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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-06-27 22:46
by Rhino
agus92 wrote:7 September?? What? When? Who??
It was a joke estimate from mries from the last page of this topic:
pedrooo14 wrote:Hey guys, are you still working on this? Or it's dead?
[quote=""'[R-DEV"]Mineral;2135109']It's a big release, with many features that upfront are hard to guess how long they will take :) We'll get it done though. Our issue tracker tells me we are at 80% complete for the roadmap. With many of that last 20% still in QA(testing/feedback) it's looking like we are close. Although some of those WIP issues are absolute monsters though :p

[quote="mries""]If math was a accurate thing in PR then this could be said:

898 issues in 236 days (since 1.3.5 (31-10-15))
= 3,8 issues solved a day
= 295 remaining / 3,8 = 77,6 days = 7 September 2016. You heared it here first folks!

I know im wrong, math vs. RL sucks

*starts crying because of misery*
Gerfand wrote:you need to put a deviation error there, so
+-1 Day
[R-CON]Zeno wrote:More like +/- a lifetime :lol:

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-06-28 20:12
R-DEVs, what is your opinion about laying AT-mines on the Vadso-City by Russians on the bridge near British MainBase (B12) , bottleneck (A10) and B14 (south, near water and borderline)? Is it punishable?
It is no punishzone for Russian forces on this map.

Without active attacks (rockets, AA, Mgs...), only mines in good places!

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-06-28 20:24
by Gerfand
Or the Mine laying on Drove, from russians...

I mean what is the point on the Tank layer if is too easy to ambush that.

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-06-28 20:34
by agus92
[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:It was a joke estimate from mries from the last page of this topic:
Oh yeah, I remember now, thanks :)

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-05 12:09
by Vista
Are there any rifle balance changes planned for 1.4? Buffs, nerfs?

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-05 12:25
by camo
Vista wrote:Are there any rifle balance changes planned for 1.4? Buffs, nerfs?
Nothing much for the rifles, but the ugl will be getting a buff.

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-05 17:52
by iglotruck
Are you working on the explosions audio issue? 20% of all explosions don't have any audio, so it's sometimes difficult to tell what happened.

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-05 23:36
by LiamNL
Will Brexit have any impact on PR? :P

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-06 05:15
by HellRanger2558
Vista wrote:Are there any rifle balance changes planned for 1.4? Buffs, nerfs?
Please don't tell me your still going through with the atgm nerf because I think it might be worse than sliding turrets in the last update lol remember those?

Posted: 2016-07-06 07:26
by Mineral
Didnt know you tested it already. Got any actual arguments? :P

( These changes have ruined the mod phase initiated)

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-06 08:50
by LiamBai
LiamNL wrote:Will Brexit have any impact on PR? :P
Expect tax on your two pounds per month. :D

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-20 22:38
by Reamz
Will we see the M4A1 implemented into the US Army faction?

Army continues rollout of more durable, full-auto M4A1

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-24 10:59
Why are Al-Nusra and Al-Dazr ISIS branch terrorists called Syrian Rebels in PR?????? They have same clothing, uniforms and even vehicles (that music van for example)

Russian Airforce asked US Alliance in Syria to specify clear difference between rebels and terrorists which the so called alliance failed to do over 120 times by now. The so called moderate beheaders slash rebels recently executed a young boy live on news network (!)

I get it it's geopolitics, but is PR team really falling for the geopolitical stuff?

Same with Chechen Rebels - those are Mujahideen which had mercenaries from over 52 countries. Mujahideen was destroyed and broken down to Taliban after they were purged out of Chechnya. Calling those individuals "rebels" is actually very insulting to local residents of those regions. A rebel is a resident who oposses an organisation or government, not a "moderate" headcutter from outside who comes to kill and rape for money slash oil slash stolen goods.

BTW. I played today (can't remember server) on sbeneh map, I joined just when round ended so in global I asked MEC (supposedly Syrian army) why did you let isis win?! Everyone started yelling at the same time, some would say "it's not isis it's israel!" others "it's not isis it's Syrian govt" yet others would yell snackbars on repeat, one of them even said "don't care they're all immigrants!" I mean I get it, people are bored and play trolling roles but some take the geopolitical propaganda seriously. Would expect better from a tactical community, at least last time I played (some 4-5 years ago) no akbars were yelled. The server crashed because everyone spammed mumble...

Are you going to fix this in next patch or something?

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-24 11:19
by Mineral
We don't need to fix anything. This is a videogame, we don't portray every faction correctly. We also choose to have more broad terms like 'iraqi insurgents', 'syrian rebels', 'MEC', 'militia', 'ARF' as those allow us to deploy them in a broad range of maps. It also doesn't have us the need to change it every month when this group joins that group or when this side switches allies etc. We like broad terms and won't change them. Geopolitics don't really intrest us when developing the game.

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-24 11:24
[R-DEV]Mineral wrote:We don't need to fix anything. This is a videogame, we don't portray every faction correctly. We also choose to have more broad terms like 'iraqi insurgents', 'syrian rebels', 'MEC', 'militia', 'ARF' as those allow us to deploy them in a broad range of maps. It also doesn't have us the need to change it every month when this group joins that group or when this side switches allies etc. We like broad terms and won't change them.
Makes sense and to be honest I don't really care. I just play the mod because it's way better than most shooter games nowadays.

If you're not content with changing names, why just not name them all insurgents or MEC 2 MEC 3 etc or something?

Anyway I got one more question - Are you guys going to make Russia vs ISIS map, and are you going to finish announced armies (I can't remember full list but I saw there was Syrian army, Iranian forces, Danish army and few others)?

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-24 11:27
by Mineral
We don't have an ISIS factions and currently have no RUS vs any middle eastern rebel force map in the works.

SAF, Ukranian Forces, Polish Forces are all in the works atm. Norwegian and Finnish are sort of stopped and the others you speak of were never in the works.

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-24 15:03
by agus92
[R-DEV]Mineral wrote:We don't have an ISIS factions and currently have no RUS vs any middle eastern rebel force map in the works.

SAF, Ukranian Forces, Polish Forces are all in the works atm. Norwegian and Finnish are sort of stopped and the others you speak of were never in the works.
Well, Captn Miller is working on an ISIS-ish faction.

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-24 15:03
by Mineral
He's not in the PR team? there are many , many factions in the modding forums that I didn't include

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-25 02:32
[R-DEV]Mineral wrote:We don't have an ISIS factions and currently have no RUS vs any middle eastern rebel force map in the works.

SAF, Ukranian Forces, Polish Forces are all in the works atm. Norwegian and Finnish are sort of stopped and the others you speak of were never in the works.
Would be cool to have one map.

I could of sworn I played on a server where it was USMC vs ISIS (had red rebel insurgent flag) it might have been a server-side name mod.

Anyway I saw wip army names in a wiki page (can't remember exact source) but here's another one - Features | Project Reality

This one lists:

WIP PR Community Factions:

Polish Forces
Norwegian Forces
Finish Forces
Syrian Armed Forces
World War 2 USA & German Forces
Falkands British and Argentinian Forces

Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Posted: 2016-07-25 16:54
by sweedensniiperr
Is there any chance we can get a list of community modding list for regular PR? Small things that don't neccessary add much gameplay-wise but just adds that extra touch.

For example:
RPD(there's no reason this wouldn't make it in PR if it was made, right?)