No. A war between US/UK and China is actually not to same degree implausible as a war between Israel and Russia. It might not be likely, but it could happen, whereas a war between Russia and Israel just makes no sense at all (in real war, Russia would have other priorities and its power to invade Israel would be restricted by other western powers like the US).It be like saying that China vs US or GB is unrealistic so it should be scrapped, the concept of them battling is perhaps unlikely but to create the gameplay desired these sorts of things need to be done, realistic or not.
But actually, the reason for my griping, as is clear from my first post, is that a conflict between MEC (since one exists in PR) and Israel would be much more believable than Russia vs Israel, and also gameplay-wise more prudent since MEC maps are scarce (from my understanding there is only 3 in .9, and one of them is overplayed, one is just bad, and one of them, Kashan... well, is quite a different case. The MEC have basically one map.).
Edit: response to the post below:
yes. the degree of implausability matters. One would say that a war between the Martians and the Australian Defense Force is more implausible than a conflict between Israel and Russia. likewise, an armed conflict between Israel and Russia is far more implausible than a conflict between Israel and its Middle Eastern neighbours, who've had a long history of armed conflict with Israel.