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Re: [Weapon] Flak 18 (8.8 cm) [WIP](WW2)

Posted: 2015-05-07 07:52
by Rhino
As Andy said, unlink and rotate, relink. You shouldn't need to reset xform in most cases, some you might, although resetting pivot rotation might help, but again if you do that, do it when its unlinked.
fatalsushi83 wrote:Sorry for the off-topic post but what's that FN-FAL model with the Russia scope that Rhino posted 2-3 pages back? Any chance you can give that to the Syrian rebel spotter since currently the two options are unscoped FAL and scoped SVD, and no one in their right mind would take the former over the latter? Just an idea :-D
Its a British scope, the Russians copied :p
Sight Unit Infantry Trilux (SUIT) - Project Reality Forums

As for giving it to the FSA, I've yet to see this scope used on anything other than commonwealth L1A1s, but scopes on FN FALs in Syria is pretty common so this could represent that.

Re: [Weapon] Flak 18 (8.8 cm) [WIP](WW2)

Posted: 2015-05-07 16:56
by Ratface
Excellent, I'll give it a go when I get home, cheers boys!

Re: [Weapon] Flak 18 (8.8 cm) [WIP](WW2)

Posted: 2015-05-07 17:12
by Mineral
fatalsushi83 wrote:Sorry for the off-topic post but what's that FN-FAL model with the Russia scope that Rhino posted 2-3 pages back? Any chance you can give that to the Syrian rebel spotter since currently the two options are unscoped FAL and scoped SVD, and no one in their right mind would take the former over the latter? Just an idea :-D
Syrian Rebel Spotter has unscoped FN Fal or AK74 Scoped. No SVD... Scoped kit is not always ideal. I often take unscoped kits over scopes on multiple maps. Spotter is also often chosen for the extra rope or GTLD.

Re: [Weapon] Flak 18 (8.8 cm) [WIP](WW2)

Posted: 2015-05-07 22:07
by fatalsushi83
So that rifle will be available for the British marksman when Falklands comes out, right? Looks really nice.

My mistake about the SVD. I prefer irons on a lot of maps and iron sight factions in general but I thought giving the Syrians a bit more variety in terms of inf weapons for limited kits would make them a more appealing/unique faction. Keeping mostly iron sight AKs on the kit selection menu I totally agree with though. Anyway, thanks for the answer.

Re: [Weapon] Flak 18 (8.8 cm) [WIP](WW2)

Posted: 2015-05-08 06:33
by Ratface
Many thanks Amok and Rhino, worked like a charm, just gotta do that for each individual lod/geom/etc! :)

Had to end up unlinking, xforming, rotating, collapsing xform, re-adjusting, relinking, etc. for each LOD, ended up working out perfectly, I appreciate your help!