Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

General discussion of the Project Reality: BF2 modification.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Rhino »

anantdeathhawk wrote:Will PR see this bad boy in the future? 8-)

Unlikely, even though I have made the engine block when I made the AH-9A, the rest of the chopper is totally brand new from the Lynx which the Wildcat is based on, so everything else would need to be made from scratch, including a new cockpit and interior etc as well as the obvious.

Then on top of that, for the British Army at least, it wouldn't even be realistically able to perform the light attack helicopter role since the Army refuse to use anything more than door guns on it, probably because they are worried that politicians will tell them to get rid of the Apache if they see they have two choppers capable of launching missiles, even thou the Navy is using it with ATGMs as per your pic :roll:

So ye, while I would love to see the Wildcat in PR, it simply isn't worth the work when it will just end up replacing the Lynx.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by anantdeathhawk »

for rdev rhino,I can share the British Navy's station page from which the wildcat picture was taken. They posted a bunch of them, I thought Brits could use it operation soul rebel. Waiting for the new lynx in game.

And for rdev max, well afghan army was Taliban at night,now we know that.Will you still be making ANA?
Or better to upgrade Taliban to US Army kits.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Rhino »

anantdeathhawk wrote:for rdev rhino,I can share the British Navy's station page from which the wildcat picture was taken. They posted a bunch of them, I thought Brits could use it operation soul rebel. Waiting for the new lynx in game.
I'm sorry the problem isn't with a lack of reference materials, this chopper is only made and stationed down the road from me so I could quite easily grab a whole load of reference material myself if needed but there is plenty online. The issue is the time and effort to make the thing which would have to be made basically from scratch as other than the engine block I've already made for the AH-9A, the rest of the chopper is completely new so anyone making it would basically be making the model from scratch, including a new cockpit. What made the AH-9A somewhat worth doing (at the time anyways) was that it was only a little modification to replace the engine block, landing gear and a few other things to update the chopper to its modern standard. For this, it would be basically making the chopper from scratch and there are other factions missing choppers ingame more critical than the Wildcat which would just be replacing the Lynx on a few maps.

The biggest issue I personally have thou is time to work on PR. R/L work is seriously busy still and has been all summer, I haven't had any time to do little more than check the forums now and then, and any time I do have is spent on finishing off my Frigate, The Falklands and any other projects I have on the go, the last thing I need is to add something else to my to-do list :mrgreen:
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by anantdeathhawk »

No, i understand, i just thought of sharing the link for the wildcat, and as you stated you can see it live frequently, that's awesome.

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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Valmont »

Dear devs, I was wandering if we could get an update on some of the AI Bots improvements that were previously under evaluation. Perhaps some of those were implemented or scraped after further testing.

1) There was a fix implemented months ago that finally fixed the Bots seeing and shooting thought the smoke from smoke grenades. It was going to be evaluated if such fix could be also added to bushes and other foliage to make Ai Bots gameplay on jungle and denser maps more realistic. Any idea on the results of those tests?

2) There was an initiative some time ago about adding invisible vehicles (or invisible turrets) to COOP maps at strategic locations (near flags, inside buildings, windows, elevated positions etc) that the bots would man/spawn on once the flag was taken. The idea was to simulate some Ai Bots taking defensive positions and trying to prevent the enemy team from re taking said flag instead of the whole Army moving to the next flag. Any updates that you know off about such feature?

3) There was an issue before were a human squad leader would issue orders to the ai bots on their squad only to have those orders immediately overridden by the Ai Commander. Do you think there could be a way to give human squad leaders full and exclusive control on the orders that the Ai Bots on their team follow and that the Ai or Human Commander's orders are only obeyed by squads of Ai Bots let by Ai controlled Squad Leaders? Or some fix in between those. (PS: Perhaps this was already fixed by recent patches)

Thank you!
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by SShadowFox »

Is there a working link to download older PR versions? I've been trying to find one for 0.95 or 0.98 to relive the old days but couldn't find any.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Deviro »

SShadowFox wrote:Is there a working link to download older PR versions? I've been trying to find one for 0.95 or 0.98 to relive the old days but couldn't find any.
Go to here and type the name of the file you want in the URL from here. Might not work for some versions/files.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by mebel »

