Unlikely, even though I have made the engine block when I made the AH-9A, the rest of the chopper is totally brand new from the Lynx which the Wildcat is based on, so everything else would need to be made from scratch, including a new cockpit and interior etc as well as the obvious.anantdeathhawk wrote:Will PR see this bad boy in the future?
Then on top of that, for the British Army at least, it wouldn't even be realistically able to perform the light attack helicopter role since the Army refuse to use anything more than door guns on it, probably because they are worried that politicians will tell them to get rid of the Apache if they see they have two choppers capable of launching missiles, even thou the Navy is using it with ATGMs as per your pic

So ye, while I would love to see the Wildcat in PR, it simply isn't worth the work when it will just end up replacing the Lynx.