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Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 12:43
by RHYS4190
As a person who play's medic all the time, i have to say it better this way, medics have way to much pressure put on them especially with the rallies out of the picture. And the simple fact that in PR we see way to many casualties to not have the change, if we had less then i might agree with you.

But you have to under stand that you really don't know where we are coming from, most of you don't use the kit so really your seeing the change from a very bious angle. what you really should see it from is are angle.

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 13:11
by Smegburt_funkledink
RHYS4190 wrote:But you have to under stand that you really don't know where we are coming from, most of you don't use the kit so really your seeing the change from a very bious angle. what you really should see it from is are angle.
What are you basing this assumption on?

Rifleman is the basis of any infantry squad but not every squad has one as there's too many specialist kits to fit into a 6 man squad. Any squad that has an officer most commonly has a medic (not including INS), so it'd be safe to assume that the majority of people have used a medic kit.

Saying that people who're commenting in this thread havn't played as a medic is a foolish comment to make.

I play medic very often but I still see this as a slight step back towards vBF2 (just my opinion). This is an obvious change to help people adapt without the common use of a rallypoint which isn't all bad.

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 13:52
by Rudd
RHYS4190 wrote: But you have to under stand that you really don't know where we are coming from, most of you don't use the kit so really your seeing the change from a very bious angle. what you really should see it from is are angle.
wow...that sounds a bit baseless and arrogant.

pressure is only great on the medic if a squad is being too aggressive or not firing from cover, or wont withdraw when faced with too many enemies.

its still early days, but I'm seeing people starting to get the idea of manouvre, run away to fight again rather than fight over meaningless patches of ground.

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 14:08
by Protector
Potilas wrote:Medic does not need revive ability. Having unlimited healing capacity is strong enough spell.

PR is a war game. Dead should remain dead.
Are you kidding me! Lets all just sit back at the main base then and not play the game because once we die we are straight back there after our Squadleaders Rally point has run out and he is no where near anything to reload it.

The community would go mad if PR took away the ability to revive, they are already going mad about lack of rally points!

Worst idea I think I have read yet...

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 14:19
Medics is one of the main part of PR gameplay and personally me don't see PR without medics work!!! Dead remain dead in PR when they can't get help from the medic! I hope this rule would never be changed by PR-DEVs!!!


Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 14:28
by Arnoldio
It would help if HS killed...

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 14:37
by Psyrus
Don't forget that even if the healing time was decreased (I haven't noticed it, personally)... you are dead-dead outright after two minutes if 'killed' again after being revived. This is up from 60 seconds (a 100% increase) so overall people will (in theory) be a lot more careful with their lives.

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 16:37
by Potilas
I noticed recently that healing up by patches is soo much easier that previous version of PR. You allways find kits lying around where you can find magical patches. During .8 you have to seek medic when get wounded, but now 90% of time you deal situlation by looking for kits on the ground. Medic has become revive tool. Im not too happy how medic play has chanced. Unit who main purpose is raise dead soldier is something what I dont want to see in tactical shooter game.

Medic role as a healer could be improved by lowering patch hitpoint value gain from 25 to 15 points. Bleeding margin have to drop along with weakened patches so good maring for bleeding 60-50%

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 18:33
by Desilcium
Protector wrote:Its not realistic to have the medic healing people at all, he will dress a wound and try to stop bleeding but eventually he would have to be cas evac'd.
It would be so cool if CAS evac was needed! Don't think its viable with 64 players .. not sure.

Medic system is good for now, enjoy it ^^

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 20:39
by rushn
Cas Vac would be cool but I am 90% sure it is impossible

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 20:41
by Gand877
Desilcium wrote:It would be so cool if CAS evac was needed! Don't think its viable with 64 players .. not sure.
I like the idea of evac, maybe not a heli lift, but a stretcher and Triage centers as part of a FOB for the more severly wounded, or some sort of time limit for on field treatment. Although there is no way I would want the revive ability to be completley removed.

I tend to play a medic in infantry giving me the bias oppinion that they are essential in a squad. Its great to save your squad from near destruction to turn the tide again the enemy who decided a medic wasn't important. Not having a medic would be more realistic but would make the game a lot more tedious, with squads scattered across various rally points. You'd spend most of the time trying to get the squad back together.

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-16 20:46
by rushn
but sitting at FOB healing would be so boring unless you could write fake letters to peeps and get points for it :)

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-24 10:24
by whiskey111
In my point of view playing a medic is somehow beeing out of action. This is why it's mostly difficult to have a medic in squad.
Why medic can't have a scope and help the squad in regular fight?
I expect answers like: because medic duty is to treat not to fight. But is there any stronger point of view about this?

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-24 11:20
by karambaitos
i like whiskeys idea, but not scopes with zoom,
at least a reddot sight for the US medic and i play medic a lot almost every round even if i dont choose to be a medic i end up as one since i find a dropped medic kit somewhere or our squads medic leaves so i have to be him after a longer time as a medic it gets boring since you never shoot at the enemy you just sit behind your squad and wait for someone to die or get wounded so you can click the mouse, also i always hate when the SL says who's going medic and the whole squad goes silent until someone sacrifices them selves for the greater good of the squad, I have to say that its one of the most boring jobs in PR because you never actually get to fight.

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-24 11:22
When I am not SL I am medic, seems like a good compromise atm, I have noticed the bag time seems reduced.
The medic does have more stress now people want to stay alive due to the lack of rallies, but the abundance of kits does mean that there is normally a patch or two about. Infact I love the 6v6 squad battles we see now, you lose you're donald ducked, you win and you have six kits to loot.
As Rudd pointed out, once players adapt their gameplay to suit 0.9, with the SL and medic not rushing in things can only improve further.
The only problem I have is that now as medic I spend alot of time hiding in bushes to ensure my survival as the medic is a high proirity target after the SAW gunner.
Those who say medics don't fight you must be with a 1337 squad, twice in one week I have killed what's left of an enemy squad and revived my squad, (Hide wait till they come to loot the kits) but ofc more often I am the last to be killed ....

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-26 03:48
by dtacs
Can't you right click the medic kit when requesting it on the menu to get a scope?

That system works for all kits right?

Re: 0.9 Better medic

Posted: 2010-02-26 03:51
by ComradeHX
I am bothered by people whining that there is no scope for the medic...

Not all maps are long-range, you know.

Posted: 2010-02-26 21:55
by hartbilt
I liked to see rifle optics for the American Medic kit.

I quite enjoy the medic position, in my opinion 2nd or as important to the Squad as the SL. The current annoying self-heal gets brothersome @ times. But THE BEST BATTLEFIELD MEDICINE IS ALWAYS FIRE SUPERIORITY. U.S. medic should @ the less have an Aimpoint for his rifle, majority of active-duty U.S. personal have an optic, whether provided by uncle sam or self-procured. It would be nice if a couple of other kits carried 2 epi-pens.

Maybe Medic could have Saline IV pouches he would have to use for victims that have been bleeding out for a while. Resuscitate, epi-pine, dress wounds, apply saline drip.

Use the edit button.