I've got kinda simple question - regarding the common issue with lack of grass being rendered over a distance - it affects like most of the gaming industry. Have you maybe tried to mitigate this? Is eg. making models semi-transparent over a distance possible to mitigate this effect? Or maybe somethig else can be applied? General thing is that the player models are unaturally visible when being far away (not only in PR).
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Mats391 »

mebel wrote:I've got kinda simple question - regarding the common issue with lack of grass being rendered over a distance - it affects like most of the gaming industry. Have you maybe tried to mitigate this? Is eg. making models semi-transparent over a distance possible to mitigate this effect? Or maybe somethig else can be applied? General thing is that the player models are unaturally visible when being far away (not only in PR).
In current update soldiers and kits do no switch LOD at distance. Thankfully Ekiso from FH2 fixed this and shared it with us. As such in next patch the soldier will switch to a lower LOD which will decrease amount of polygons of the mesh. This will help a bit, but obviously no solution.
So far our main approach to this issue is simply to avoid high grass. There is not much more we can do that I can think of. Anything like making soldier transparent, sinking them into ground etc. would apply in all situations and not just when inside tall grass.

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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by mebel »

Mats391 wrote:Anything like making soldier transparent, sinking them into ground etc. would apply in all situations and not just when inside tall grass.
That's actually not so bad, as the scene gets simplified anyway (also textures). So basically the middle ground, that could work in most of the situations, would be nice here.

From my experience, especially with earlier graphics like bf2, player models are just too dark compared to the surroundings. That's maybe due how lighting works, but basically it's like multicam is darker than buildings around, or any other woodland camo is way darker than the grass-ground texture. It is just an example idea of making models transparent, but making them lighter may also work out - due to lightening up high LOD textures, or changing how the lighting works. Applying something like artificial-countershading (by modifing textures): may be also a thing here. The problem is kinda simple, however I would not expect any perfect solution for this, as things over a distance have limited techniques that can be applied on them.

I'm not familiar what can be done within bf2 eninge to mitigate this, but I deduce that transparency is somewhat achievable, as you speak about it this way.

Even in ARMA it is still a major issue that haven't been resolved - but somehow mitigated back in 99, by doing those washed-out textures for models.

So far our main approach to this issue is simply to avoid high grass.
That's great, as player doesn't have a false graphical feedback of being hidden, but the beautiful landscape of eg. Route 106 map with a little bit higher grass is not so much possible.

btw PR devs seem to see the problem, other devs are like: there is no such problem
i'm impressed tbh
Last edited by mebel on 2022-07-19 14:22, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by SShadowFox »

Deviro wrote:Go to here and type the name of the file you want in the URL from here. Might not work for some versions/files.
Nice. Thank you so much.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Krayt »

so is that navy kamov chopper not coming to the game? remember there was a ot of hype around it couple of years ago
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by SShadowFox »

Kasphet wrote:so is that navy kamov chopper not coming to the game? remember there was a ot of hype around it couple of years ago
The Ka-29 is already in game. It's in Saaremaa, Beirut and Vadso. Don't know if it's in any other map.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Coalz101 »

SShadowFox wrote:The Ka-29 is already in game. It's in Saaremaa, Beirut and Vadso. Don't know if it's in any other map.
I think he's talking about Ka52K since KA29 is already in game

Kasphet wrote:so is that navy kamov chopper not coming to the game? remember there was a ot of hype around it couple of years ago

Ka-52 might never come in game this year, and that's primarily due to devs having focus on other things (aside from not being paid to do this) like BF3RM, (Which in my opinion will only last until BF3 servers get clapped by EA) family and otherwise.

But judging from the blog, that should of been out already, maybe just some scripting issues left to fix. But there's many small bugs in PR that need to be fixed and I'm sure they already fixed it but just haven't released a patch. might be the last patch for 1.7 in my eyes right now, I've more faith in getting 1.8 than 1.7.2 or
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Krayt »

yeah I meant Ka52K, should've specified that. so it is comin, thought never gonna see it in-game lol.
tnx for the response anyways!
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Outlawz7 »

Coalz101 wrote:and that's primarily due to devs having focus on other things (aside from not being paid to do this) like BF3RM,
How do you figure that?
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by SShadowFox »

Coalz101 wrote:I think he's talking about Ka52K since KA29 is already in game
I completely forgot that is a thing.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Coalz101 »

Outlawz7 wrote:How do you figure that?
Guessing at this point, just like how some devs left PR and joined the squad dev team.
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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by Mats391 »

Coalz101 wrote:Guessing at this point, just like how some devs left PR and joined the squad dev team.
No active developer is working on BF3:RM and not even sure if any ex-dev is working on it. There are no ties between the teams.
The lack of updates is solely due to lazy summer months. There is lots more coming soon ;)

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Re: Ask the [DEV]s a (?) - Part 2

Post by WingWalker »

What is this about a new player influx?
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