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Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-18 10:09
by RedSparrow
.......................... OMG


Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-18 16:11
by gotblunt
After this news i decided to give arma 2 a go. The graphics are really great but the amount of full servers and the teamwork on those servers is just poor.. Maybe i dont have the right mods or anything but i hope you guys really make something beautifull out of this. Wich im sure you will judging by PR BF2 :) ..
Also my HD seems to rattle on continuously when playing Arma, but that must be all the textures and models hammering on my system..
Really looking forward to this!!

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-19 01:45
by GR34
Will you guys eventually re introduce all the community factions? like the Canadian forces? could you even use the current models?

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-19 11:16
by Scheintot887
In Project Reality you dont see Battlefield 2 Servers... you only see the PR servers... you will do the same at arma 2? Think its better. Arma 2 ACE2 have great Servers too but for the structural its better.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-19 11:37
by Scheintot887
And dont release it to fast PLS...
You need a good start in Arma 2 because the people want teamplay in Arma :P R...
I read some stuff about that in the Arma :P R Beta tester thread.....

Epoch says "The Project Reality Team are looking for dedicated community members to help beta-test PR:ArmA2. The minimod for ArmA2 is currently at version 0.1 and as such it currently is not only a beta build but also a very early release. Therefore it will not fully resemble Project Reality gameplay as you know and love!"

Hope you do nothing wrong...

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-19 16:51
by myles
defintlety buying arma now played the demo pretty good hard to get use to with all the controls

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-19 17:57
by ***LeGeNDK1LLER***
myles wrote:defintlety buying arma now played the demo pretty good hard to get use to with all the controls

you dont need to sue all the crontols.fortunately ;)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-21 02:31
by energizher
Zimmer wrote:As I said: There is a god somewhere :D
must be ...

OMG ! my biggest dream coming true , i cant believe it . you guys make a awful lot of great work . Keep it up !. You guys can be sure that i follow the community and i will make the jump to arma II when 0.1 come out.

i always said it , arma II would make a F*ckin' great engine for PR .

by the way any other had problems setting up control for there Saytek X52 in arma II .
specially with combat choppers ?

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-21 03:32
by ***LeGeNDK1LLER***
energizher wrote:must be ...

OMG ! my biggest dream coming true , i cant believe it . you guys make a awful lot of great work . Keep it up !. You guys can be sure that i follow the community and i will make the jump to arma II when 0.1 come out.

i always said it , arma II would make a F*ckin' great engine for PR .

by the way any other had problems setting up control for there Saytek X52 in arma II .
specially with combat choppers ?

g5 sorry..

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-21 18:41
by Aztek
Orgasmic lol

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-22 07:33
by ***LeGeNDK1LLER***
paszczak wrote:Finally my trackir5 will be useful :P
yeahhh,trackir is awesome :D

especially if you have a big monitor.4

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-22 13:57
by system
So is this mod focusing on PvP?

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-22 14:09
by gazzthompson
yes it is. the basis for gameplay is 'devastation mod' seen here:

Devastation mission-pack -

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-22 17:53
by The Hunter
Any chance of the L115A3 variant?
(The one with the silencer)

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-22 19:29
by Gaz
Callaghan wrote:How conceited, presumptuous and incorrect. Arma 2 is by no means an arcade shooter, I fail to see how anyone could argue that by dint of the fact that it contains shooting. Yes it is based on the definitive 'simulator' known as VBS 2, of which I own a copy; Arma 2 has all of the simulator capability of VBS 2, some of it is simply ommited i.e. FLIR (soon to be added by Operation Arrowhead) but nothing exclusive to the military that cannot later be added by mod teams, the difference is largely in marketing. If anything, ArmA 2 has the potential for more advanced AI processes and a much improved graphics engine. To call it a shooter is incorrect, yes you shoot, but there is so much more involved that it simply cannot be labelled by this alone; for one it takes vehicle use far more seriously than a 'shooter'. More importantly, your defensive stance is misdirected as my comments were for many of the PR community who have either never heard of ArmA 2 ( a disturbingly large proportion) or those who simply gave up on it after the first version. Perhaps on occasion you should have the humility to realise that not everything in this world is directed at you.
Arma2 is a commercially sold game. VBS2 uses the original ARMA engine. It's a great game, and probably the closest thing to out of the box realism there is. If you looked at the vehicle and weapon variables between the two (ARMA2 & VBS2), you will find a world of difference. It has the potential for a LOT of things.....fact is, it isn't there without 1001 mods or has yet to be added.

