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re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-26 10:27
by ryan d ale
ComedyInK wrote:Disable mumble overlay/ xfire ingame/ TS Overlay/ anything that is a Direct X based Overlay.
That's right.
Xfire will mess up your PR with this add on but the add on is well worth it.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-28 08:31
by rodrigoma
how do you uninstall or at least disable it?
Shift + F12 doesn't seem to work as-well.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-28 09:56
by jozi02
[R-CON]rodrigoma wrote:how do you uninstall or at least disable it?
Shift + F12 doesn't seem to work as-well.
to uninstall - just delete files
to disabe - it's right shift + f12
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-28 19:10
by SAM609
The new preset has been
Download it from first post of this thread (
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-28 19:38
by SpectrePR
New version looks amazing. +1
Unfortunately, I can't use it. Computer can't run anything less than fullscreen for the life of me. And being able to multitask while playing PR is too important.
This is wrapper version of an ENB, correct? Have you tried running it with the injector instead? Might cut down on the drawbacks.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-28 23:16
by Pesticide
performance difference between full screen and windowed is negligable. Unless you have very little memory.
pesticide - Project Reality Battlefield 2 teamwork mod - visuals enhanced with ENB3.0 - what bf3 and 4 should be some 3,0 shots of fools road, ramiel and al basrah where i turn it on and off ingame
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-29 01:45
by WarEagle751
It keeps crashing on most maps. The only one that I tried that works so far is Muttrah City.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-29 15:17
by Death!
I really liked 0.3, but where is the blinding effect? That was awesome.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-29 23:53
by labonte95
Sam, is there any way you could guide me to the older versions? Silly me forgot to back up v2, which imo looked better. I feel update 3 is just too bright. Oh and also, using this mod wont conflict with 1.0 will it?
Posted: 2013-06-30 01:04
by Pmosis
labonte95 wrote:Sam, is there any way you could guide me to the older versions? Silly me forgot to back up v2, which imo looked better. I feel update 3 is just too bright. Oh and also, using this mod wont conflict with 1.0 will it?
I used the mod on 1.0 with no problems.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-30 02:10
by Death!
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-06-30 21:57
by ryan d ale
EDIT - Worked after trying to update multiple times and using most recent ENB.
problems running on BETA (2 others don't have them). Launcher-update issues.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-03 02:03
by Death!
I want to get back to 0.2, can anyone upload that again? I miss the blinding effect. Plus, the 0.3 is way too bright.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-03 02:37
by ComedyInK
I agree with the 3.0 is too bright, and also brown. On Saamereea, the filter totally kills all the natural green and makes everything have a brown tint. But on Black Gold AAS, it looks really great, although it is still way too bright than it needs to be. And It's too much to handle on Back Gold Skirmish, some people may like it, but I find it to be too much.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-03 11:58
by SAM609
ComedyInK wrote:I agree with the 3.0 is too bright, and also brown. On Saamereea, the filter totally kills all the natural green and makes everything have a brown tint. But on Black Gold AAS, it looks really great, although it is still way too bright than it needs to be. And It's too much to handle on Back Gold Skirmish, some people may like it, but I find it to be too much.
Try this new palette ! just replace this one with the original file ! it should return the eye adoption effect ! I didn't test it with 1.0 Beta yet tho !!
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-04 08:22
by 007.SirBond
I wanna use this, but I don't like running stuff in Borderless fullscreen windowed. Will this ever get released working on fullscreen mode with ALT TAB?
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-05 11:23
by Raklodder
Is this within legal "PR-terms" to use this mini-mod for PR BETA on public servers?
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-05 11:49
by ryan d ale
Raklodder wrote:Is this within legal "PR-terms" to use this mini-mod for PR BETA on public servers?
It's fine no PB problems and no one from the team has said anything against it.
It can also be turned on and off whilst in game (macro right shift and F12)!
So...if PR looks bad in one place then use mod and if mod looks bad in one place then use PR.
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-05 12:47
by MiG-29
This is going to be implemented in original mod, right? RIGT?!
re: PR Graphic Enhancement Mod
Posted: 2013-07-05 13:14
MiG-29 wrote:This is going to be implemented in original mod, right? RIGT?!
Why should it be?
not everybody likes playing with it...