=HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Nate. »

Removed clutter.

Oblivium wrote:The only PR server where proven cheaters are allowed to play.
The case you mention is still not even reported in the server admin forums.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

I like playing on HOG mostly for the player base, and the variety of maps the comes up.

I've never been bothered by an admin on HOG, ever. However, I don't act like an ******* when I'm playing.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Nate. »

While other servers also have problems with lack of admins sometimes, it seems to be a consistent issue on HOG.
Please do ensure that you have admins active when your server is seeded.

Playing the same map 3x (or 2x? - getting different reports about it) in a row should be wa below your standards
(unless you go back to Muttrah 24/7 of course ;) ).
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Chuva_RD »

Three Kokans in a row today. At the 3rd round I was lost thinking in what round did things happen.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Brotherscompany2 »

This during the prime NA (l played through the whole EU night)
First of all, good map variation it was really fun and refreshing having mix of "different" INS maps and some different AAS as well (although Fallujah AAS was in the vote on a full server).

Admins didnt answer to 4 of my reports (there were more than 4-6 Admins at the time)about our mortar SQ being Free Kit and the Squad Leader just roaming around the map with the Sniper kit on Goose Green while our team was being wiped by their mortars.

I usually don't complain about balance and understand the situation, but as far l have seen (l was Squad Leading the whole time could have missed it) there wasnt much effort in trying to balance out the teams, even though our team was loosing a bit, and there was a high number of non native English speaker's SQs in our side (but might be not being aware of how many of these SQs are around). It took until Kashan where we lost 638-0 for a single SQ from the loosing side to be switched, which it happened to be one of the English Speaking SQs.

Cheers, Brotherscompany.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by mikeschidt »

Hello admin I want to send a report to an ARG community group that was hacking my streaming account and also my access, please
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by WingWalker »

I just wanted to say I had a great experience on your server last night, with the same player base that switched from another server where it was a shit show.

I joined another server initially that I had not been on for a while because it was running Fallujiah.

Only being there for around 15 mins I experienced all the bad things a badly run server has to offer.
- being team killed multiple times

- bad admin'ing being punished myself for them trying to tk me
- random false reporting

- the whole server went ddos super laggy
- admins accusing people then of advertising for other servers because of it

I point this out here because most of those players went over to HOG last night, literally the same people...

... and we all had a round that was fun and enjoyable, with team work.

2 server and 2 totally different experiences, same players.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by VTRaptor »

We just had a vote in which Reichswald won, the game starts and what happnes? Admins set different map and runnext, for whatever reason.

And for asking questions I've been banned now. You guys are literally killing what's left of this game and have been doing it for so long that Ive been wondering why nobody ever bothered setting you straight by taking away your license for good. It's not like there's nobody to step up and replace you.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Suchar »

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Nate. »

VTRaptor wrote:We just had a vote in which Reichswald won, the game starts and what happnes? Admins set different map and runnext, for whatever reason.

And for asking questions I've been banned now. You guys are literally killing what's left of this game and have been doing it for so long that Ive been wondering why nobody ever bothered setting you straight by taking away your license for good. It's not like there's nobody to step up and replace you.
Just to clarify since you mention it in your last point - admins have no obligation under the server license to do mapvotes (or follow their results).

But yes, we were also on the server and also didn't understand why Saaremaa was run while Reichswald was in briefing time. Should have been announced or explained in some way at least, we thought it was something with mumble or ddos as usual.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Coalz101 »

Please purge and redo your admin team, There are admins on the server that barely do anything to help maintain it. If you don't want to purge your team, get new active admins because its frustrating sometimes to have a server full of admins but feels like there is only 1 or 2. Props out to Merk-mins, 2ic, head admins (Haley and Lespyd primarily) and witek(sometimes), these guys actually put in alot of work to help the server remove its already bad name that other admins give it.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by UncleSmek »

balance has been really bad lately. Hog was usually always well balanced, might be worth looking into.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by BETALPyDuW »

close this Server! I took the (cache) machine gun and I was immediately banned! there finally, everyone is banned by them I do not care about people! Arrogant and not responsible!
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Aleon »

Trying to play with friends on HOG right now is a real chore due to a combination of reasons:
- Switching teams is not allowed even when the teams are even.
- The admins refuse to switch people (and occasionally kick people for asking).
- The admins "balance" by scrambling the teams.

So other than getting lucky there is no reasonable way to get on the same team as your friends, and even if you do you might just get shafted by a scramble. And to add insult to injury the admins have absolutely no problem with switching themselves, so they get to play together. Props to the few admins who actually help people, but in general I'd expect much more from a server this established.
Last edited by Aleon on 2021-03-20 21:53, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Philrow »

I'm curious, what exactly is the definition of a free kit squad on your server?
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by BRZbruh »

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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by Web_cole »

PR is by its nature a social game, more so than many games that claim to be that, and part of what that means is that a significant portion of the PR player base plays together in groups, be they clans or communities or etc. Of course, HOG itself is one of these.

This accounts for a large core of the PR playerbase which makes the HOG server's attitude towards switching and the ability for friends to play together a rather bizarre attitude to hold.

The counterpoint is that people stacking together on teams unbalances the teams. To which I would offer this example:

We are playing on HOG; the teams are unbalanced; a HOG admin switches our squad for the next round to try to balance; another HOG admin scrambles teams instead; the teams end up unbalanced next round because randomness is random.

The use (at all) of the scramble command is also a bizarre one, particularly when it comes to team balance. I would compare it to a cook making a broth, deciding something is missing, and reaching for their spice rack with a blindfold on.

Both the use of the scramble command and the hostility towards switching can also make life very difficult for new players. Our group has recently introduced a couple of friends to PR who seem to be enjoying it. But given how frustrating dealing with the above is I am less inclined to invite them back in case they are put off PR for good. I am certain we are not the only ones trying to get new players into PR which means HOG may be actively hurting the growth and sustainability of PR with these policies.

The bottom line, I feel, is this: HOG wants to have balanced rounds and the method for achieving this is to limit switching and use scramble sometimes. I commend the intention but these methods are ineffective and misguided, do not fix the underlying problem, and create more issues besides.

What I would much rather see personally is for the server to open up switching more so than it was, allow switching on even team numbers and have admins be more responsive to switch requests (when possible and reasonable) and in return ask that those groups, clans etc who benefit most from this help with server balance.

Our group (PR Boomers/C|JAHN tags in game currently :p ) is more than happy to be switched en masse for forthcoming rounds, we only request that admins would check in with us first to avoid a scenario where we were switched for balancing but were not intending on playing the next round.

I want to finish by commending the HOG server for its stability during these trying times and saying that it would be a real shame if the only stable server became such a hostile environment for the core PR playerbase and new players alike. I hope that can be avoided.
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by PBAsydney »

I report a griefer and admin warns me "Admins are not here to admin gameplay".
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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Post by granderslice »

PBAsydney wrote:I report a griefer and admin warns me "Admins are not here to admin gameplay".
It was me you were reporting, kiddo. I was not griefing. I was using the HAT kit on Muttrah and you didn't like it. Apparently, my style of gameplay does not agree with you so you falsely reported me AFK hoping I would be kicked and you could have the HAT kit. Moreover, you deem it necessary to take your childish rants here, on the RealityMod forum, where you look more foolish than anything else.
Please allow other players to have fun, enjoy the game, and play the way they want without your false reporting. If you don't like the way someone is playing, too bad.
Last edited by granderslice on 2021-03-29 00:09, edited 1 time in total.
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