So, from looking over your very small post history, kindly knock this holier than thou **** on the head about knowing everything ARMA2 and everything PR. You seem to only have eyes for one particular ARMA2 mod, and have been a member of these forums for a matter of days. I would not regard you as any kind of expert on this community. As PR Management, anyone who comes here and comments on the community, directs their points (indirectly) to me.

Go away and rejoin the fanboys. We've already seen the mess that was made by people like you, after claiming to have the more mature community....thanks for coming over here to 'show us the error of our ways'. But no thanks. You will play by our rules here.

PR is PR, community and all. Don't like it? Clear off then.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-22 20:37
by Plazek
You might have a point Gaz, if ARMA 2 was an arcade shooter.
Now of course definitions such as these are open to interpretation and opinion but when I think arcade shooter I am thinking Timesplitters, Time Crisis, Quake, UT etc.

ARMA 2 is so much more than an "arcade shooter" I would hesitate to even call it a straight FPS (considering the many RTS elements should you choose to play that way, not to mention flying, driving etc) in my opinion ARMA 2 does not really fall into any of these wide genres. It is a niche game and a niche genre. Of course it is not quite the same as a full simulator such as VBS2 (from what I have heard about it, having never used it) but that does not mean it is therefore an arcade shooter!


Either way I am really glad that the PR team is picking up ARMA2. I bought ARMA2 on release hoping for something like PR but due to the bugs, poor performance and difficulty of finding a good PVP game gave up on it. PR is exactly what I wanted!

However because of this news I reinstalled ARMA2 as I do not want to be horribly rusty when it comes out and with it I installed the 1.05 patch. From the increase in perfomance alone I can see it is a much better game now. So I really do think Callaghan had a point there in asking people to keep an open mind with regards to ARMA2, especially if they were negatively influenced by a bad experience previously.

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-23 02:54
by Gaz
Welcome to the forums Plazek :)

I know the ArmA2 team are keen as mustard to get the process running as quickly as possible, their view. Things won't be perfect with 0.1, but a lot of people are implying that BF:ArmA2 will be on the same level of PR:BF2. We're taking baby steps in terms of the engine, but not in terms of assets. We are lucky to have a head start in that regard. We also have a team that compliments experience, which is the team;s biggest asset. The best thign is, things are starting to already work both ways for the BF2 and ARMA2 teams. All I can say is assess the release, and let us know what you think. As long as your have relistic feedback, we damn well welcome it :)

In terms of the demo compared to the full 1.05 patch, I am in full agreement. Unfortunately, in terms of assessment, the demo is free, whereas the 1.05 requires you to buy the game to come to your own conclusions :( I could certainly echo your point that the full game is greatly improved, both in gameplay and performace!

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-23 03:28
by Plazek
Yep, they really need to update the demo to the current build. I think it would do them a lot of good.

Personally though I just want to see some great PVP gameplay. As for new toys to play with I am not too concerned ARMA2 has plenty of those! For me the thing that was lacking was the way of playing I enjoy so much in PR:BF2. I have high hopes :D

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-23 08:45
by .:iGi:.NinjaJedi
Looking forward to having a crack at this, especially as i havnt really played PR for so long now!

Re: Project Reality ArmA2

Posted: 2010-03-23 11:12
by Snazz