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Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 07:16
by h0tthings
if we buy it on steam will the mod work?

because i've got some issues with bf2 on steam working with PR.

and plus i got a fungasm :razz:

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 08:19
by cm.
yes it will work fine

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 09:21
by Lanthan
This is so awesome and I waited for this.
No I don´t wonder anymore why Dr_Eyeball wasn´t working on his Devastation mod anymore. This mod already was the closest to PR what we had so far for ArmA.
Thanks a lot guys!

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 09:46
by K4on
in my opinion, steam is not the best at all.
my arma is running without steam. perfectly.
for example u can patch the game if u want, not when steams says

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 10:07
by Fieldy
NautaFIN wrote:aww god dammit, now i must pay crapload of money to upgrade my PC for Arma2! look what u've done! :P
Jup, join the club :-)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 10:20
by Lanthan
[R-DEV]STALKERGB wrote:The number of players will be slightly higher than you could on chernarus (arma default island) as there is slightly less going on with a desert map. Would have though 50 v 50 is possible at the moment.
50vs50 will be certainly possible. I already played 50vs50 on the AAS mod and stable 120 on the Berzerk mod. So I´m more than confident that armaPR will bring us minimum 50vs50 battles. I hope we can put it on the server pretty soon :D

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 10:59
by PatrickLA_CA
So which patch will we need to play PR on arma2

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 11:03
by Garbol
Someone asked is there is VoiP in game. Yes, there is, couple channels same goes for text messages.

Group Channel - Only soldiers in your group can hear you.
Side Channel - Only soldiers in your side can hear you (BLUFOR, OPFOR etc.)
Vehicle Channel - only soldiers in your vehicle can hear you.
Direct Channel - Only soldiers close to you can hear you.
Command Channel and Commander Channel - not sure for those but I think they are used for "High Command Module"

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 11:05
by NightMaker
Oh, Bohemia Interactive is gonna wonder why their selling is increased so drastically :P

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 11:16
by Wakain
I don't know if it's possible, but seeing that there are quite some new high quality models for the british faction, will we see some of those (like the fn mag, the L85 with railz and acog and that beautiful landrover with mark 19) ported to PR:BF2?

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 11:18
by Meza82
awsome! and blood?! looking forward to it! if this is what i think it is, PR + better everything and WAY less bf2 engine hardcode limitations, omfg

u should all at least dl (via steam) the Arma2 demo for free on their official site. i just did, and low settings, the graphics are still good

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 11:49
by Snazz
Technobanana wrote:Ok if you sort out the fucking shitty voice acting shizzle i might atculy buy ARMA 2
The annoying robotic voices are for bots whereas PR will focus on PvP and mic usage.
browna3 wrote:you can either ignore it or get used to it
Or not play bots or just disable their voices.
Kill001 wrote:Jesus, someone make a FAQ thread for PRArmA2
Indeed, The need for one is very evident.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 11:57
by MaxSalvatore
Well, how 'bout city firefights? Is it possible in ArmA 2? Shall i expect Muttrah v.3 night assault? :)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 12:00
by ***LeGeNDK1LLER***
johnkodesu wrote:YEEES !!! YEEEES!!!! YEEEEEEEEESSS!!
no more weird BF2 glitches no more small maps NO MORE jumping retardedly with your gun!!!


:-P :-P :-P

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 12:51
by Web_cole
Ha, I bought ARMA 2 yesterday... and then I find this just now, awesome :D

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 13:16
by ***LeGeNDK1LLER***
Lanthan wrote:50vs50 will be certainly possible. I already played 50vs50 on the AAS mod and stable 120 on the Berzerk mod. So I´m more than confident that armaPR will bring us minimum 50vs50 battles. I hope we can put it on the server pretty soon :D

even in arma 1 it was possible to play 50 vs 50,the problem is the quality of the server hosting the match. my clan has organzied a campaign involved a lot of different players from various nations.but the possibility to do that is real obviously even in arma 2..

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 13:19
by eddie
Awesome :p I was looking at P:UKF the other day and wondering just why they won't release their work. I'm happy that PR's on the case :)
Wakain wrote:I don't know if it's possible, but seeing that there are quite some new high quality models for the british faction, will we see some of those (like the fn mag, the L85 with railz and acog and that beautiful landrover with mark 19) ported to PR:BF2?
It's a H&K GMG actually.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 14:01
by Gaz
eddie wrote:Awesome :p I was looking at P:UKF the other day and wondering just why they won't release their work. I'm happy that PR's on the case :)

It's a H&K GMG actually.
P:UKF are a very skilled and experienced team. I remember they pumped out some amazing stuff on OFP1. I believe the team were contracted by BISim to create a proportion (if not all) of the original UK vehicle assets in VBS2. Due to this, I am not sure, but they may be restricted in what they can release publically due to NDAs or EULAs agreed between the two entities. This only applies to the ARMA1 assets ported/made as far as I'm aware. I actually came over all nostalgic and signed up on their forums to say hello today :)

Google 'Op JCOVE' for the UK VBS2 project. You can also check out JCOVE Lite for the free public version, which has pretty much all the assets included. Note that the EULA dictates that files or assets may not be ripped/reverse engineered for other programs, like ArmA etc :)

Was about to order ArmA2 from for £11.99, but it's out of stock :(

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 14:42
by eddie
Cheers, I did read that people have been ripping off their work, which is fair enough. Kind of a kick in the teeth to their community though. And yeah, I have JCOVE Lite, it's good but quite clunky.

Gamestop usually has it in store and at a decent price. It's not worth it just for the vanilla version though ;)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-13 14:44
by stilpu
@[R-DEV]Gaz: £12.07 + £1.99 shipping on amazon UK.