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Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 14:52
Hmm, never really enjoyed the mechanics of TvT on arma2 (people floating/warping about, desynchs etc), will be interesting to see if this changes my mind.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 14:58
by eddie
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 15:16
by Schancky
Nope. The island is being made by a guy called arb. The troops are StalkerGB's units converted to ArmAII by me
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 15:26
by CDN. Spectre
Great news to hear that you guys are releasing an ArmA2 mod.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 15:46
by erfrag
this looks awesome. i cant wait!
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 15:53
by UbangiStomp
Look's really cool. I can't wait.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 15:57
by eddie
[R-CON]Schancky wrote:Nope. The island is being made by a guy called arb. The troops are StalkerGB's units converted to ArmAII by me
That's a shame, it looks fantastic.
Nice work on the (dare I say it?
) *new* PR?
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 16:34
by pclipse_teh_owner
Holy ****!!!!!
Can you imagine THIS + Operation Arrowhead FLIR system in the Apaches and other gunships? OMFG!!!
I played with TacticalGamer this whole time, because they are the only ones that use teamwork in ArmA 2, all other random servers are just like CoD with ArmA 2 dynamics.
But, if this mini-mod will have a browser for servers ONLY RUNNING the PR mod. This is Godlike!!!!!!
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 17:04
by allirog
Well in didnt like ArmA I at all so i never bought ArmA II just testet it for short time, and i hated it...
Now i have to think about getting the game to test PR:ArmA II
If you announce FastRopes im gonne get ArmA II
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 17:09
by grumpyoldman
Hi folks.
Having seen the video I have to say I am really looking forward to this.
Excellent news.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 18:12
by Col.Sanders34
ugh, worst news ever. Now i gotta upgrade my cpu and get a quad which means i need a new MB as well since the 65 nm quads are non-existent now...sigh.
The PR team is pretty much guaranteed to do great things with arma so im compelled to hop on board. Anyone know where i can find a cheap copy of arma 2 as well?
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 18:54
Col.Sanders34 wrote:ugh, worst news ever. Now i gotta upgrade my cpu and get a quad which means i need a new MB as well since the 65 nm quads are non-existent now...sigh.
The PR team is pretty much guaranteed to do great things with arma so im compelled to hop on board. Anyone know where i can find a cheap copy of arma 2 as well?
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 20:13
by CmdUnknown
PR with a proper engine and viewdistance
and since Arma 2 is running better than PR on my system atm, I'm really looking forward to that.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 20:16
by Armando
Will the mod compatible ARMA 2 - Operation Arrowhead (datadisc) ?
ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 20:21
by Callaghan
I have been a member of the OFp/Arma community since day one, almost ten years ago; I have also been playing BF2 and PR since their release so without meaning to sound arrogant I think I can give a fair and balanced opinion before those who merely bought arma 2 release version and dropped it after that.
I have noticed several people with little to no Arma experience commenting here on what they make of it, some of their comments grounded in no more than the release or demo version with all its bugs and flaws. The simple fact is, that if you didnt play ofp/arma1 extensively and then just tried arma 2 for a short while then you never really understood the game to begin with, nor the very unique relationship between developer and community that we have, and were probably not mature or patient enough to exact the rewards from it that so many of us get once the real time is invested.
I noticed someone saying something like 'I hope the Arma 2 community gets the PR concept or it will give it a bad name'. I wasn't sure whether to be amused or annoyed by this, I dont know how many of you know, but the average Arma gamer that plays as part of a squad/clan is generally older and more mature than your average PR gamer, I say this from extensive experience. In addition, it is more likely that the PR community will have to conform to the INCREDIBLY demanding nature of the Arma community, we strive for realism like no other. Remember BF2 was an arcade shooter, Arma 2 was a military simulator (not an FPS like some here seem to think) from the outset, and is actually used by NATO forces for training world over. Add to that the fact that ArmA has the most active, supportive and exciting mod community for any game out there, and it makes me kinda sad that so many of you realism/teamwork fanatics missed out on something so wonderful for so long. Yes, PR should bring something good to ArmA, but honestly if you are looking for a highly improved arma engine then what you want to try is ACE mod 2.0. It makes BFPR look like BC1, no joke, the level of detail is pretty much overwhelming. But hey, dont take my word for it or just take a fanboi stance and flame me, try it for yourself.
So yes, as an Arma/PR gamer I will be trying this mod, but mostly because it offers some very nice British equipment. PR is new to arma and it will take them a long time to get to the same skill level as many of the other mod teams; DO NOT expect PR to heavily modify the engine at first, other mod teams do this and without extensive experience PR simply cannot compete - the engine will however give them much more freedom than BF2 could, as well as the opportunity for much higher quality models and textures than BF2 can support (as you can see in any arma2 screen) so I look forward to seeing what they can bring to the table.
