[Map] Korengal Valley [released]

Maps created by PR community members.
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Post by CodeRedFox »

Jonny wrote:I dont know how easy it would be to do, but halving the height of everything would give (almost) the same effect as increasing the size.
This is not really a bad idea, maybe not half it. I'm doing some test right now but lowering the hieght a bit might get rid of my map tearing problem. I'll keep everyone up on how it goes

UPDATE: heights been changed and looking better
Last edited by CodeRedFox on 2008-05-01 06:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by krekc »

Glad you're not gonna scrap it coderedfox as this looks a deadly map! though i'm gonna have to agree with all the other folk, i'm not keen on all the new trees tbh, it just makes the map feel a lot smaller? imo.. anyways keep up the great work still looks amazing..
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Post by space »

[R-CON]Hans Martin Slayer wrote:looking very good there man!

what are you using to create the heightmap?
also, the pic on the left is the 1024 scale 4 version, right?

i'm asking because i'm trying to get into scale 4 maps as well at the moment to start on creating a r/l based map featuring air support. i've tryed to get into terragen today but the results are **** so far, so i guess i have to keep trying there. :? ??:

i guess you do the heightmap in 3ds?

keep it rolling! :)
I started my first map this week and its a scale 4 1024 ( yeah I know I shouldnt for a first map :p )

Before even opening the bf2editor I spent a day messing with terrain software. if you really want to get into it then worldmachine is the way to go, but for a beginner I wouldnt even look at it.

I used some software called Geocontrol ( free for 30 days ) which is awesome and very easy to use based on the presets. Also you dont have to wait for render times etc. I got the heightmap from geocontrol and then did the rest in terragen. My map looks pretty sweet so far, but its certainly not easy!
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Post by Mora »

What kind of map are you making Spacemanc?
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Post by space »

Mora wrote:What kind of map are you making Spacemanc?
In what way? It kind of looks like moorland - quite rocky and hilly so about 1/4 of map cant be used ( which is useful for me! )- and almost half the map will be a missile testing site. It has some nice vallys and Ive got the textures looking pretty sweet. It will be a map to encourage heli use - I wanted a nice map to test out my new heli!
Ill post a thread on it once i sort the under/overgrowth which should be tonight if I get the chance.
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Post by CodeRedFox »


A test version of the map has been released to R-Con's and others. Hope to see some feedback.
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Post by paco »

Is there a link to the latest version somewhere? Map looks sweet.
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Post by CodeRedFox »

Last edited by CodeRedFox on 2008-05-03 09:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CodeRedFox »


KHARA V0.896 - Change List

Hello everyone, seeing that my current version of this level doesn't contain any custom objects that were not created by me I'm letting this version go out to everyone. Hope maybe some of you can get it on a server and let me know if you encounter any issues. If you do download please leave any bugs you find. Feedback leads to a PR release. But first read my known bugs

British vs Insurgents.
Northern Afghanistan based map.
Fight from lush poppie crops to high Afghanistan hills.
Long and hard mountain pass the British will have to travel.
British Outpost with sniper rifle over looking the valley.
Many mountain trails.

British Goals
Push the Insurgents out of the valley. Then proceed into the mountains and find the Insurgent base.

Insurgents Gaols
The British have been cutting down valuable poppie fields. With nothing to lose attack the British outpost and keep the valley clean of the British army.


INFANTRY and APC based Map

- Very low lightmap, most if not all objects will have dark spots on them
+ New beta cave system
- Cave system dosen't have the correct textures, very basic.
+ Overgrowth added and reduced
- Some floating objects I didn't get to, should be very little.

Game play:
+ More houses have been placed in the hills
+ Insurgent random rally points have been mixed up
- Apache removed (maps too small from my tests)

- File sizes not yet reduced








Last edited by CodeRedFox on 2008-05-13 01:18, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by CodeRedFox »

Alright, I gotta hit the hay, its 2:30am in Cali and I have a Milsim game tomorrow @ 7am. Make sure your downloading PR_khara_V0896.zip, check the date!
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Post by paco »

0896 works for me. The bigger size makes the map so much better. Once you get over to the cave side, it's like a second map. Great work.

Some things I noticed:

The leaning silo ladder is a death trap. It can be fun, but it won't look good with people climbing outside the ladder.
Flag poles going through things. I think it looks weird if the flag goes through things.
There's a leaning bridge, sunk into the ground, in the middle of the British side. You can see through one end of it. Maybe lower it a tad more.
Anti-air kit hanging above head level in the village on the cave side.
The mountains seem to be rougher on the British starting side. It's like it's not the same terrain anymore when you climb to the cave side.
I didn't see the merlin (although there was anti-air), but I think it should be there to spice things up.

