Project Reality v0.7 Released!

Project Reality announcements and development highlights.
Posts: 4417
Joined: 2006-04-30 23:02

Post by G.Drew »

aim system: up to the devs

unregistered hits: nothing they can do, vbf2 problem afaik

SL and APC spawns: again, up to the devs

yeh some of these things are annoying, but i guess its a case of adapt to survive

[R-COM]BloodBane611: I do like the old school rape...However, it's a bit awkward to be a white boy blasting the old school in public....
Posts: 484
Joined: 2007-02-06 22:36

Post by Hides-His-Eyes »

Am I the only one not to notice the new "aim settles" thing?

Fair's fair, if we're fighting in an urban environment I'm most useful either as a medic or I find a steady place to set up as SAW, but I would never be in a situation where to fire on someone i wouldn't be prone and taking careful aim in ranges >=100m...

It stops instaproning, so it's a good thing. Rethink your playing style accordingly.
The third "never again" in a hundred years
Posts: 4611
Joined: 2006-11-07 04:44

Post by Wasteland »

I think our Morrowind playing friend has it.
Originally Posted by: ArmedDrunk&Angry
we don't live in your fantastical world where you are the super hero sent to release us all from the bondage of ignorance
Originally Posted by: [R-MOD]dunehunter
don't mess with wasteland, a scary guy will drag you into an alleyway and rape you with a baseballbat

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