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re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-16 14:56
by ryan d ale
greg3000 wrote:same problem as ryan but with Teamspeak
Do you use TS overlay in game to see who is talking?

Might be a problem. Especially when 1.0 is released with mumble overlay :(

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-16 14:58
by ryan d ale
Just want to say once again that this visual enhancement is awesome. I wish the PR team could build something official like this.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-17 20:53
by SAM609
Hi guys ! my new preset is almost ready , I just need the list of BF2 resolutions to finish it !
the only sad news is I didn't found any fix for that stupid alt+tab crash yet ! :( I asked Boris for his help (In here) but he said that he hate EA so much , he don't want to work on any of their games ! that's really a shame , because this guy can fix all current bugs in no times ! feel free to go inside his forum and poke the guy ! maybe we could change his mind together ! :wink:
SAM609 wrote:Screenshots from V0.3 (Gold Dust) :


re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-17 23:54
by Pesticide
indoors looks fantastic, are you using some extra shadow ssao enforcing from your videocard or something?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 03:35
by waldov
Those screens look amazing! talk about taking BF2 to the limit! My only grudge is the boxy shadows whats going on there?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 06:17
by SAM609
Pesticide wrote:indoors looks fantastic, are you using some extra shadow ssao enforcing from your videocard or something?
No ! It's all ENB power ! my dual ENB setup helped a lot tho ! ;-)
waldov wrote:Those screens look amazing! talk about taking BF2 to the limit! My only grudge is the boxy shadows whats going on there?
That's static lighting map , made by mappers ! those boxy shadows are one of the side effects of 4 KM maps ! I can't do anything about it ! :neutral:

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 07:41
by KaB
That's really great ! Could you make a video so that we can see it in action ?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 09:19
by Prevtzer
Well that looks amazing SAM609! I especially liked that BTR-80A picture.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 09:53
by Arab
Holy Shit that's photorealistic!

I mean not photorealistic, because that would be unrealistic if everything had a gloss and being like a picture. The correct term is that it's realistic, offering breath-taking visuals that adds more to Project Reality's amazing maps.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 17:40
by ryan d ale
Still looking forward to update 3 being made public.

Also, Sam what do you think about the PR 1.0 integrated mumble overlay - it will effect this work?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 21:30
by Phoenixo_Idaho
Good job Sam ! :-D

I scrapped my beta ENB 3.0 after trying to tweaks settings for an hundred of times ! Goddamnit lol ! :hissyfit:

You can send me your actual version to test (promise i won't tweak it :mrgreen :) . you've really balanced the colours. i see the end of the tunnel !
ryan d ale wrote: Also, Sam what do you think about the PR 1.0 integrated mumble overlay - it will effect this work?
Good question :/

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 21:32
by ComradeHX
SAM609 wrote:Hi guys ! my new preset is almost ready , I just need the list of BF2 resolutions to finish it !
the only sad news is I didn't found any fix for that stupid alt+tab crash yet ! :( I asked Boris for his help (In here) but he said that he hate EA so much , he don't want to work on any of their games ! that's really a shame , because this guy can fix all current bugs in no times ! feel free to go inside his forum and poke the guy ! maybe we could change his mind together ! :wink:
Tell him this PR is what kicks *** of all EA shooter games.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-18 22:54
by Pesticide
there is a demo of bf2 i think, and also plenty of cracked versions out there , he does not need to install origin on his pc at all. Tell him that, i bet he just hates origin

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-19 12:14
by FlamingSoul
Everything is so blurry, where is the sharpness?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-19 23:23
by ComedyInK
ComradeHX wrote:Tell him this PR is what kicks *** of all EA shooter games.
PR isn't even EA anymore.

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-21 02:26
by Death!
0.3 seems really amazing, Sam!

Here is another screenshot, 16:9 this time. :D


re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-25 09:13
by jozi02
So, when can we expect 3.0? (just don't say "soon" please :) )

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-25 10:00
by HughJass
needs video :D

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-25 21:03
by rodrigoma
great, installed this now pr crashes on start ;/
any fix?

re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod

Posted: 2013-06-25 22:36
by ComedyInK
Disable mumble overlay/ xfire ingame/ TS Overlay/ anything that is a Direct X based Overlay.