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Posted: 2007-03-11 08:51
by R@ge
Here is another image from Al Basrah:

Click for large version (1280X1024)

Posted: 2007-03-11 22:47
by hoc_xfirestormx
bosco wrote:@[R-PUB]Garabaldi:

First of all, we didn't plan to do a marksman squad, I found my kit.
Second, we didn't plan to get behind enemy lines, the just overran us.
Wouldn't make much sense to engage APCs and tanks with M14, right?
Third, we kept them from taking the gas station multiple times.
And finally, our squad was in an 20-minute firefight with the MEC sniper on top of the scoreboard. Our teams sniper didn't do it.
ahh i hear ya. yeah thats cool. the reason i posted what i did is because it is really frustrating when people do that intentionally just to get kills (i just played one of the most irritating rounds on ejod in which snipers were just sitting around not relocating or doing anything), but what you said makes sense.

Posted: 2007-03-11 23:21
by ReadMenace

T62 Sniping gone bad. Missed my shot @ the cobra, he took me out, but to my pleasure he crashed into the building. :D

Posted: 2007-03-11 23:37
by NYgurkha
here's some eye candy


thought the scenery looked very good.


loved the sunset

Posted: 2007-03-11 23:52
by JuniperM40
^^^^ Has anyone but me noticed that the sun is setting in the NORTH?

It's dis-orientating to me as a human being... I rarely see the sun at 90-degree north on the horizon. I actually get confused on the map because someone says "itheyre to the west"... and I look into the light...

- JM40.

Posted: 2007-03-12 08:27
by hoc_xfirestormx
hows this one?


i think a few of you will notice bits of your screens in there. hope you like :)

edit: think i need to blur the helo more. and the dimensions may be wrong, but thats an easy fix. and im still conflicted about the lens flare... hmm... what do you guys think?

Posted: 2007-03-12 08:36
by causticbeat
hoc_xfirestormx wrote:hows this one?

i think a few of you will notice bits of your screens in there. hope you like :)

edit: think i need to blur the helo more. and the dimensions may be wrong, but thats an easy fix. and im still conflicted about the lens flare... hmm... what do you guys think?

someone got fancy with their photoshop :P

mind upping a version without text for my desktop? really a beautifully done composite

Posted: 2007-03-12 10:34
by Gitchy
My first time playing today; love the game!




Posted: 2007-03-12 11:04
by El_Vikingo

j/K :)

Posted: 2007-03-12 17:48
by Mongolian_dude
NYgurkha wrote: Image

loved the sunset
This Pic is .4 btw.
Two things here suggest this. That is a transport LB up ahead and yet the logo shows it as a gunship logo, a little problem with .4 Also, it shows up as blue on his minimap, suggesting he is USMC while he is driving a chinese jeep, which is not possible in .5.



Posted: 2007-03-12 18:21
by SethLive!
'[R-MOD wrote:Mongolian_dude']This Pic is .4 btw.
Two things here suggest this. That is a transport LB up ahead and yet the logo shows it as a gunship logo, a little problem with .4 Also, it shows up as blue on his minimap, suggesting he is USMC while he is driving a chinese jeep, which is not possible in .5.



lol i love Columbo! my fav old tv show! Columbo ftw!
/sorry a little off-topic :o ops:
@garibaldi, wow nice pics :-o i have a new wall paper :p

Posted: 2007-03-12 18:28
by El_Vikingo
'[R-MOD wrote:Mongolian_dude']This Pic is .4 btw.
Two things here suggest this. That is a transport LB up ahead and yet the logo shows it as a gunship logo, a little problem with .4 Also, it shows up as blue on his minimap, suggesting he is USMC while he is driving a chinese jeep, which is not possible in .5.


WOW! 7h053 4r3 50m3 cr4zy 5ki11z. y0u 4r3 4 7ru3 1337!!!

Posted: 2007-03-12 19:41
by soraflair
hoc_xfirestormx wrote:hows this one?

i think a few of you will notice bits of your screens in there. hope you like :)

edit: think i need to blur the helo more. and the dimensions may be wrong, but thats an easy fix. and im still conflicted about the lens flare... hmm... what do you guys think?
Thanks for the new wallpaper.

Posted: 2007-03-12 20:09
by dunkellic
call me a stats-whore or anything you like - but tanks, are awesome XD


Posted: 2007-03-12 20:23
by 77SiCaRiO77
nothign like my 59/0 on sunset the past saturday

Posted: 2007-03-12 20:39
by El_Vikingo
call me a stats-whore or anything you like - but tanks, are awesome XD

....stat whore...

Posted: 2007-03-12 20:43
by dunkellic
btw, without my friend and driver =GG=peace|maker that score would never have been possible, kudos peace ;)

Posted: 2007-03-12 21:05
by NYgurkha
wrong mr. colombo, taht screenshot was from .5 and i was chineese, and the chopper in the front was a WZ11 and if you look very closely the minimap icon is actually a LB icon not a gunship icon.

Posted: 2007-03-12 21:25
by El_Vikingo
El_Vikingo wrote:WOW! 7h053 4r3 50m3 cr4zy 5ki11z. y0u 4r3 4 7ru3 1337!!!
Cancel that.

The chopper may not be visible enough to make it out.

Chack out the AAA at the Chinky Main Base, that would only appear if on the chinky side.

HQ: capture Lower City, Temple

Which is basically the first couple of points to be captured by chinkies!

then look at the tickets, which seems to be at the start, ussually around 250 maybe.

Posted: 2007-03-12 21:29
by .:iGi:.NinjaJedi
Gotta applaud you dunk/=GG=peace|maker that was some expert tanking.

we just couldnt get near you.