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Posted: 2005-03-17 05:48
by Dr.Spangle
I agree. Dropping supplies, firing artillery, scouting out enemy positions and relaying it back to people on the ground seem like what one might consider "active".
Posted: 2005-03-17 10:13
by Archangel
nah.... i'd call that support. joking around, i'm bored...
Posted: 2005-03-18 01:40
by starwarsfan11
Posted: 2005-03-18 12:25
by nerdmonkey
If the commander can be killed, can he spawn back then too? Or is it really, really important to protect your commander because he won't just respawn? I am guessing that the commander respawns, but I don't know.
Posted: 2005-03-18 16:35
by snipurs
well if thats true then there is going to be alot of camping going on during the battles. i really dont like teh idea of the cammander fighting on the floor or anything like that i rather it he be focused on saving grunt lives and such not kill a dude.
Posted: 2005-03-28 05:25
by snipurs
game spot said that they can be seen just not shoot or anything here is my proof
Commanders are very different from squad leaders, and although they're completely optional in any given game, a skilled commander can turn the tide of battle pretty quickly. There can be only one commander player on either side, and while commanders are potentially very powerful, they're also vulnerable, since they appear as normal soldiers who can be shot and killed like any others. This is an issue, since most of a commander's abilities are accessed from a command screen that completely blocks out your view of the outside world. ... 20651.html