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Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-05-05 16:16
by VTRaptor
Got kicked after someone forced tk on me, even though i explained the situation. Keep killing pr.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-05-08 16:52
by Unicode
Since more admins that are actual regular players /europeans joined the HOG admin team, the experience on this server improved a bit. Admins like Saddam and Delete are doing a great job, but there's still others that are seen abusing their powers, thinking they're some kind of daddies - even though they're not even active players, with almost no understanding of the community and the game, honestly sometimes they make me think that the server would be better off without them, just running on random map rotation..
Thankfully they just sit on prism afk most of the time.

Secondly, the mapvotes are still not perfect. Same map in 3 votes in a row (until it gets played because some admin wants it so hard), poor knowledge of map popularity resulting in mapvotes that look totally rigged. No balance between open asset-based 4k maps and proper infantry maps kills the teamwork aspect of PR. Most matches end up being unfun, unbalanced, and chaotic. Experienced infantry players just leave when they see INS>Khami>other 4k, which means they need to wait HOURS until a decent infantry map finally wins in a mapvote.

Lastly, despite all the warnings throughout the years, looks like you still have no procedures on what to do when the last active admin leaves the server unattended? You're supposed to shut it down, not let it run the same map 3 times in a row - it has happened several times in the last few months. There's other servers with decent admin teams, ready to take the baton, no need to 'hog' the pop for yourself.

I do not mean to exaggerate and most of the time the server is running without problems, and despite bad hitreg, I am happy about the recent improvement. What I pointed out is the difference between HOG and the other servers, where similar issues happened, but were usually addressed shortly, while in this case not necessarily.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-05-20 20:11
by transpilot
Upgrade the server and fix hiteg serversided pls

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-05-30 00:29
by spacemarine42
Please run some more Alt/Inf AAS layouts. It's a bit tiring to see the same few layers, like Marlin STD/Muttrah STD/Khamisiyah STD/Gaza STD, without a hint of like 2/3 of the maps in all of PR.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-05-30 13:35
by Grump/Gump.45
Coalz101 wrote:Khami, Kashan, Black Gold and Silent Eagle,
Agreed. I do infantry most of the time.. Unless the assets play the right with best teamwork methods that keep them alive, help infantry who are in flags and put on a good show. Unless this happens its not fun to play. I need scenario maps like Drang, Hill 488, Omaha night/day and any plant camouflage use map. Cant stand Burning Sands, Khami, Kashan, Black Gold, some Op Thunder layouts, Silent Eagle, ill throw Muttrah in. People will frequently suggest Omaha with me, it rarely gets on list. Use CTRL+F in HOG match tracker, we have played Omaha no more than 16 times in 5+ months.

Its all open desert, bunkers, even if Silent Eagle has tree cover friendly armor doesnt help. All that space between caps on the bigger maps is made for armor in view of each other to outnumber enemy armor currently in view. To over watch infantry movement to objective to prevent getting easily killed by lone wolfing enemy armor. Infantry is armor bait for friendly armor as infantry moves. Much of time tanks move out separately from each other, no anti-air vehicle and without repair vehicles.

We been over this before, tanks in view of APC, anti-air vehicles cover air space in view of caps, almost invincible by logic of these assets together outnumbering and countering with their capabilities but requires fast reactions and early warning. Anti-air providing baiting zones if CAS being chased by enemy CAS with everything repaired by logi. All this needs to happen in view of cap or at most partially in edge of large cap zones. Infantry prevents LAT/HAT hits to armor, everyone scans aggressively until something suspicious seen in sights like possible enemy head peeking out.

Every asset compliments each other with its role and its not fun to play if they assets arent around the flag fighting. We have people blind to the bigger common sense picture. More vehicles are harder to kill than fewer. Even if done right in the end one team gets messed up, but its always a good show. Doing combined arms breach is only thing that makes these big maps fun, it means everything is area attack spread in view of each other and caps, armor, anti-air, repairs, CAS sticks to our anti-air zones on its teams half of map.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-06-01 17:57
by GAY
I was perma banned for saying "fuck you" to admin. Is this normal? I think you need to change your admins and find new serious admins.

My in-game nickname was BigChomba....

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-06-02 20:28
by RaNa-Rocxs
GAY wrote:I was perma banned for saying "fuck you" to admin. Is this normal? I think you need to change your admins and find new serious admins.

My in-game nickname was BigChomba....
Yes of course that was Normal you deserved that.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-06-17 12:03
by SoupDiddly
To keep it short and sweet, I've been playing PR since 2009, and I've come to the realisation somebody needs to sit down and daddy-up with the HOG admins. I do understand: HOG is very good for PR. It's the server holding out against the permanent darkness of night, and most of the rules enforced keep matches running smoothly and cohered, and without grief. That's damn near invaluable.

