to him. he ran and jumped off the roof to avoid capture. he survived the fall somehow, but i had only left 1 guy on the ground in the gun of the humvee. i dont remember if he got away and survived or just died.

more recently, i've started playing as a civi during insurgency just to mess with the blufor. i usually get just get shot, even if i have my hands up. on fallujah, i made a civi squad and just started walking around. i got shot idk how many times before another person joined my squad. i told him what i was doing and he played along. we both started walking down the street towards the US base with our hands up. took us forever to get there, and as soon as we got to the metal plates that cross the median and started turning towards the US base, a sniper on the roof inside the base put a round at our feet. i stop and type in global chat "i know that was a warning shot and i thank you for giving a damn". i turned around and chased down a SAW gunner trying to get his attention. he finally figured out i was behind him and arrested me.

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-11 09:25
by iAstralPr0jekt
LMAO Wh33lman. that was me. i fired that shot I remember you typing that up.

Here's my civilian moment.
Just happened about 1 hour ago.

Sniping A Gay Civilian Couple-Ghost Soldiers-Project Reality - Xfire Video

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-01-12 04:49
by =]H[= JakCurse
Not strictly a civi moment, (at least not from my point of view) but it has civis involved. Ok, so i'm a challenger II gunner on Al Basrah. Right.
It's the start of the round, no bomb cars or big ole red reported dead. Right.
Just gone past the marshes, cache location just to our north in the city. We were on the road. Right.
Bomb car 1 appears out of the fog, civi flailing in passenger seat. Boom. One down.
Bomb car 2 appears just behind him. civi in the passenger seat again. Boom, gone. Two more civis waiting for 2 minutes.

Big red appears right where they came from. Boom. Gone. 6 iraqi widows and 6 guys waiting for long-*** respawns ;D

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-03-03 06:01
by kanonator
I was chasing down a civi and eventually ran out of sprint. So we were going around and around in circles (how do you arrest them when it's like that?). Anyways, so i throw a grappling hook up the building. The civi decides to climb it. When he nears the top, I get my grappling hook back and he falls to his death.

Re: [List] Interesting Civilian Moments

Posted: 2010-03-03 06:04
by crazy11
Use your shotgun, it counts as arresting.