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Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 11:07
by HardcoreCook
Can we have this "Training map" for those new to ARMA2?
Like we have in PR. Could help out some people and then we dont have this BS about "Iz waNNa hAz that Kit f0r pRacticE!!!"
Would actually make the players a bit more experienced...imo....

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 11:29
by AfterDune
LONGIRAFFE wrote:Dont be too worried about you PC not being able to handle ARMA2, I still thing there will be more than enough playing on the BF2 PR servers for a long time. Having said that the PR universe needs to evolve Lets face it the BF2 engine is looking very dated... and if it plays half as good as it looks with ARMA2 engine then any expense to upgrade your PC will be well worth it!
It's not like PR:BF2 is dead or anything like that. It'll live for quite a long time really and we will continue working on it of course ;) .

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 13:05
Can we expect to have night maps later on? I've just watched a few amra2 night games on youtube and i gotta say it's simply AMAZING!

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 13:11
by Zimmer
KILLER wrote:Can we expect to have night maps later on? I've just watched a few amra2 night games on youtube and i gotta say it's simply AMAZING!
The night and day are dynamic from what clock the mission maker or admin sets it but there is no need to make a night map since night map already are present on the map as it goes by time :)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 14:17
Zimmer wrote:The night and day are dynamic from what clock the mission maker or admin sets it but there is no need to make a night map since night map already are present on the map as it goes by time :)

I want the mod now! 8-)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 15:05
by direct_death
Dev1200 wrote:Mumble better work with arma or i'm going to cry
its got something similar to mumble built in :P

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 15:31
by daniellegraham
the trailer is very very professional

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 17:07
by martinhjerpe
I want to see alot of changes to this game before I consider playing it. I love the graphics, but there is alot of other stuff I dont like about it, certain animations, complicated procedures, communication, shooting etc. I'm gonna wait and see where they'll go with this and then decide if I will buy Arma 2 or not. The trailer was pure eye-candy though, I'll give you that.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 17:31
by danny
umm god news i already play Arma2 and love PR its what i dream of the destructive surroundings of Arma with the gameplay of PR! wey hey bring it on!
P.S. how do i get to become part of the beta testing crew?

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 18:16
by gazzthompson
danny wrote:!
P.S. how do i get to become part of the beta testing crew? ... uired.html

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-15 18:45
by cm.
might want to check out the PR:arma2 forum...

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 03:21
by kanonator
Looks like I'm gonna have to buy arma 2

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 08:44
by Innomadic
[R-DEV]STALKERGB wrote:About ARMA2 for people trying to run/purchase it, these days, the demo is a VERY bad representation of how ARMA2 runs these days, the patches have much improved how it runs/functions. For things like patches, as long as you have the "official" patches when they are released things will be all good, beta patches can be installed and play wont be affected, the game will just not use the beta patch data for multiplayer.
So if the demo runs like dogs breakfast on decent settings (not low settings, works decently there with a small drop in framerate) , the patches should make everything run much faster?

I'm running a Dell inspiron, quad core 3.9GB Ram and a 8600GT graphics card by the way, and on low resolution and low quality graphics and it still has a framerate drop when trees and stuff get in the way. On a higher res, well basically anything higher and it runs so damn poorly its not funny.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 14:46
by Sturnn
Good thing i already have arma 2 :P

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 15:44
by yogibearz
Arma 2 ordered 8)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 16:30
by Dredge
I see a few people are asking about training maps and the like, if you guys are interested Tactical Gamer has training centered around ArmA. It might be something you want to check out so you can familiarize yourself with the ArmA game engine before PR is rolled into it.

Also, Innomadic the Demo does run kind of choppy but the final version, when its patched to the latest version, runs like a dream. There is a little FPS hit around large groups of trees and whatnot but overall its pretty smooth.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 16:53
by Psseg
ouuuu..........ive to buy a new computer!! :(

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 18:41
by Dredge
Psseg wrote:ouuuu..........ive to buy a new computer!! :(

You might just be able to upgrade. Processor and Graphics card should do the trick.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 21:23
by Khidr
Is the PR:ARMA2 mod going to be able to accept unique missions from the community using the PR game mode you are creating, or is the PR:ARMA2 mod going to be a single re-playable "mission"(like a PR:BF2 map)?

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-16 22:15
by ma21212
cool, what are the game modes?