Re: F|H Invictus clan -=recruiting=-
Posted: 2010-08-24 10:12
Are you up for skrimish game?
Are you up for skrimish game?
R0DeX wrote:Hello,
Are you up for skrimish game?
xxxpsychoxxx wrote:exelent
Hi mate,mikeyboyz wrote:I checked your website and forums. It kinda looks interesting. Just gives a feeling that the all the mods have one clan combined...
I think a part of the clan should be stand alone. Espacially designed for PR.
With Realistic ranks, medals and names.
This way you will get allot of PR players, that are looking for an active semi realism clan.
Great to hear that mate, 1 thing you can be sure of is that we do not go, we are very active and that we demand from our members also. Communication is the basis.mikeyboyz wrote:Thanks for the answer. You just made it look more interesting
Is there any way for me to contact you? x-fire, TS3 or Vent.
I still have some questions.
I am a experienced PR player who has been playing PR since 0.2. Also Ive seen allot of clans/units come and go. And Ive been in a few of em. This unit/clan (dont know how you prefer to call it) seems promising to be a member of.
Let me know.
i'm sry mate , but we have to rescagual for the next week , becouse there is a lan of gamimg going on in israel this week and a alot of our guys went there , so...dutch wrote:AAS mode confirmed?
Ok mate, we will still go on tonight we have over 20 guys ready, just join the server intime and we will then send F|H guys over to IDF. However I think we will make it public then and we rescedule the match for upcoming week.xxxpsychoxxx wrote:i'm sry mate , but we have to rescagual for the next week , becouse there is a lan of gamimg going on in israel this week and a alot of our guys went there , so...
we got only 8-9 players availibale today .
so , if u like maybe we can join u and practice team play or something ?
i'm realy sorry for the short notice ops: