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Re: [Video] 700m PKM Shots

Posted: 2010-02-21 00:09
by MaxSalvatore
For me, new recoil is perfect. Not anymore Op. Archer Castle MGs and stuff like that.

Re: [Video] 700m PKM Shots

Posted: 2010-02-21 14:13
by Jigsaw
Epim3theus wrote:If the mortars didnt make them bleed that guy near the river could ve shot them just as well. I call shenanigans. :p

Ninjaed, but he prolly didn't put up the score sheet to hid his 0/10 kd ratio. :o
Nope, was me:


KDR at the end of the round was 9-2 :)
Protector wrote:I don't mean to be a bit of a spotter but your map proves someone else was alot closer with a perfect shot on the enemies... I'm not saying you never killed them I'm just saying you might not have ;)
This was the only guy close, no LOS and as the video shows they were killed by automatic fire.

Draakon wrote:Nice connection problem in the end :)
Round ending :)

Re: [Video] 700m PKM Shots

Posted: 2010-02-21 19:11
by Celestial1
Repent, heathens, repent!