If the map description is final, it needs spell checking. The grammar is weird too and makes little or no sense (taliban anticipate full scale attack on the brits?).

Anyway, this could be a killer map and a nightmare to navigate for both sides.
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Post by hyraclyon »

I just downloaded your map, and looked through it for a bit. It really is a great map, and i can't wait to play it. There are still some things that need fixing though, such as:

2 bugs in this: floating tree, and the flag is in the tent.

I'm no expert at mapping, but maybe up the view distance a little? It would be cool if you could see what happens on the other side of the valley.

The tree is in the building here.

Main base flag is in the sand wall.

Some crops that grow through the road.

A floating building.

Like you already said, needs a new texture, and for some reason bullet impacts dont show on the cave system.

Tree in house.

Tree in house #2.

The texture has strange lines in it here, it only happens in the insurgent hills though. You can't really see it in this screen but ingame it is noticeable.

Floating AA kit.

Also the edges of the valley, you need to decorate those, it doesn't look good from up the hills. I don't have a screen of it but i think you know what i mean.

For the rest i couldn't really find any flaws, it is a really nice map, it has its own feeling to it and i think you have done this very good.

P.S. Dont add any helicopters, this map is too small for it, it would ruin the experience.
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Post by Tartantyco »


-Seriously, if you touch that tree I will hunt you down! So it's got a few branches sticking into the wall, the aesthetics and atmosphere created by those low branches partially obscuring the top stairs and roof is awesome.
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Post by CodeRedFox »


[[quote=""paco"]The leaning silo ladder is a death trap. It can be fun, but it won't look good with people climbing outside the ladder.
Flag poles going through things. I think it looks weird if the flag goes through things.
There's a leaning bridge, sunk into the ground, in the middle of the British side. You can see through one end of it. Maybe lower it a tad more.
Anti-air kit hanging above head level in the village on the cave side.
The mountains seem to be rougher on the British starting side. It's like it's not the same terrain anymore when you climb to the cave side.
I didn't see the merlin (although there was anti-air), but I think it should be there to spice things up

yeah The silos are going to be switched out.Those Damn flag poles are back...grrrr. The hanging weapons is a lame server thing I need to fix, Originally they lean against stuff and it doesn't work right :-D . All choppers are out now.
Jonny" wrote:Jeeps are parked the wrong way at the brit main, they should have been reversed in.
You cant park a jeep the wrong way :-D Plus it stops the guys from flooring it out of the base
Jonny wrote:You fields look like gardens still, fields are supposed to be big, thats the whole point.
Not much I can do on this sized level
Jonny wrote:minimap does not show properly - its mostly static for me.
Thats odd...
Jonny wrote:Is there really so much greenery on the mountains there? It looks a little strange to me. After walking around though it gets quite good for cover and to breah it up, so perhaps just as many on the lower parts and leave the top open for easy sniping, and to form routes through the mountains where you can remain relatively well hidden.
Afghanistan's a weird place, so many different locations and feeling. I will keep the most the tress/bush density only because I dont like snipers :-P
Jonny wrote:Your hedge rows don't work
Thats a PR thing
Jonny wrote:The bumps in the fields are what is missing from most other maps
Thanks, glad it works!

I'll look over the rest of your note and comments, thank you very much Jonny and hyraclyon.
Tartantyco wrote:Seriously, if you touch that tree I will hunt you down! So it's got a few branches sticking into the wall, the aesthetics and atmosphere created by those low branches partially obscuring the top stairs and roof is awesome.
Yeah I'm not a tree Nazi, I like that some trees touch the building. I will fix it to look better though.

Thanks everyone who's try it out, I didn't realize all the floating objects problem. I recently had to rebuild the map after some changes and obliviously some items got over looked. I've had some weird editor issues not saving things some times.

Moral of my story is don't release something at 3am :-P

Cool guys, next big steps are:

Surrounding terrain
Finish the cave system
A small rework on the maps land
Finish Poppies crops (textues, UV, lightmaps)
And a whole lot more.
Last edited by CodeRedFox on 2008-05-03 23:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Waaah_Wah »

Congratz with the promotion to a DEV ;)
Never argue with an idiot, he will just drag you down to his level and beat you by experience ;)

Killing for peace is like f*cking for virginity

I :33_love: Jaymz
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Post by krekc »

Good job on the caves, maybe drop a few rugs on the ground inside them or light a wee fire? make them looked lived in? could only find 2 lots of caves as well are there more?
'Never in the field of human contact has so much been fired at so many by so few' - Apache Helicopter pilot Steve James

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