I'm not here to talk shit on HOG, nor am I here to call for the death of HOG, but I'm getting this sneaking suspicion that the admins need a small dose of tolerance injected straight into their jaded veins. They *do* have absolute power, and they do not wield that sword with grace.

I also know that it can be hard to place value on the cries of the damned, but I ask that y'all take a minute to read through some of the text in the IMGUR gallery down below, and judge for yourself the validity of my points.

Punishment and tolerance need to hold hands. When they don't, we get some fairly unfair and unhealthy systems out of it.

Two Piccies

The Sauce

I mean, good f'n god. Just read this one: TEEKO's ban appeal

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-06-17 13:59
by FFG
SoupDiddly wrote:-snip-

If you feel that a servers actions go against the Server License Agreement, Feel free to PM Mats, Mineral,
Nate, or myself with evidence of them doing so.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-06-24 23:50
by FFG
11 AM NZT, 2 admins on prism, no map vote, no set next.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-06 17:35
by Grump/Gump.45
Why has HOG gone off the server list twice that I have seen now? Its left with less than 50 players on U777 and PRID. The hell is happening?

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-19 01:30
by Grump/Gump.45
5 or more people will suggest Omaha each map vote, because we dont get to play it.. But one player suggests Khami, yamalia and 1 other asset maps spamming it like 10 times for one vote suggestion giving impression of a false majority. Its either admins dont check to see its same name spamming same 3 maps or they just use it to set asset maps. We need admins who dont have map bias or do assets, clearly its some of their motivations to become admins for better map preference. People dont seek positions of power to just do good with it for free with nothing in it for themselves and we see the results of this in votes. Sometimes giving us choices that one person suggested either once or in spamming map names.

Even when we do get Omaha suggested for the past 3 times in a row it was parachute drop layout. Go into HOG tracker replays, hit CTRL + F and search the map names we play. Omaha only 34 times over the past 3 months. But that doesnt include how many ignored player suggestions of it, which the past few times I am sure to point out all the different people suggesting it.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-21 11:48
by Tomasinost
Grump/Gump.45 wrote:5 or more people will suggest Omaha each map vote, because we dont get to play it.. But one player suggests Khami, yamalia and 1 other asset maps spamming it like 10 times for one vote suggestion giving impression of a false majority. Its either admins dont check to see its same name spamming same 3 maps or they just use it to set asset maps. We need admins who dont have map bias or do assets, clearly its some of their motivations to become admins for better map preference. People dont seek positions of power to just do good with it for free with nothing in it for themselves and we see the results of this in votes. Sometimes giving us choices that one person suggested either once or in spamming map names.

Even when we do get Omaha suggested for the past 3 times in a row it was parachute drop layout. Go into HOG tracker replays, hit CTRL + F and search the map names we play. Omaha only 34 times over the past 3 months. But that doesnt include how many ignored player suggestions of it, which the past few times I am sure to point out all the different people suggesting it.

They are assets on omaha too.Grump just stop crying all the time about omaha ''not being played'',its mostly you and your squad mates which u told to write in all chat ''omaha pls''.Saying that somebody is biased when u are biasing your own squad mates its kinda iconic not gona lie.
Become admin yourself then,parachute drop omaha is better and people mostly want it coz its more fun then the landing one,and also u have other 20+ 2km maps which are better then omaha coz better gameplay and fps,if u once got good on omaha doesnt mean everybody wants to play it all over again.Or u can make your own 24/7 omaha landing server :) .

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-21 14:30
by Vip(er)-4-1

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-22 23:57
by Tony_AbbottPBUH
is that positive or negative feedback you flog

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-23 18:28
by CAS_ual_TY
Vip(er)-4-1 wrote: :D DDDDDDDDDDDD epic
This isnt harsh. I kicked entire 8 man squads from my server as well, mainly for freekitting and just being useless and not working with the team. Only during prime time ofc when those seats would be instantly replaced.
The "defend the flag or I will turn the server off" message is a bit weird though, but no context so whatever

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-07-26 14:55
by transpilot
CAS_ual_TY wrote:This isnt harsh. I kicked entire 8 man squads from my server as well, mainly for freekitting and just being useless and not working with the team. Only during prime time ofc when those seats would be instantly replaced.
The "defend the flag or I will turn the server off" message is a bit weird though, but no context so whatever
That might be a reason why a94 wasnt that great

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-08-01 16:21
by UncleSmek
Server is good and stable nowadays but Solidjabar is constatly putting the same maps in every vote besides his biased admining. He is also very rude. At this point having him admin brings down the quality of the server with same maps in the vote several times in a row even if people recommend other maps.

Re: =HOG=Hardcore Gaming *Official Feedback Thread*

Posted: 2021-08-10 22:22
by Mats391
Good job commanding on Saaremaa, Rana. Its nice to have commander that actually commands and even nicer to have team that follows him.
Sadly admins missed an opportunity to balance the teams after that round and Iron Ridge turned out to be extremely one sided