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Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-05 21:19
by usmcguy
ok thanks for all the help everyone but does the fallujah west work on sp? thanks again!

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-06 06:33
by dA_mAkReB
usmcguy wrote:ok thanks for all the help everyone but does the fallujah west work on sp? thanks again!
No it is not on sp yet

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-06 07:48
by Lan
No fallujah isnt on singleplayer.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-06 13:55
by Snazz
[R-DEV]Hans Martin Slayer wrote:Example Kashan Desert: The MP jets are in the hangars. ;-)
I know that but I see no point in even having SP jets, the bots rarely use them and are awful with them.

In online COOP matches all the SP jets are doing is giving some pilots a dogfighting edge and confusing the hell out of new players.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-06 16:17
by Outlawz7
Snazz wrote:I know that but I see no point in even having SP jets, the bots rarely use them and are awful with them.
That depends mostly on if the only palce to spawn at is the main base (and the spawn points next to SP jets) if the action is elsewhere, bots usually spawn there, but that doesn't mean they don't use them.
Also the reason why they're "awful" with them is because most servers run at lowest AI difficulty making the AI dumb on purpose. Try dog fighting or evading bombing runs at 70+ difficulty and then talk ;)

The thing about confusing new players is true though, guess we should place the SP jets out of reach ie. opposite end of the base or something.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-06 16:32
by Hans Martin Slayer
The thing about confusing new players is true though, guess we should place the SP jets out of reach ie. opposite end of the base or something.
That's defo a good point. Wouldn't be a problem if the dynamic statics idea would have worked. :x

But i've got another solution on the drawing board as well.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-07 00:31
by NuclearBanane
[R-DEV]AfterDune wrote:At this moment, it's this:

You can expect more maps with AI support in the future.
I'll be looking forward to some new ones.
i know this should be in suggestions but what about more air to air friendly maps planned?

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-07 17:56
by xXedixXx
Wo0t. I've always loved PRSP for practicing with my friends before going into a PvP match. Its good to hear its being implemented now.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-08 17:16
by drs79
Enjoying PRSP Coop on .9, i have noticed thought that once you deploy the TOW and then try and use it, you immediately CTD.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-09 14:22
by orunes
Why are there less coop maps than in the previous version? :-(

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-09 14:53
by Hans Martin Slayer
We'll look into the TOW, probably just slipped through, cheers.
Why are there less coop maps than in the previous version?
Some maps were replaced by new ones and some maps were re-worked, thus requiring a new navmesh.

We'll bring them all back in the future, it just takes time - sorry.

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-09 15:22
by orunes
[R-DEV]Hans Martin Slayer wrote:We'll look into the TOW, probably just slipped through, cheers.

Some maps were replaced by new ones and some maps were re-worked, thus requiring a new navmesh.

We'll bring them all back in the future, it just takes time - sorry.
TYVM for your answer! :D

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-15 22:10
by DonCarlozoni16
so is it possible to play singleplayer with project reality 0.9 yes or no? :p
just wanna play maps against bots with bot-teams and with these amazing skins and new changes :D

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-15 22:50
by strima

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-18 01:41
by born2snipe
I don't seem to have all the options there is suppose to be as an officer. I can't deploy anything. I've tried using the radio but I don't even have the option.

Figured it out.

How do you call in an area attack? Can you?

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-24 12:41
by Dukuu_npanop
Hi all, lookin forward to new maps with SP support too. Could you mention a preliminary list of upcoming maps with SP support?

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-24 14:44
by Hans Martin Slayer
How do you call in an area attack? Can you?
Unfortunately not, the latest BF2 patch broke the AI commander. The only way is to have a human commander on your team.
Hi all, lookin forward to new maps with SP support too. Could you mention a preliminary list of upcoming maps with SP support?
Patience, we'll inform the public soon about our latest projects. Lot's of good stuff in the works.. ;-)

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-24 20:09
by Dukuu_npanop
Nice, I mean, there'll be some additional maps w/ SP support =)) Can't wait))

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-02-28 20:18
by usmcguy
ya i cant wait for fallujha west co-op!

Re: PR 0.9 single player

Posted: 2010-03-06 18:51
by Lugubrum
I really like it that there is now a singleplayer, good for practising flying and getting familiar with the weapons. And (on my computer) it runs much better too than online.