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Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 03:27
by Objurium
Not sure if it has been mentioned as I skimmed the thread, but the Operator being healed in the video has US Flag patch on the wrong arm. SOP is that stars are always facing forward.

New medic stuff looks really cool though!

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 03:31
by CodeRedFox
"I see your boots only have 6 lace holes, well the current military issue boot has 8...."

I believe its been fixed :-P

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 03:34
by Chuc
And it is.. Patch and flag have been moved. Hurray, the day is saved.

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 05:26
by greenfire07
but shouldnt you be bandaged before rescucitation? Think about it, if you are bleeding profusely, you dont want some guy massaging your heart and causing more blood to come out.

IMO all troops should carry a limited amount of gauze bandaging instead of the ravioli kits you throw then pick up??. and medics should carry about 5 times as much, maybe replace the strange blue-grey bag that ive never seen a real soldier carrying.

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 05:34
by fuzzhead
and while your at it, can you guys make it so you can drag wounded?? its really annoying you havnt done that yet.... what are we paying you for?! this is REALISM, i mean, come on :roll:

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 07:40
by Wolfe
Drag him to a medic? Heck, it's faster to just shoot him and respawn with full health. :firing: :crazy:

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 08:01
by master of the templars
make a weapon that pushes bodies like the medic resusitate but make it more powerful, there now you can drag/push people to medics.

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 09:45
by SocketMan
How about we can just put "the dead" in the grave,play some quick funeral music,fire a few in the air and - be done with it?
Ashes to ashes dust to dust.Medics can give out "performance enhancers" instead of reviving :twisted:

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-23 09:58
by 00SoldierofFortune00
Yes, finally a scope/reddot for the medic!!!!!

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-24 01:44
by RGG:Dale
brilliant work lads lovin it, :)

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-24 21:56
by -*^DOS3^*-
SO much more realistic than before. Great work!

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-24 22:06
by Waaah_Wah
^^Is it? ;)

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-24 23:14
by greenfire07
not much more realistic, but much more engaging

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-24 23:21
by LithiumFox
Celestial1 wrote:The Epipen is an adrenaline shot, and in NO WAY is it a healing device. It simply gets the soldier up off the ground for a second to get to cover so he can be healed.

The epipen doesn't remove bullets, afterall.
no... maybe we should make it so that the medic has to preform FULL BLOWN surgery on the field, and add support for Wii-remotes so he has to do it with perfect precision or risk killing the patient ;)

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-25 01:30
by Ironcomatose
greenfire07 wrote:not much more realistic, but much more engaging
And that in itself is a realistic quality.

Re: [Kits] Medic!

Posted: 2008-08-25 20:40
by Michaelp800
Yes nice work!

But I really miss the defi. My idea: CPR, Epi, Defi, Healing.