I didn't post this to provoke, or to put down PR fans, it just angers me (as someone who has seen both sides) to see such ignorance expressed with such zeal as if it were a given truth. Comments like 'I get bored of most other FPS in 5 mins' or 'I prob wont even play arma 2 I just want this mod' are simply incredibly ignorant of the nature of arma 2 and its already enormous and very proud community. So I implore you, those new to arma 2, leave your preconceptions at the door, and try ACE mod 2.0 at the very least (if not 5-6 other mods too) before commenting on something beyond PR. I promise you, if you try ace and find a good server (look for a realism clan such as 1st infantry, 10th or 20th SFG etc.) join their TS and you will find realistic combined arms combat on a scale that BFPR could never have dreamed of and will be forced to eat your collective hats. Remember that Arma 2 is wonderful because if you don't like something, you can change it; complaints about the 'sounds' or 'fx' are simply void arguments, as there are already a ridiculous number of very high quality replacement packs for pretty much every aspect of the game, no other game has this much free content, simple as.
Anyway, welcome to the best damn gaming community in the world, its good to have you all onboard.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 20:50
by DXfan01
I'd say most likely but I'm not 100% sure.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 20:54
by Callaghan
MADTKBOY wrote:Does this mean we finally get accurate reload animations for ARMA 2 as well =D?
"That might be a hardcoded problem as i dont know of any mods with proper reload animations, and you would think they would of implemented it? hopefully im pleasantly surprised"
As with any question regarding the content in arma 2: yes, it can be changed, many mods have changed many animations. The problem isnt hard coding, hard coding doesnt exist beyond maybe the fundamental limits of the physics, arma 2 is a very elaborate and realistic game and there is a simple reason why they dont have accurate reload anims for every weapon, that is because the developers work with and know us, the community, and are aware of the number of mods - in other words, even without mods, there are so many weapons in Arma 2 even without mods that BfPR would run away whipmering. I could go on forever but to make it clear here is a SHORTENED and OUTDATED list of the only the American small arms I have with ACE 2 mod and regular arma 2, not including all variants with every optics or attachment as there are simply too many to collect etc or static weapons yadayada, just imagine making a weapon anim even for every general group.
M4A1 M203
M4A1 AIM M203 SD
M4A1 Eotech
M4A1 Camo
M4A1 HWS 203
M4A1 Acog
M4A1 SOCOM Eotech
M4A1 SOCOM Shortdot
Ok so all these have same anims but just to show, that is less than 1/3rd of the M4 variants alone!
M8 Marksman
G36C SD Eotech
M110 SD
M249 Para
M249 M145
M240G M145
Colt 1911
Glock 17
Glock 18
Flare gun
Ok, so that is a small selection of the BLUFOR weapons, not including a shitload of stuff that I cant be bothered to type; add to that all the OPFOR and other factions weapons, including pretty much every gun out there on the damn planet, and you can see why reload anims are not a priority. Hardcore realism, ballistics and tightly coordinated teamwork are, if anims are your priority, this isnt the game for you. Remember its a simulator, not an FPS.
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 21:06
by Oak
rangedReCon wrote:Hopefully it doesn't split the community, that would be rather unfortunate.
My fear precisely
but I hope that instead of fragmentation we'll get a lot of new players coming from the ArmA community.
And Callaghan, I liked the passion in your post. Clearly the ArmA community is more fitting to PR's gameplay than the BF2 one, and ArmA 2 is probably a much better platform (especially with higher player count).
I'm afraid the ArmA 2 demo has left an extremely bad impression on me. Maybe the game is great but never in my life have I been so disappointed in a supposedly AAA title. Still, to every one his own opinion and I believe the spread of PR is a Good Thing (tm). Enjoy the new mod!
Re: Project Reality ArmA2
Posted: 2010-03-13 21:13
by gazzthompson
Callaghan wrote:
"That might be a hardcoded problem as i dont know of any mods with proper reload animations, and you would think they would of implemented it? hopefully im pleasantly surprised"
I havnt played ArmA in ages, and never played any mods. But can you find a video of ArmA2 mod using proper reload animations in which the character actually pulls the magazine out?
This is what i remember ArmA reloading to be:
YouTube - Arma 2.flv
Never even touching the rifle or the magazine. I enjoyed ArmA when i played it and im looking forward to PR:ArmA but this always bugged me for a simulator to have such poor first person animations.