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Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 05:03
by 0331SgtSpyUSMC
^ what he said :) and great job once again, definitely looking forward to it

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 05:23
by JeffCole
Decreased tickets from 300 to 200 on Vehicle Warfare.
Won't this shorten the rounds too much, or is the ticket drain for a killed tank lowered as well?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 05:30
by Amok@ndy
nice work :)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 05:32
by steve_06-07
So does this mean I can play Iron Ridge finally?!?!

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 05:36
by Gore
Zoom on deploayble mgs and that you can't place fobs at the edge of maps I don't really like. Everything else is great.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 05:48
by Conman51
thank god for the lag fixes, but t i thought the lag was a little more complex than just view distance?

wasnt it like memory leaks or something?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 06:17
by maarit
good news!!!
hope that you managed fix fps things.
good job with medic and also rally thing.
Updated Deployable MG nests to have 4x zoom,nice
good job with everything!!!.
little worried though,cos i got lag in muttrah in version 0.9 but no in 0.87 and theres no viewdistance drop in muttrah.
i have also problems in karbala,....etc

just noticed that kitgeometry thing,hope that help.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 06:17
by mangeface
I've had Devs say that there are hopes for the Lynx and Huey to have door guns in the future and still haven't seen anything? Possiblity for v0.92? Or are we waiting for GPMG?

Anyways, love the updates. Especially the lower squad count for a medic. Hated having to wait for 4 players to have a medic.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 06:30
by DankE_SPB
McLuv wrote:Don't like the reduction of View distance on maps. SE is already pretty horid when it comes to attack helicopter gunning and landing aircraft.
VD reduction is hardly noticeable on all maps and at the same time gives major(at least for me) performance boost, your example might be the only one where it will be noticeable and still only on specific asset
so its a very little loss for a big gain :smile:
I've had Devs say that there are hopes for the Lynx and Huey to have door guns in the future and still haven't seen anything? Possiblity for v0.92? Or are we waiting for GPMG?
read the thread
v0.91 is primarily a bugfix patch. No new assets. They will be in v0.92+ . Gotta have existing bugs fixed before we make more bugs

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 06:32
by mangeface
[R-CON]DankE_SPB wrote:read the thread
I did. That's why I asked about the possiblity of v0.92 because I keep getting told they'll be in, but no one says anything past that.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 06:53
by master of the templars
Updated botnames.
Oh thank god !
I have been dieing for this, now i will be able to play PR again.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 07:08
by Priby

"German Forces?"

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 07:31
by TomDackery
master of the templars wrote:Oh thank god !
I have been dieing for this, now i will be able to play PR again.
They added my name, AM I RIGHT? :D ?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 07:52
by Chuc
Darkside - Indeed we are still developing our own FN MAG to use, which is why no updates on the matter have been given out yet.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 08:19
badmojo420 wrote:Why was this changed? 10 crates seems pretty low. Dedicated logistics driver will have to do some juggling when the crates start disappearing after only your fifth trip.
I agree what was the problems that required this solution?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 08:57
by =]H[= JakCurse
Why can't people just change their view distance in their graphics options instead of making the DEV's ruin my sniping? *Sadface*

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 09:03
by gazzthompson
cause that would be massively unfair. Looking forward to seeing the RP change, seems like a happy medium from current and previous versions.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 09:34
by bad_nade
Lots of very welcomed changes and fixes. Thank you!

Here are my favourites with some questions and comments:
Updated various muzzle effects.
Does this include reduction of smoke when firing ZPU-4?
Updated Lashkar Valley, reducing view distance to help with lag, and fixing some minor issues.
Missing dome of death around British main base is not a minor issue, IMO ;)
Replaced militia medic's AKS47 with a Simonov.
Simonov? Is it the same as SKS?
  • Medic kit requires 2 players in the squad to be requestable, instead of 4.
  • Rally Points rearm automatically 10 min after expiring. Skirmish gamemode it's still 2 min.
Sweet, more medics. And if they can't revive me, I have a slight chance to spawn at the rally point again :)
Fixed roadmarkers to have no collision (on Silent Eagle)
I don't know what material those markers were made of, but you really should consider patenting it :D
Fixed BRDM2 periscope, water engine, seat icons, rate of fire, and suspension.
To make it flip over more easily? ;)

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 09:41
by killonsight95
PLODDITHANLEY wrote:I agree what was the problems that required this solution?
people used to drop loads and loads of ammo bockes and crates around spamming to get more points and also if you drop enough i guess you could event crash the server
Updated Deployable MG nests to have 4x zoom.
finnaly!!!! they will actualy have some use now
will you be able to deploy a non-zoom and zoomable one?

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.91 Features

Posted: 2010-04-07 10:12
by [md]MadMak[rus]
Could you fix issue with undergrowth on Kozelsk? Bushes are like rocks... you just can't drive through them.