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Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 11:39
by hiberNative
enfield AND grappling hook as a non-limited kit?
you wanna see half te insurgent team on top of buildings with one-shot-kill rifles? :crazy:

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 16:35
by illidur
enfield is sweet. but no rope.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 20:35
by HAAN4
nothing like a good old mauser to fuck alies in WW2. :D

thow this is a good sugestion, i am in.

just no rope dude.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 20:37
by Bellator
hiberNative wrote:enfield AND grappling hook as a non-limited kit?
you wanna see half te insurgent team on top of buildings with one-shot-kill rifles? :crazy:
There is nothing unusually powerful about lee enfield; ak 47, g3, fn fal all kill from one shot from my experience.

The hook is usually present in kits with a much superior fully automatic weapon. Yet these kits don't unbalance or ruin the game experience, not even when they were unlimited. Specialist kits were rarely used compared to rifleman kits, even back then.

There are two reasons why i'd like to see the hook in a kit with lee enfield: 1. to move the hook to fighting squads, away from collaborators, who scarcely work with fighting squads in my opinion. 2. to provide for a unique urban marksman kit for the insurgents, which i think they're lacking. Currently, the insurgents fight by grabbing an AK and running where the enemy is so that they can get engaged in cqc, because thats often pretty much the only thing they can do. Having this kind of a kit would give them an alternative fighting style. The lee enfield would prevent these insurgents from rushing in and raping at cqc (which is what the conventional specialist kit guys can do too often) and it would force them to take good positions on inaccessible areas and shoot the enemy from some distance.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 20:49
by BloodBane611
Bellator wrote:There is nothing unusually powerful about lee enfield; ak 47, g3, fn fal all kill from one shot from my experience.

The hook is usually present in kits with a much superior fully automatic weapon. Yet these kits don't unbalance or ruin the game experience, not even when they were unlimited. Specialist kits were scarcely used, compared to rifleman kits, even back then.
Well, for BLUFOR it's typically present in kits with an ironsights rifle+shotgun combo. The only automatic rifle specialist kit is really the taliban one, the rest have regular rifles.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 21:06
by Bellator
Well, for BLUFOR it's typically present in kits with an ironsights rifle+shotgun combo. The only automatic rifle specialist kit is really the taliban one, the rest have regular rifles.
The AK 74, G3, Tavor, SA80 and so on and so forth are all capable of automatic fire and very accurate semi automatic fire. The taliban kit doesn't even use a rifle, but a sub machinegun. An ironsights lee enfield would hardly be overpowered compared to the weapons that the hook is usually combined with.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-17 21:35
by ytman
I like the weapon and do think it should appear in more maps than Ramiel.... however, its combat effectiveness is nearly 0%. The current incarnation (and really any future incarnation of INS I can fathom) relies heavily on the CQC aspect of the insurgents and little else. There is not even a hit and run functionality of the No. 4 due to its terrible rate of fire.

I've hit people point blank with the weapon and it only wounded him (about 75%) and he didn't wear body armor (an accidental friendly fire on a fellow insurgent).

Even worse is the sound effect which carries a long distance and makes easy triangulation of the shot possible. The SKS is all around better.

No the weapon is pointless for INS and is only a tool I use when messing around.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-18 22:55
by anglomanii
i dont agree with you ytman, i dont seem to have the same problem as you and this may be due to the way we employ our weapons, i dont know how you do it ytman but i use it very effectively on taliban maps as the medic to lay down good midranged accurate fire in a defensive situation, i dont use it it in CQB (even though i have and survived) and i find it is very good at keeping heads down at long range and is effective as a harrasing weapon at these distances. it could use a 1.5 or 2.0 zoom effect but this may be too much as it is already a wonderful weapon. i find it's ability to use effectivly from positions of cover to fire accurately and to be able to use weaseling techniques to confuse the enemy to be a great asset. this is why i could definitly see it as a alternate kit to the ak's. if it could be made to imply replace a taliban warriors AK as an alternate and keep all his other kit the same, i think this would be magic. i think the medic would be much more useful if his defult kit weapon was a light automatic weapon or even a pistol.
i am really only commenting on the taliban side of things. i think the insurgent/iraqi/ect are very good and i dont see any real need to change them at all, other then to allow the SMLE as a part of a alt kit.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-19 20:58
by Bazul14
Actually the Lee Enfield is awesome in an urban fight. Since not everyone needs to go CQC, the INS iron sights marksman can cover the rest of his squad while moving on a street or something. Also, it serves great as a sniper weapon for ranges under 400. Even at higher than 400m, the Lee enfield is really useful. You can suppress a HMG or a TOW if you know how to use it and where to hide. It would be interesting to see it in higher numbers on ramiel, but I think that it should not be a spawnable kit. As for talis, if you want lee enfield, go medic. Nothing easier than that.

Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-20 19:09
by BenHamish
It is indeed very amusing to wait at a window with deviation fully settled and kill people running accross a street ;)


Re: A new insurgent kit...

Posted: 2011-01-21 01:44
by Bringerof_D
Commando_Jenkins wrote:We're talking about Insurgents, not Taliban, and Taliban medics already have the Enfield.

Dtacs, I'd like to see some sources that Insurgents in Iraq use shotguns, cause I sure as hell cannot find any.
because everyone anywhere can get shot guns. they may as well be more common than AKs (granted fielded for combat the numbers likely go the other way) availability isnt an issue. The reason they aren't used for combat commonly is because it is slow and has a relatively low range. a pump action has the lowest rate of fire, while things like double barrels are fast but require almost constant reloading.

Honestly the fact that there's little known about iraqi insurgents using shot guns is simply due to their choice not to use it. however given the appropriate situation it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them to grab one.

reason#2 for keeping them would be because that's one of the few ways for insurgents to open doors.