ZAP44 wrote:We tried an EOD tournament at Combat Studios remember? People stopped playing because EOD never released an update in a timely fashion…in the mean time PR was routinely keeping fresh content flowing with updates. Balance on some EOD maps was just horrible if that is the game play aspects you’re talking about. PR .9 has not helped retain PR gamers. I’m not whining as many threads remind us we are along for the ride and it is going to be whatever the Dev’s want the Mod to be. This is fine they can make it what they want and I guess play between themselves when everyone else leaves which appears to be happening since the release of .9. Does any of you PR or EOD Dev's really think adding lots of shoveling and long walks in the rice paddies to PR:EOD will interest more people?
I know of BF2C and playing EoD. I participated in that event. I even offered to change and modify EoD just specifically for the tournament and tournament play. ie.. Make a version just for the tourny.
However, the failure of this does not lie solely in my hands at BF2C. As the leadership of the tourny, did not want me to create a seperate mod just for BF2C. In fact, I had offered to even do patches and stuff and have the players at BF2C test all of them. Again, I was met with resistence. I am not sure why the guys never wanted to have me modify the build?
In anycase, when you are a one man mod team, doing EVERYTHING, because the guys on your mod team quit. Then things tend to happen slow. It takes awhile for one guy to redo and reproduce alot of content. In my case, I had to fix and redo alot of the mod build all by myself. I do wish I could have gotten things out faster back then.
However, today is a brand new day and a new time.
McLuv wrote:Guys... Check out
Kinda sad that it has to completely change the name, but probably simply putting PR:V as the title and not doing anything else would bring a 10000% population increase :/
Oh, there is more to it than just changing the name. We've changed alot of how things work and function. PR:Vietnam, while similiar to EoD, is not setup like EoD was setup.
PR is team orientated. EoD is and was not. Therefore, you can expect PR:V to play more like PR, but regular EoD will still be available and updated, but play more like BF2. It's not going to have the better weapons, 3d ironsights or anything that PR has. It will just be like it is today, with some new maps.
PR:V caters more to the PR community and PR playerbase. This is why we have named it the way we have.