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Posted: 2010-11-12 19:01
by Toasticuss
3===SPECTER===3 wrote:What stopping you from using the jeeps left for players and going to get it?

And whats stopping you from using those player vehicles?

IIRC those 2 apaches and 2 LBs were evenly split between bot and player... so thats no change, if im right. Also, whats stopping you from using them?
Im guessing you havent even tried the co-op maps.

There are bot only vehicles where if you get in the ones I said you will be killed.

You can walk all the way across Al Basrahs airport to get to the 2nd apache only to find that once you get in you will instantly die.


Posted: 2010-11-13 06:46
by Spartan0189
Like how [R-DEV] Ballard said, They waste no more assets then we do, those assets are designed for them, because they handle like as if they were made for Vanilla, if you fly the Vanilla versions, you're not learning jack for flying in a real game.


Posted: 2010-11-15 02:29
by Operator009
I loved the idea at first. Then soon grew to dislike and ultimately loathe this new feature.

It sounds great on pen and paper, but is a huge game killer in the field.

What happens when the mig shoots down both your bot pilots? Hurray! Its the slower than fat human f16 vs the super agile bot mig!

A situation that sets the player up like that is insane!

There is no way anyone can take down a bot jet with a human jet. It is impossible!

I have seen some people, with limited success, eventually expend their flares trying to make the mig crash going ultra low. As far as I know, thats the only way to kill the bot mig fromt he human f16. Try to get the AI into a (literal) paradox of flight.

I don't want to complain without offering a solution though...

Perhaps CooP is a very different animal from training? Some servers are CooP TRAINING and some are 'realism' CooP and such...

Why not offer a different version (32layer?) of the map where humans can pilot the bot jets (as well as the bots)?


Posted: 2010-11-15 13:40
by Moonlight
Operator009 wrote:
Why not offer a different version (32layer?) of the map where humans can pilot the bot jets (as well as the bots)?
What I'd like to see is a layer with NO bot fixed wing aircrafts. That would make a friendly environment to learn and master regular jets (kinda emulating regular CAS missions on Kashan) with possibility of dodgefighting against other human players but without being shot down to pieces every 15 sec by super agile f-16/migs with unlimited ammo/flares.


Posted: 2010-11-19 07:04
by K3Spice
Make more human vehicles and less bot vehicles. Or take out the bot vehicles and replace them for human vehicles. Or make it so there is no lock so bots and humans can use the same vehicle. Either one of these would work, I just wish we could use all the vehicles.


Posted: 2010-11-21 14:16
by kilroy122
I would really like all aircraft to be available for two reasons. 1. Most Co-op servers I play on is completely against bots, what I mean by that is that one team is just bots, and the other is just humans, and when you have vehicles just sitting around it is a bit frustrating. 2. I like to practice flying in co-op servers, and it is now harder to do that. I really hope you either allow servers to select how they want to do it or just allow vehicles to everyone.


Posted: 2010-11-21 14:41
by Exonar
kilroy122 wrote:I would really like all aircraft to be available for two reasons. 1. Most Co-op servers I play on is completely against bots, what I mean by that is that one team is just bots, and the other is just humans, and when you have vehicles just sitting around it is a bit frustrating. 2. I like to practice flying in co-op servers, and it is now harder to do that. I really hope you either allow servers to select how they want to do it or just allow vehicles to everyone.
Hmm, maybe we could have 2 map types for these servers: Opfor bots layout and Blufor bots layout. This would fix the bot locked vehicle problem for those only bots vs. only players servers. As for servers with players fighting alongside with bots, I have nothing to share.


Posted: 2010-11-21 15:47
by kilroy122
And today, I was playing Ramiel, and there is 2 BH, 2 Apaches, and 2 LB, and humans could only use 1 Apache and 1 LB, which I think is absolutely ridiculous that humans can't even use the BHs to transport troops. Karbala also has ONLY bot aircraft. All 4 of its helis are bot only. Devs, I love you, this mod is amazing, but honestly, WTH WERE YOU THINKING???? If anything it should be the exact opposite and be human only vehicles. Bots can't fly well, they don't know how to drop people off well, they can't drop supplies. I can't tell a bot to drop me off at H2KP3


Posted: 2011-01-05 22:55
by Gabriel
Pretty shocked at reading this thread!

I appreciate that you guys have worked very hard with this game and put an untold amount of effort into it.

However a reply like 'if it bugs you that much then don't play it' from a developer is very shallow and disappointing in my opinion.

I am in the same boat as many on this thread, I think the bot locked vehicles are a big mistake and 100% ruin some of the co-op missions although I am sure this was not intended to do so. I would like to see this feature removed if at all possible in the some future patch as it serves no benefit to the dedicated followers of your hard efforts.

Again I want to reiterate my position, I appreciate the hard work all you guys do however some of you 'may' need to consider that you have a large community following your projects who have done for many years and have supported you and furthermore admire your work!
Having someone from the Dev team tell people to essentially 'get lost' if they don't like the new changes doesn't strike me as appropriate.



Posted: 2011-01-05 23:49
by Imchicken1
Gabriel wrote:However a reply like 'if it bugs you that much then don't play it' from a developer is very shallow and disappointing in my opinion.

I am in the same boat as many on this thread, I think the bot locked vehicles are a big mistake and 100% ruin some of the co-op missions although I am sure this was not intended to do so. I would like to see this feature removed if at all possible in the some future patch as it serves no benefit to the dedicated followers of your hard efforts.

Again I want to reiterate my position, I appreciate the hard work all you guys do however some of you 'may' need to consider that you have a large community following your projects who have done for many years and have supported you and furthermore admire your work!
Having someone from the Dev team tell people to essentially 'get lost' if they don't like the new changes doesn't strike me as appropriate.

This is a mod made by the devs, for the devs. The players such as you and I are simply extra's who have come along. If the dev's want something kept the same way, and in this case they do, then it will be kept the same.

If you want to pilot a bot jet you can go back to BFv and fly an F-18 or F-35b. PR was not made for people to fly vanilla like jets. Also, if hostile bots keep shooting you down you can start a local server and disable all the bots, or put them all on your side and use friendly bots for target practice. They wont shoot back, plus you can see how effectivly you are using your jet/heli.
kilroy122 wrote:And today, I was playing Ramiel, and there is 2 BH, 2 Apaches, and 2 LB, and humans could only use 1 Apache and 1 LB, which I think is absolutely ridiculous that humans can't even use the BHs to transport troops.
It was already stated that the Dev's knew about this and they would fix it.


Posted: 2011-01-06 02:51
by Gabriel
Imchicken1 wrote:This is a mod made by the devs, for the devs..
Overlooked.... Well it is they're train set. Happy to take the ride, thanks for sharing.


Posted: 2011-01-12 15:29
by Punkbuster
I would like to ask you devs to release a mini update!
You only need to update file of Karbala and Ramiel
It will take 5 seconds to fix this issue :)
Just remove the _SP at the end of the vehicle name.
If you want to contain the whole files in the update...
It should be exactly 19.93 MB.



Posted: 2011-01-18 00:58
by Stealthgato
Well, with all that has been said, my only request is to make the transport OH-6 in Karbala for humans.