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Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-01 10:01
by Daniel
"doop-de-doo", I TOTALLY agree on everything u wrote. Thx!

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-01 10:15
by PoisonBill
If I have not seen this thread until now, does that mean I've been a F-tard ever since?
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-01 12:10
by Daniel
No, just NOW THAT u found this epic/awesome thread, USE THE fckin

"#" sign! (or better, join a great PR community/clan!

even better!) Depends on your playstyle, if u want to train to become a perfect task force like thing or whatever, it's best to train with good other players again and again, than playing in a 6 player squad, all strangers to each other...

Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-02 00:20
by DDS
The # tag doesn't make one a teamplayer. Adhering to what it stands for is something one CHOOSES TO DO regardless of what tag they wear. If the squad is just about killz n' thrills I'm out of there. Everyone is the pr community and only the community (clan no clan) can keep it teamplay oriented. Clan and game communities... been there, done that. fail
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-02 00:34
by ComradeHX
How about:
Server admins perma-ban anyone using "#" tag if they, for example, blow up gary at main...etc.?
Posted: 2012-05-02 01:56
by dtacs
Is that a serious idea?
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-02 01:56
by SGT.Ice
ComradeHX wrote:How about:
Server admins perma-ban anyone using "#" tag if they, for example, blow up gary at main...etc.?
What does that have to do with this thread/take it to the feedback.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-02 03:10
by ComradeHX
SGT.Ice wrote:What does that have to do with this thread/take it to the feedback.
Read posts above...
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-02 04:55
by Tarranauha200
Thats actually good idea. Should stop asshats from using this tag.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2012-05-02 05:36
by doop-de-doo
ComradeHX wrote:Server admins perma-ban anyone using "#" tag if they [are asshats].
I don't think I would like to see server admins burdened with # user problems. It wouldn't be right for us to try to make server admins do things for us because we would like them to.
I'm sure an experienced admin who has been to this forum and read this thread understands that we cannot force people to take tags off. In the same manner, I'm certain that
that admin also understands that not all # users are genuine.
Unfortunately, in that kind of situation, # users would be seen in a bad light, even if it's only a single player making an appearance on multiple servers and making an *** out of himself.
To YOU, the ones who ARE team-oriented: Don't sweat a couple oafs screaming from the sky like an asshat comet. If you want, tell them that they can read about what the # tag means for some of us in the PR community here, at If they fuss, just ignore them and play the game. It's a server admin issue from there on.
My apologies to any admins who might have had to manage any of the fake # users.
On a seperate note, sad to see a "fail idea" tag for the thread.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2015-06-19 01:54
by Megagoth1702
This needs revive. Still rocking the tags.
Re: Universal teamwork-oriented Player Tag "#"
Posted: 2015-06-19 14:29
by Daniel