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Re: [Changelog] PR v0.9 Features

Posted: 2010-02-11 16:58
by scarF4ce
biggest update i have seem so far and guess what chinooks!!!!! weee finally some bad *** choppas hehe i would like to thanks PR Devs for their awesome work they have made the greatest mod ever keep it up ! :razz:

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.9 Features

Posted: 2010-02-12 03:22
by Raic
alberto_di_gio wrote:Thanks Bubba... clearly I was blind :) (or just played PR till 4 am last night : )

OK now I have another question. ie I killed with a marksman kit and not revived. Means my marksman kit is still lying there and having its 5 min. re-spawn time. But server is full which means there are 2 other Marksman kit available for the team. What if at that moment no-one is using another Marksman kit. Would I get it back instantly or should I wait for the one I lost?
As long as there is one kit available you can get it. If kits are on the ground or in enemy hands they are not available.

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.9 Features

Posted: 2010-03-01 11:51
by votps
nice :D

thats alot..

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.9 Features

Posted: 2010-03-02 21:16
by Ls4SpeedPilot
realy realy nice !!

i didn't played PR for 2 1/2 years from 0.41 to 0.9

oh my gosh !

Re: [Changelog] PR v0.9 Features

Posted: 2010-03-05 11:10
by case1489
thar is a lot thar u all did to then mod and i stell have not ben on it all yet