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Posted: 2006-11-02 21:55
nope lol

Posted: 2006-11-02 22:03
by Griffon2-6
Grrr.... GRRR.... GRRRR>>> grrr....... That makes me uncomfortable. But oh well, I'll just stop looking at those pictures.

Posted: 2006-11-02 22:06
by Darkpowder
very nice work. fine mix of urban and green landscapes with some very impressive lighting.

Posted: 2006-11-02 22:30
by Eden
'[R-CON wrote:. :X DR:.FRIJJ']nope lol
erm why not? Extra little bit of work means a lot to those who can read the language. I remember the flak dice got from there shoddy work on the Arabic and Chinese.

Posted: 2006-11-03 00:42
by 00SoldierofFortune00
Eden wrote:erm why not? Extra little bit of work means a lot to those who can read the language. I remember the flak dice got from there shoddy work on the Arabic and Chinese.
Yea, it should be accurate. If it is already loaded onto the 0.4 patch, the developers should consider changing it for accuracy and all.

After all, this is "Project Reality" and how real can the game be if the language/writing is wrong and the uniforms are not?

Posted: 2006-11-03 01:08
All he is on about guys is the text underneath Sunset city that i put on the screenshots, not the banner/in-game text. This has been checked.

LOL lets start a riot !!!

Posted: 2006-11-03 01:58
by Griffon2-6
Well, there is one thing in-game that has a very minor error, and that is the hardware store sign with 5 characters. Just use the first two, and the last two, omit the middle one. Also, who did you check it over with?

Posted: 2006-11-06 02:41
by [PR]AC3421
This looks like one of the best maps in a long time, really wish these kinds of maps would get played more. this one is huge to.