Coalz101 wrote:Rule Enforcement on HOG has become rather inconsistent. Some people get kicked for tking, others get warned and hell some get banned.
They have a list of all the things people do. The admins, based on reports and history admins or the problem players produce. They do check tracker for trolling like dumping vehicles or flipping them on ship. I see people banned and i can see the reason why, new name big troll, old name daily troll, players that provoke or cause problems with others. For TKing i noticed new players get kicks, temp bans or bans to get them on the server website to tell them "dont take it into your own hands" because they claim ownership of a teams kit after dropping it some way like after dying. No time or place for trolling, admins want to play too. If somebody or 2 people are having problems with each other like retaliation for TKs its done to get them on to the forums.
They do it based off player history and trollish level based off scale of 1-10, if somebody started playing that day and trolls its to get them to server website. Its also up to the individual admin and their personality, how much they are willing to put up with from people who know the rules already. This is what i observed, also players vouching for somebody to stay, but the player who vouches needs to be trustworthy and not the offending players friend where bias occurs. Meaning just a 3rd party observer of even the interpersonal interaction.
One time a player was using another squads assets, flew it back without crashing no problem, no punishment. If they crash returning an asset they took they broke a rule, should be sent to website to see rules. Its not Battlefield where you can just hop on, do stuff and take stuff.
Just a welcome to the game for trouble makers, if admin kicking somebody for something that negatively impacts somebodies hour long match play time the player shouldnt do what got them kicked, should read what will get them kicked and not do it. If they dont want to come back because of getting kicked their skin probably isnt thick enough or they take it too personally when lots of people get kicked. I never been banned, kicked or temp banned for anything i have done except being AFK or angry once as a joking time out. Its really easy, just play the game, this is even with my anger issues but they reel me in when its enough.
People getting banned for rule breaking like killing CAS in DOD, why are they in view of the DOD area to even argue it in the first place? These are the long time players. They should be doing teamwork things that help the team the most, killing CAS does help but being away from assets to do so when their role is to protect the armor doesn't help. They wouldnt need to argue their position if they played right using anti-air vehicle or kit to cover the air space around the armor using tanks as bait that enemy infantry will laze around the objective rather than just to kill the CAS else where.
There is only one place for the anti-air vehicle to be on the map and that is with the armor using capture objective as bait as well as using each other as bait because enemy wants to kill you. Everything counters each other, has its strengths and weaknesses. Use the armor as bait and be a safe area for CAS to fly over. Thats just one example of rule breaking and how to fix it.