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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-06 16:02
by Mineral
They work for me by downloading and using

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-06 17:24
by friendly
SSG's tracker viewer also works.


PRTA and PRT tracker viewers do not work to view HOG's trackers for the new 1.6 maps.



Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-06 17:26
by AlonTavor
friendly wrote:SSG's tracker viewer also works.
Servers are under no obligation to provide the viewer.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-07 01:05
by mectus11
Russian team built mortars inside Kafar Halab DOD on A10K1 for the entire round, despite numerous reports and grievances in global chat this issue wasn't dealt with and was dismissed as the "round is over anyways".

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-08 00:16
by RaNa-Rocxs
mectus11 wrote:Russian team built mortars inside Kafar Halab DOD on A10K1 for the entire round, despite numerous reports and grievances in global chat this issue wasn't dealt with and was dismissed as the "round is over anyways".
Just let me know how the Russian team built that mortars in DOD? are we can? and in case if they can build that mortars in DOD mean, that's your fault means developers unfortunately you are one of the part of the development team, just fixed that before complaining.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-08 00:20
by mectus11
Even if it's a bug, you're not meant to openly exploit it.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-08 00:29
by RaNa-Rocxs
mectus11 wrote:Even if it's a bug, you're not meant to openly exploit it.
so who is responsible for that bug? maybe you guys? where you guys allowed them to do then what admins can do there, maybe admins are thinking about that we can't build anything in DOD that's why they are ignoring your reports?

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-16 00:40
by Rabbit
As someone who had to live through muttrah 24/7. When its falcon 21 muttrah 21, run muttrah; fuck you.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-25 14:40
by UncleSmek
HOG has always had the best balance.

Through the last years there has been a special charm to hog that us late night european players get to take part in. Its the well balanced games.

Latest week there has been an influx of new players etc and admins have a harder time finding the right balance after several switches of practically the same group of people; back and forth.

My feedback is solve the balancing and come up with a way to do it amongst yourselfs and drill it through the community.

This Switch thing you have done lately does not help at all, it has made it that much worst.
Also remove the locking rule since I have more animosity against me from random players i have to kick all the time cause i am saving room in the squad. Not good for the community at all..

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-28 18:26
by Smol Shrum
Why the hell when all responsible servers have to shut down when there are no admins on the server, HOG are constantly running?
This sometimes result in situations during european evening time with full 100 player HOG, no admins active, random maps on rotation, mass tk, assetwaste, and total shitfest happening in-game.

Worst of all, even though people leave all the time, HOG still is on top of serverbrowser, and new players are still joining it, not allowing other servers with admins online to fill. That is a real thing that ruins PR experience for a good portion of players, especially the new ones, who dont go into complicated matters of checking admin presence or choosing server mindfully, and just click on the top one.
(and thats not even starting on other problems with HOG admins)

Make admin presence rule mandatory for all servers. Dont tolerate admin incompetence, power abuse or inactivity.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-29 00:31
by syuqri ... ly-for-hog apply to be hog admin then it will be okay

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-05-30 06:49
by transpilot
syuqri wrote: ... ly-for-hog apply to be hog admin then it will be okay
or last admin stops server?

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-01 23:22
by lespyd
Note to all players: We have updated a standard operating procedure. Racism (including but not limited to slurs, insinuations, words, terms, and context) is absolutely not permitted on our services. In the last few years, we have implemented a 2 week ban on occurrences (more lenient than before actually). As of today, all occurrences, are a guaranteed 1 month ban at minimum and are more likely to be longer/permanent. Bending these rules with misspellings will result in permanent bans as well.

We realize this is a global community, and may not have the same context as those located in the U.S. We're making these changes because that is what is right.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-02 07:04
by Nate.
lespyd wrote:Note to all players: We have updated a standard operating procedure. Racism (including but not limited to slurs, insinuations, words, terms, and context) is absolutely not permitted on our services. In the last few years, we have implemented a 2 week ban on occurrences (more lenient than before actually). As of today, all occurrences, are a guaranteed 1 month ban at minimum and are more likely to be longer/permanent. Bending these rules with misspellings will result in permanent bans as well.

We realize this is a global community, and may not have the same context as those located in the U.S. We're making these changes because that is what is right.
Good change, I think that is the right thing to do.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-03 10:54
by Smol Shrum
SHUT DOWN THE SERVER WHILE NO ADMINS ACTIVE! You ruining PR experience for players!

Complete shitfest on the server: no admins, squadbug, random maps, chat spam and so on..

You're disrupting the other servers with admins online, which are unable to fill while (unadministered) HOG on top of the server list and soaks all the playerbase into the shitfest.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-03 11:21
by Iguanadjy
Indeed today is a shitfest on HOG ... same map played 3 times before getting into random maps no admins for almost 4 hours if not more i think ...Squadbug for 3-4 rounds now... SAD

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-03 12:47
by lespyd
What times/hours is this happening, our admins have the directive to stop if they are the last.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-03 13:33
by Iguanadjy
lespyd wrote:What times/hours is this happening, our admins have the directive to stop if they are the last.
From the time of my post and the 2-3hours prior to it for sure

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-11 18:46
by Filamu
If your admins think it is such a hassle getting switch reports and it is something they refuse to deal with, maybe allow manual switches at equal amount of players?

It is pretty ridiculous when they get angry, and kick people for asking for switches when that is the only way they can play with friends...

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2020-06-12 10:38
by CAS_ual_TY

/edit: user infracted for useless/unhelpful post content - Nate