getebe wrote:Here I see everyone complaining about the server, but I wonder how many of you have ever made a report against that person who is hacking, teamkilling, etc? NONE. You have an exclusive section for that in the forum ... ou?start=0
You report when your ego is affected, but how the fuck do you want the server to improve if you don't do your own work? Go fuck yourself. And don't come up with the excuse that administrators are for that, because a server is made by an entire community.
First, you are ignorant by assuming that everything that might happen regarding player reports and server administration is on public forums (which isn't, lots of it is private). If you would pay any attention you would know the most active forum of HOG is the ban appeal one (I wonder why) and the reports one is miles behind
to other communities.
Second, if you were an active admin or representing any community you would know the first point is backed up by a lot of stuff going behind the scenes, but you aren't, so you don't know, yet you make these statements which are false and would otherwise pass as valid feedback to others reading, which is disconnected and disingenuous af.
Third, you bring up the amount of complaints and question how much stuff people actually report, which if you would compare it to your dear server HOG is at the very least laughable; lets throwback to a post a couple of months ago, of someone named Suchar, who happens to be a senior figure in another community, and as such his posts are actually credible, unlike yours, and lets see how much people from different communities report stuff, since this is one of the clear-cut statistics out there.
So it looks like PRTA has been the only community with (multiple, different) people dedicating time actively reviewing, submitting and reporting people who cheat and grief, yet you make out HOG to be the victim of what, people falsely providing negative feedback without contributing themselves? HOG who has only been involved in reporting one player griefing in around a year, and one or two players who have been banned for cheating on their server, for evidence which is deemed dodgy at best by any decently skilled and involved player in this community? Yet, I still have to mention Lespyd as the only decent human being with some common sense in the senior administration of this community, who showed more interest than his colleagues ever did in the past couple of years. If it wasn't for the amount of negative feedback in the past, he might've never been promoted.
Fourth, since your community experience doesn't help you, your admin one might help you. But since to my knowledge you aren't/weren't an admin on HOG, how would you know of any reports submitted in game or on server administration discord or through other private means by people providing feedback and their outcomes? How are you even capable to judge the people reporting this stuff and the validity of their arguments if you present yourself as such a silly person with zero credibility? Even if you somehow turn out to be an admin, and I failed to acknowledge you, do you realise how oblivious you are if you still think that given the things you are supposed to know? Do you realise that this is also a valid thread to provide certain "reports" to some degree?"
Fifth and last, taking all the previous points in consideration, its fucking funny how you think people providing feedback here haven't put in any effort into contributing themselves. Clueless.
getebe wrote:For many years, PR = HOG. Accept it. And sadly, we are KILLING the small community of this game without the server to play. So, is that what are you looking for with your envy and ego? We are not going to play on a server with 300 ping... I honestly must say that I'm playing other games just because HOG is empty. And you should do the same if your shitty server doesn't have more than 5 players.
Bye, hypocrites.
For many years, PR = HOG
when it comes to NORTH AMERICAN TIMEZONE. And look at the NA timezone compared to the EU timezone. NA is f a k i n g dead compared to the EU one. Lets say thanks for that to the only server representing that timezone for english speaking users (HOG)! I actually thank you for pointing that out, thats like, your first and last contribution to this thread.
Otherwise, PR in EU timezone in the last few years has also been PRTA and SSG, who have been a good enough contrast to this server and many of its members to shape up a complete image of state of communities in PR.
R1ghty wrote:I only play on HOG. I refuse to play on other servers based on how the players and admins act. I am not alone, many people would rather seed HOG with 6 players for a few hours than to join another server.
Congrats! You are one of a kind! Well, no, not exactly.
- snip -
User infracted for flaming/insulting - Nate
R1ghty wrote:ALL these people complaining that its not "fair" that hog is full with no admins... what king of self entitled fucks are you? It's not fair?!? Do you want a participation ribbon? Maybe if you had the decency to seed your own damn server you might have people playing with you.
It's pretty sad that people would rather play what you describe as a "Complete shitfest" than seed with you.
It's also sad that you don't have the smarts to leave what you describe as a "Complete shitfest" and play on a server with admins.
Lets not make any changes or be part of the solution, lets just post nasty reviews while still playing on the server we hate so much. Genius!
I find it even sadder that the DEVS have implemented this shutdown rule. Talking about killing PR? I think they finally found the silver bullet.
Well, this might be the most concerning part of your post, since you are a HOG admin.
You fail to recognise how a full or half-full server left unadminned affects the community, the community from 1 or 2 years ago when the rule was introduced, or the community from today.
You fail to recognise the judgement behind the rule implemented by the devs, which just shows how unconnected to the reality of server administration you are.
You fail to recognise the amount of times HOG has been left unadminned on a FULL server in comparison to its competitors (thank god the script has been implemented after so long and no punishment).
You fail to recognise the state of the playerbase and the fact that, as I previously stated, the majority would join any server regardless of its name simply because it has highest number of players and they want to play the game itself regardless of the state of that communities administration. And because the transition from a highly-populated server to an admined server is slow and kills the momentum of the day, and is simply a waste of time.
You also discard most feedback posts here, labeling them as simply "nasty" as if the arguments behind them weren't valid, while pointing out that what, we shouldn't play on the server that is up at the time we want to play the game? That the posts aren't valid because we still play? Just further evidence of how disconnected you are from the reality of this community, from its players to the senior figures of server administration.
For you and the guy above, who label the posts as nasty, unjustified, false, unwarranted from supposedly effortless people read the last dozen pages of this thread then tell me with a straight face you still believe that.
The only thing you should find sadder when it comes to the DEVS, is the one or two DEVS who have been in charge of the license for a long time, who have, by their inaction, allowed you, and others like you, have have a constant say in this community.