[quote=""'[R-CON"]Amok@ndy;1367026']just a big NO !
this map will be afghanistan and not a fictional map ! its Project Reality play it like it is[/quote]
By saying this you are sacrificing gameplay for realism. In no way shape or form is that going to fly in PR. If the Taliban are constantly having a hard time which I can tell by the screenshots, the comments abo
ve, and playing the map, no server is going to have this in its maplist if it is looking for a fair game.
I can understand where you're coming from by saying you want it to be realistic, but remember for a second that the Insurgency portrayed in PR is very incorrect.
I strongly suggest you take into consideration what Megaroth said and input some changes into your map, especially some variation so its not just another Qinling (no offense Rhino)
[quote="Brummy""]What's with the hate peeps? If you don't like it then the worst thing that might happen to you is not playing it. Boo hoo.
That isn't the point here. The time and effort the OP put into this map could have gone to a 2km AAS map with China v Russia, or something crazy and unique. This map is made up of vast open spaces, with some select villages spread out around the place. It may be realistic, but for gameplay purposes and practicality its way off the mark.
But like any map, I do look forward to playing it with a full server.
[R-CON]Rudd wrote:
you need to be more specific and constructive in your suggestion, I would recommend you download the map then screenshot what you think should be changed then put that alongside a reference.
While I'm downloading the map to do exactly that, here are some problems I can forsee. Hypothetical: In the
SW corner of the map (is Taliban main, lol, just substitute for the building set in my screenshots) there seems to be a set of 3 buildings. A cache marker appears there. Apache support is called in. Now, not taking into account the terrible MANPADS, an Apache would have absolutely no problem taking out each of those buildings, or simply doing a gun run to let the infantry move in. Plus, the Apache's 30mm can fire down without the techies being able to get the elevation needed to destroy it. What chance do the Taliban have here? What could the Taliban possibly do here?
tl;dr shorter version:
- Set of 3 buildings, there is a cache there and the enemy has intel
- They come with their Apache, numerous APCs, and infantry.
- The Taliban has 3 SA-7's and techies which can't get the elevation to shoot the choppers.
- What do?
And I swear to god if anyone answers 'don't shoot off the cache' I'll kill 100 puppies outside your house.
Here is my answer to that hypothetical: there is almost absolutely nothing they can do. Proof:
In the following situation, I was flying around having a geeze when cache intel game up. Now, being hueg map this is, it has to be within a small area, AKA these 3 buildings.
After doing a
hydra run in which I used 4 rockets randomly on these buildings, I returned on foot to see the cache on grey smoke, which I promptly destroyed with roughly 10 SA-80 rounds (I came back with a Scimitar after I crashed).
This made me think, what if I had had a gunner with 30mm/hellfires, and used all my hydras? Doesn't that seem a LITTLE unfair to the Taliban? What if an APC or tank had been firing into the buildings?
In addition, I marked all the possible cache locations that I could see on the map. I am not 100% sure if these are all the locations though. Reds are building areas, blues are caves (which are just the default, easy ones. There are about 5 on the map) Andy, is there the possibility that the cache could be out in the open, IE able to be shot by the enemy?
I guesstimate possible cache locations at around 0.5% of the map. Gaza, a 1km map, has what, 40%?
Taliban assets also seem to be a problem. From what I saw on the map, there are a total of TWO bomb cars and TWO bomb trucks. Not taking into consideration tipping on the massive slopes and getting shot by inf/air, I put the success rate of both at VERY VERY low. I would also suggest, if this is at all possible, a spawn kit at the main with a Tandem RPG, to give the Taliban at least a LITTLE chance at killing armor.